Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 856: turn around

Before Daluo, Fang Qingshan had used the unknown treasures to perceive the five elements over and over again.

It can be said that Fang Qingshan's physique has now completely transformed into the Five Elements.

This is a constitution that naturally fits the Five Elements Avenue.

Practice the Five Elements Rule with less effort.

Secondly, Fang Qingshan has gathered the innate Wufang Linggen, ginseng fruit trees, loquat peach trees, yellow Zhongli, bodhi wood, and hibiscus wood.

Although it is only the second-generation spiritual root, not the deity, the top congenital spiritual root, but under the cultivation of the three treasures of Sanguang holy water and nine days of interest, Fang Qingshan is also ranked as the top congenital spiritual root, which is enough for the other side.

Moreover, this time, he also got the top congenital spiritual root, five needles with all five elements.

Originally, Fang Qingshan was still considering whether to use the five elements of the roots to help himself to practice, or to return to his original position and help the world tree become a part.

Don't worry about it now.

As long as the five roots are incorporated into the five needle pine, it can break them and become the top ten roots in one fell swoop.

The five elements of Taoism, coupled with the top five elements of the roots of the spirit, you can see the effect of one or two.

And in addition to the five-pin pine, Fang Qingshan also has a Qinglian Baose flag and a flame flag off the ground.

Wuzhensong and Qinglian Baose Banner will not say, it is the booty that Lao Tzu extorted from the two. All were given to Fang Qingshan.

As for the treasure from the flame flag of the ground, it was originally a treasure that Lao Tzu gave to Xuandu Archmage.

As for why it was in the hands of Fang Qingshan.

The reason is simple.

It was traded by Fang Qingshan. The sun and moon beads of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit were used that year.

Although the sun and moon beads and the ground flame flag is a little worse. In exchange, Master Xuandu seemed to be suffering a lot.

Everyone knows that loss is a blessing.

Xuandu Master is different from everyone else. Lao Tzu was a preacher of his own, and the benefits are tightly given. There is more than one top-level congenital spirit treasure.

In addition to the flame flag off the ground, there are eight palace lights, as well as Qiankun map and so on.

And although the sun and moon beads are not comparable to the flame flag of the ground, but in the end it is also the top congenital spiritual treasure, and can be given by the Master of Heaven to the Holy Mother of the Turtle.

The main thing is that they are in the same door and have a good relationship. If Fang Qingshan can really break through, it is also a good thing for Xuandu Master.

One person said that the chicken and dog were ascended to the sky.

Fang Qingshan, who has the eternal sky boat, has this qualification.

Moreover, Fang Qingshan also promised that he would return him a treasure that is not weak in Wufang Banner.

In this way, Master Xuandu not only sells human feelings, but also earns spiritual treasures, and even Fang Qingshan eats meat. He can still drink soup. Why not do it?

Get the off-ground flame light flag, including the original Xuanyuan control water flag and the trophy Qinglian Baose flag.

The congenital Wufang Banner has been gathered on three sides by Fang Qingshan, but it is only the Yuanji Tianhuang in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun and the plain cloud world flag in the hands of Yaochi Golden Mother.

Fang Qingshan wanted to put it in his pocket, but unfortunately he was so shy that he couldn't get any treasures that could be exchanged.

As for counting on Lao Tzu? Don't think about it.

The master leads the door and practices in the individual.

It is already Lao Tzu's intention to trade off the flame flag with Master Xuandu, and it is not good to be insatiable.

Moreover, even if there is a treasure that can be compared, the Yuanshi Tianzun will only be there, and the queen mother may not be willing to exchange.

After all, the plain cloud banner is not only a defensive treasure, but also a juxian flag, just like the enchantment of the demons. When this flag moves, everyone in the world knows it. For her, this flag is no worse than the Fengshen list in Haotian's hands.

Although for a time, the other two Wufang Banners could not be included in the bag, and they could only be stunned, Fang Qingshan was determined that he could definitely take them.

Because of the chess board of heavens, he can go to the floodland before.

While these treasures have not yet fallen into their hands, with their closeness to the Five Elements Avenue and the three flags they already have, they can definitely get them in advance.

Even if it falls into Hongjun's hands, as long as it is not directly given, but placed on Fenbaoya, there is a great chance for him to get it.

At that time, after seeing the five needle pine, Fang Qingshan then slashed the corpse with the innate Wufang Banner, then the three corpses returned to one, and the Five Flags were combined into one. Even if you do n’t use Hongmeng Ziqi, you can definitely break through the mixed Luo Daxian Jinxian. It is just possible to face the robberies of heaven.

But Fang Qingshan, who sits on the eternal sky, is not afraid of this at all.

Since raising eyebrows can do this, there is no reason why they can't.

But now is not the time to think about it. To go to the famine, first of all, we must settle the matter of the immortal world and get the treasure of the gate of immortality to ensure that the breakthrough of the mosquitoes is not hindered.

Right now, when you travel to the West, you not only have successfully completed the set task, but also have received much more than you expected.

Other than that, a thunder banner alone is better than everything.

Not to mention merit and luck, disciples of Lingbao, eternal Tianzhou promotion, cultivation as a breakthrough and so on.

"It's time to go back."

Fang Qingshan said leisurely.

Looking up, it seems that you can penetrate time and space.

At the same time, the mosquitoes in the immortal world almost looked up with a smile, and they seemed to look at each other.

Fang Qingshan first went to say goodbye to Lao Tzu, then said goodbye to Master Xuandu, and finally met with Boyi Kao, Liu Er and Hong Ba.

Then my heart moved, communicating with the chess board of the heavens, and left the Journey to the World to return to the world of eternal life.

This time, Fang Qingshan did not evade, and directly opened the space in Dachitian.

After all, Lao Tzu has long known that he has such a treasure, and compared to the eternal sky boat, the heavens chess board will no longer be eye-catching. More importantly, although Lao Tzu does not have such a treasure, he can also walk on the heavens by virtue of cultivation Wanjie. Therefore, it will not be stung.

When Fang Qingshan left, Lao Tzu, Xuan Du, Liu Er, Bo Yi Kao and others immediately felt something.

Then they knew that when they met again, they did n’t know it was the year of the monkey and the year of the monkey.

Immortal world, fairyland, five elements gate.

There was a wave in the space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed that the water waves were ripples, followed by it, as if the curtains were generally separated on both sides, Fang Qingshan stepped out, and the tunnel disappeared, turning into a chessboard and falling into the Fang Qingshan mud pill.

Just as Fang Qingshan appeared, the mosquitoes came to him.



When both sides saw each other, they could not help but widen their eyes and their faces were incredible.

Although they have two bodies and one mind, the Yuanshen do not share unless they take the initiative, they all have independent personality.

Moreover, the eternal life and the Westward Journey are far apart.

"I didn't expect it. I thought I could surprise you, but I didn't expect you to surprise me first."

Halfway, the Mosquito man couldn't help but sigh and shook his head and said, but his voice was full of joy. Reading Network

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