Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 861: Come to the door

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

A series of hasty, jarring bells rang across the five elements.

An atmosphere of depression and tension instantly filled the air.

Countless white mists suddenly soared into the sky, as if they came out of nowhere, and instantly wrapped up in all directions to isolate them from the outside.

Followed by, saw the infinite sword light rising up the sky, like the Ganges sand number, the sky stars.

Then, there are six portals divided into eight wastes and six combinations, corresponding to life, death, obscurity, light, fantasy, and destruction.

Liangyi dust dust sword array.

Fang Qingshan left a large array of mountain guards for Wuxingmen.

As long as the people who enter the battlefield do not fall into disillusionment and destroy the two, life and death are tied to one thought.

To enter this array, you must enter from the dead end. The dead door is difficult to enter and easy to survive; the living door is easy to enter and easily trapped.

This time, the dead gate is in the northeast, living to death, living in death, the living gate is in the southwest, easy to enter and difficult to exit, boil frogs in warm water, the magic gate is in the center, infinite change, easy to get lost, trapping the true spirit, destroying the gate East is the hub of the battlefield. If you want to break the battlefield, this is the key. The obscure door is in the extreme south, and the darkness is like paint. It is more desperate than the magic door. The bright door is in the northwest. Only this door is open.

Liangyi Dust Sword Formation is a large group of people and towns, and Zhou Tianhong was evolved with Liangyi Dust.

Once you fall into it, you can't distinguish between east and west, north and south. Just like headless flies roaming in it.

There are defenses and offenses in this array, it can be said that there is no flaw.

Those clouds don't seem to change, but in fact they change all the time. Clouds and fog are the most subtle things, and it is difficult to distinguish between change and change.

There are many killings in the battle.

In this chaotic world, the Five Elements Gate can still maintain a relatively detached position. Except for the Mosquitoist, Fang Qingxue, Fang Han and other votes of the Immortal King, these two fine dust sword arrays also contributed.

If you want to destroy the Five Elements Gate, you can't break this array.

Although the two dusty sword arrays are not clear at all, the two instrumental charms suppress the array of eyes, and the mosquitoes and others have arranged a relatively weakened array, but they are already the top array for the entire immortal world. Compared with the thirty-three-day array that was created by the 33-day arrogance of the heavens of good fortune.

Not to mention Tianjun, it is the immortal king who falls into it and may be trapped alive.

This is also the disaster. After people knew that Fang Qingshan was the culprit, they didn't act rashly, but instead took the liberty and sought out all the bitter masters, made plans, and then shot together.

It's not just a matter of complacency and success, but also for security.

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack!"

"Who dares to invade my Five Elements?"

"Damn it."


For a time, the entire Five Elements Gate was alarmed, and a powerful breath burst into the sky.

As long as the disciples who are not close to life and death are flying out of Dongfu.

Good guy, in addition to a five king, there are dozens of people in Heaven. As for the God below him, there are more disciples in heaven and earth.

In addition to the fighting power of the Immortal King, such a strength can almost catch up with the great forces before the outbreak of air transport in the immortal world, chasing after the top forces such as the truth.

However, even with such a force, the faces of everyone were so dark that they could drip water.

Because, through the large mountain guard, they can clearly feel what kind of forces and forces came to attack the mountain gate this time.


The dynasty of origin, the heaven of fortune, the sacred place of truth, the patriarch of heaven, the demon ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, the divine realm, the Buddhist realm, the foreign realm ...

Almost half of the strength of the immortal world came.

On the one hand, mosquitoes and Fang Qingshan looted the treasure trove of major forces, making these people want to avenge their enemies.

Of course, hatred is obviously not just because Fang Qingshan robbed the treasure house of all parties.

For example, although the Holy King of the End enshrined in Feng Baiyu, although the Protoss is second only to the ancestor of the Holy King, it has an irreconcilable conflict with the Protoss. The last time I followed Fang Han, it was the Protoss who killed one yuan. Dozens of Heavenly Kings.

In his previous life, the Buddha of King Shakya almost became the master of the Buddhist monk, but fell down because he was stolen by the world's infinite king of Buddha for his chance of creation and even secret calculation.

Another thing is that the Five Elements Gate, with its own power, actually gave birth to the five immortal kings. Although the immortal kings are not as rare as before, they are still a bit scary.

And these five fairy kings are not ordinary kings.

Fang Qingshan could counteract the entire heaven of heaven with his own strength.

Fang Qingxue is the reincarnation of the electronic mother Tianjun. The first person under the former fairy king can even use the king to defeat the fairy king.

Fang Hannai is one of the three masters of the Fang family, and has achieved the age of the fairy king, not under Fang Qingxue.

Feng Baiyu, the person who ended the holy king's sustenance, the Buddha's Sakyamuni Buddha is not a simple figure.

Maybe only the exquisite fairy deity is a bit shameless, but behind them is Hongmeng Taoism.

This person is the God of Immortality, and he is very afraid. If he gives up the magic weapon, even the Lord of the Immortal King Yuanshi Demon Lord may not be stronger than him.

Although there are only five people, they have almost the power to sweep the world.

But this strength made others feel the pressure, and no one wanted to have an existence that could suppress everyone, so everyone joined hands.

In addition, many people are very embarrassed about Wuxingmen, and there are many enemies in Wuxingmen.

He is an eternal sky boat, a stolen fetish, a mystery of the gate of eternal life.

Although now entering the golden age, the immortal king claims to be endless, but he still has no clue about how to break through the immortal king and obtain the mystery of eternal life.

Therefore, Fang Qingxue is still the key.

At that time, when Fang Qingxue was only an electric mother, he resisted the immortal king of evil, and even broke through the gate of eternal life for thirty-three days to create a treasure.

Now that he has broken through the fairy king, if he does not contain it, will there be hope for others to break through?

There is hatred, there is mischief, there is mischief.

How can this not attract the crowd to attack it?

For a while, but seeing everyone can do everything possible.

The first thing to do is disaster and others.

It can be said that the person who created the heavenly court and Fang Qingshan have a common hatred ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ From the Taiyi of the secular world at that time, to the five elements of the monarch sent to rise, stealing the treasure of the heavenly heaven, even the fundamental treasure Thirteen days made the treasure, and not long ago, Chaos Tianjun got out of trouble and conspired against the Emperor Lei Di.

Fang Qingshan cooperated with Fang Qingxue to take advantage of the fire and robbed Lei Emperor Tianjun completely.

If it hadn't been for the thirty-three days of holy goods, or for the coincidence of disaster and eternity, they could be promoted to the fairy king.

Even so, the heaven of fortune has already fallen, and it is no longer the top force of Megatron heaven.

Such grievances, when they come up, are dead hands, the thirty-three days of holy goods immortal, unpredictable.


There is a voice of the tide that can almost drown the heavens.

There are umbrellas, swords, swords, towers, bows, locks, and claws. Thirty-three shadows appeared.

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