Lao Tzu heard that there was still no extra expression on his face, but his eyes were cold for another three minutes, staring indifferently at Zhun Ti. Although Zhun Ti had a little embarrassment, they were quickly put away and did not avoid Facing each other.

For a moment, the whole scene was quiet.

There was a strange color flashing in Nuwa's eyes, and the two of them secretly encouraged each other, lest the world would not be chaotic.

The Tongtian leader is not sad or happy. When he came here, he showed nothing, it seemed to be a simple testimony.

As for the final result, he doesn't care at all. Of course, if the two parties can fight, he is also willing to be a melon-eating crowd and watch their dogs biting dogs.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood firmly on the side of Lao Tzu. Once he started playing, he immediately joined hands with Lao Tzu to deal with Zhun Ti.

Unfortunately, as the atmosphere became more and more dignified, Lao Tzu nodded slowly, and the two of them could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. If they can, they are really reluctant to turn their faces.

Although it had long been expected that they would not be able to fight, the son-in-law could not help but sigh with regret.

If Zhun mentioned that they had a fight with Lao Tzu, they said that they could not sit in the mountains and watch the tiger fight to revenge on the previous arrow.

"That being the case, change it."

Lao Tzu said blankly.

"Just hand over Qinglian Baose Banner and Ten Pin Jinlian!"


As soon as Lao Tzu's voice came down, Zhun mentioned again, angrily.

The quasi-lifting and red-eared ears make the sad face even more miserable.

They did not expect that the request made by Lao Tzu would intensify.

"Did you really want to do it today?"

They thought secretly.

Just facing Lao Tzu, they really have some heart and power.

You should know that when the Master of Heaven taught the Xianjian array, Lao Tzu alone could retreat from his body, which is obvious.

If only they had the treasure in their hands.

However, the problem is that the realm is not as good as Lao Tzu, the precious treasure is not as good as Lao Tzu, and the supernatural power is not as good as others.

Once done, it is just a loss of face.

However, even so, this condition must not be allowed.

Although the West is better than before, it is still poor and scarce.

Qinglian Baose Banner is a rare treasure in the West. Almost in the top five.

However, if he can use him to break the cause and effect, despite the pain, Zhun Ti will still bear the pain.

If you lose, you lose. Zhun mentions that although you are shameless, you can still lose.

But the ten-pin golden lotus is quite different.

After all, this is the true treasure of Buddhism.

Although eight treasures of merit pool gradually replaced bodhi wood and twelve pinnacles.

This treasure is not as good as before.

Coupled with the battle of Fengshen, the twelve grades of golden lotus were bitten by the mosquitoes, and it was repaired after many years of cultivation.

But as long as the time is enough, repairing the twelfth grade is only a matter of time.

Furthermore, the lotus is also a symbol of the Buddhist gate.

The so-called flowers see me, I see everyone.

The main thing is that even with the Eight Treasures of Merit Pool, Jin Lian still suppresses the luck of the Buddha's gate, which is an indispensable treasure.

And the thin dead camel is larger than the horse. The key is that this treasure is not only repairable, but also has great potential.

If other lotus roots can be obtained, the twelve-pin golden lotus can go one step further, and it is not a problem to say that the innate treasure cannot be broken. At that time, the Buddha was the real treasure of township.

Why could the Buddha tolerate lying on the side of the couch and let Zhenyuanzi sleep?

In addition to fighting for control of the land government, because of Buddhism, Babu Tianlong had Asura.

In addition, the most important thing is that the two wanted to capture the twelve-pin industry fire red lotus in the hands of Minghe.

They want to extract the origin of the red lotus, integrate it into the golden lotus, and let the golden lotus transform.

In this way, Buddhism has a real treasure to suppress luck.

As for the eight treasures of merit pool, although good, and as long as the merit, luck, and willingness to continue to temper, the power of this treasure is not necessarily inferior to Jinlian.

Unfortunately, to upgrade this piece of treasure to a level comparable to the innate treasure, it is not known how much time and effort it will take. The key is to assist the treasure.

The Buddha's gate lacks not only the treasure, but also the attack and defense treasure.

This is the real reason for them to congenially lower Xuanmen Sanqing. They ca n’t beat others.

If Jin Lian can transform into an innate treasure, then they will be completely different, they will not win, but it is still good to be invincible.

After all, Jinlian is a descendant of the creation of Qinglian. Once transformed into a treasure, even the exquisite pagoda with the heaven and earth is absolutely not inferior.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

After years of planning, there is still no hope.

It seemed to be aware of the danger. After the ancient river of the Ming River, he directly plunged into the sea of ​​blood and no longer walked the flood.

Although he knew that he was in his old nest, Zhun mentioned that there was nothing he could do to him.

The Styx is the most powerful wave of saints in all respects.

But under the saints are ants.

At that time, the reason why the Emperor Taiyi dared to face the saints was only because of the congenital treasure of the Donghuang Bell and the demon tribe almost became one half of the protagonist of the heaven and earth, and the Zhou Tianxing array.

Although the Styx River is good, it is obviously not comparable to Donghuang Taiyi.

But one thing is that no one in the whole flood can match it.

That is, the Styx is the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood.

If you change Zhenyuan Zi and Xun Peng, you can't mention them and you're going to rush.

But for Minghe, it is obviously not possible to do it directly.

The sea of ​​blood is not dead, and the river of **** is not dead.

Is it difficult to wither the sea of ​​blood?

For ordinary people, even Duobao, it is difficult.

But it is not so difficult for the saints as imagined.

It is simple to evaporate the sea of ​​blood, but the consequences of evaporating the sea of ​​blood cannot be endured by even a saint.

After all, the sea of ​​blood is where the waste treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, and return market of the flood plain are located.

Once the sea of ​​blood is damaged, the negative factors between heaven and earth cannot be carried and digested.

Heaven and earth can easily cause mass robbery ~ ~, and the consequence of mass robbery is damage to heaven and earth.

Archaic, Western ancestral veins were broken, antiquity, Tianzhu fell, the sky broke, and gods were sealed. The entire continent was broken.

This is great damage to the world.

Once this happens, the karma is so large that it is unthinkable that Sanqing, who is embracing the merits of heaven, even the son-in-law who sanctifies merits can be directly knocked down by the saint.

This is also the reason why the two did not dare to act lightly.

In fact, if Minghe is not in the Sea of ​​Blood, as long as the connection between him and the Sea of ​​Blood is isolated, it is easy to kill him or grab a treasure.

Unfortunately, Minghe did not give them a chance at all. After being aware of the danger, he couldn't shrink back.

There was no way, Zhun Ti had to send Jizo to the prefecture. On the one hand, he struggled for power and on the other hand, he also monitored the Minghe River for flaws in order to thunder. Reading Network

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