Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 855: breakthrough

Peach peach, ginseng fruit, eight-turn Jindan, and other various natural treasures, as well as the Daqitian aura, and even the aura stored in the eternal thunder pool in the eternal sky boat should not be poured into Fang Qingshan's body.

For a time, Reiki became a cocoon, condensing in essence, encircling Fang Qingshan, and it grew larger and denser.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan seemed to be back to the infant state, and he was soft and gentle.

These auras, Tao Yun, from the periosteum, to the skeletal spinal cord, the internal organs of the five internal organs, and even the acupoint brain, even the mana primal god, are tempered and promoted a little bit.

But it can be seen that under the baptism of Reiki and Tiancaidibao, Fang Qingshan's flesh, viscera, bones, and even mana primordial gods are as crystal and tough as unbelievable.

This is metamorphosis, an ascension of the essence of life.

Although Xiuwei is not as fast as Sun Monkey and others, he reached the sky in one step and reached the quasi-sanctification in one breath.

But also methodical and steady improvement.

Jinxian, early, middle, late, complete.

Taiyi, early, middle, late, and complete.

Daluo, early, middle, late, complete.


The moment Fang Qingshan broke through Daluo, the foundation was completely formed, the foundation of Dao was perfect, and the Taoist method was round.

Suddenly, a meandering and huge river ran out from the void, seemingly illusory, physical, and the combination of reality and reality; fluttering and misty, without shadows and traces, reality and reality, seemingly right and wrong.

Without knowing where to go, where all the people below Daluo are up and down, the creatures above Daluo jump out of the long river, like Zhou Tianxing's stars hanging high in the sky and shining into the sky.


The moment Fang Qingshan broke through.

The luck-leaving dragon gate representing his destiny generally flew out of the long river, and the flying dragon was in the sky, like the stars.

If it is said that the immortal is just metamorphosis, it has just achieved immortality.

Jinxian is immortal. At this step, as long as he doesn't die, he can basically live smoothly and smoothly to the three disasters and five difficulties.

And once he has passed through three disasters and five difficulties, he will be a great Luo.

It is true transcendence, all time and space, eternal and free, jumping out of the Three Realms and not into the Five Elements.

At this point, Fang Qing had completed the practice of the Da Luo chapter of the heavens and the Tao.

The mana in the body is no longer under the ordinary quasi-sacred, and the condensed degree is better than that.

The physical strength is more comparable to that of the ancestor. At this time, like Duobao, it is not to kill the top Lingbao. The ordinary innate Lingbao is not as good as his fist.

At this step, Fang Qingshan was restrained by a solid barrier.

The dam blocked the river, and the walls stood thousands of thousands of meters away.

This is the barrier between Daluo and Junyuan Jinxian.

There was no such thing as quasi-holy.

However, it was too difficult for Da Luo to break through the mixed Yuan. Taoist ancestors were not easy to practise the world. They deliberately passed on the method of beheading the three corpses, and thus had the realm of Zhunsheng.

Although the difficulty of breaking through the mixed yuan has not decreased, at least it can make people after Daluo not enter into nowhere.

Ordinary people are desperate when they encounter such bottlenecks.

But for the other side, Aoyama, although the bottleneck barriers are strong, it only depends on whether he is willing to break through.

If you wish, with one go, relying on the magic power of the weak quasi-sacred, no less than the physical body of the ancestor and the five-element cone, the breakthrough is just a matter of rolling palms.

However, it is clear that Fang Qingshan has no intention of breaking through.

Although they are unwilling to break through.

However, the situation of Fang Qingshan and Zhu Bajie is somewhat the same.

The pig Bajie is because of lack of knowledge, and it is difficult to break through.

However, relying on merit and luck, if you want to forcibly break through the trance, it is not impossible, but you need to spend more time and energy in the future to consolidate. Some are outweighed.

Fang Qingshan, on the other hand, wanted to build the foundation of all eternity and soar into the sky, crushing the enemies with the power of heaven.

And for the other side of Qingshan, in the eternal sky boat broke through the peerless level, especially after incorporating the Zhou Tianxing array and the thunder banner.

Unless he breaks through the Sage of the Yuan Dynasty.

Da Luo Jin Xian and Zhun Sheng are actually no different.

Because this eternal treasure of the eternal sky boat has an eternal thunder pool, without him to provide the driving force, with the control of Lei Di, he does not need to urge him at all.

If you do n’t see him, the chaotic battle in front of you, with the help of Jinxian Xiu, you can pit the Buddha gate.

You should know that Duobao is the first person under the saint, and everyone else is also quasi-sacred, and it is not the bottom quasi-sacred.

So many people shot together. Under the saint, one counts as one, the emperor jade emperor, Zhenyuanzi, Minghe Kunpeng ... and even the resurrection of the Emperor Dong Huang is definitely not an opponent.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan did not continue to break through.

Instead, I collected all the remaining merit and luck for future use.

After all, the next time you want to get so much good luck, it will not be easy.

The most important thing is that in front of the eternal blessing, Fang Qingshan just filled the Dao Confession into the Daluo chapter, and the later mixed Yuan chapter has not yet been perfected.

What he has to do now is not a rush to make a breakthrough.

It is to first consolidate the realm, digest the gains, and then create the mixed Yuan chapters of the heavens and the Tao.


Fang Qingshan opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body. He was filled with a great joy, and then he could not help exhaling a long breath.

"Finally, we have reached this stage of cultivation, but this is just the beginning of the road. The road is a long way to go. I will search up and down."

Dixian, Jinxian, and Daluo are repeatedly practicing the five elements. They are familiar with the five elements, but they only practice immortality. After Da Luo, he asked, what is Tao? The Tao is the law, and after Daluo, the five elements are practiced.

If you can fully control the Five Elements Rule and break through the mixed element, it is only natural.

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Jun did not see the six saints. Except that Lao Tzu controlled the laws of yin and yang through Taiji diagrams, the three corpses were all cut off and broke through the mixed Yuan. Therefore, he stood out from the crowd, and everyone else broke through with the help of Hongmeng Ziqi.

The twelve ancestors were born to control the laws of bloodlines, but in the end, only the back soil abandoned the flesh, realized the virtues, and borrowed countless merits to understand the laws, the Yuanshen enlightenment.

Fortunately, after Fang Qingshan's many efforts, he wanted to comprehend the rules, but it was much easier than others.

First of all, the three immortals of the heavens and the gods, Jinxian, and Daluo, use the five elements of heaven and earth to practice, not only to speed up the cultivation, improve the quality of cultivation, and to conceive the innate five elements magic.

In fact, this is a process of experiencing the five elements and the law in advance.

Because those five elements of heaven and earth are all made by the spirit of Zhong Tiandi, and inherently contains the innate Tao Yun, otherwise it is impossible to help Fang Qingshan understand the innate magic.

This laid a solid foundation for him. Reading Network

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