Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 862: Out of the treasure

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Magic Talisman is a set of combined spiritual treasures, each of which is very powerful, not even weak against the ancient Heavenly King, which is comparable to the disasters of the past.

This is because after breaking through the immortal king, they re-sacrifice again. Although they did not let the sacred fairy immortal breakthrough the good fortune, they also marched toward the heavens and feats, and their power increased greatly.

For a while, but thirty-three Supreme Treasures were connected together, forming a mass of Qionglou Yuyu, the heavenly palace, suppressed.

In the previous thirty-three Heavenly Treasures, although each one is equivalent to the Heavenly King, the thirty-three Heavenly Treasures are the thirty-three Heavenly Kings, which can sweep any existence under the Immortal King.

It is precisely because of this that the fortune heaven intends to suppress the sacred place of truth and the dynasty of origin.

It's a pity that I don't give it.

The opening of the market has completely opened the Pandora's Box, and the chain reaction is like the domino effect.

Fortunately, after the disaster, the eternal two broke through the fairy king and re-sacrifice the treasure.

Although it did not restore the power of the Emperor of the Immortal Emperor in that year, it also reached the level of the gods of the heavens.

Although one is still equivalent to Heavenly King.

However, the former Tianjun is just a newcomer Tianjun in one or two, two or three epochs.

Now it is at least five or six, six or seven, which is comparable to killing, chaos like Chaos.

The most important thing is that the 33-day Zhibao is connected together, and the 33-day array can be arranged.

Now, the thirty-three days of Arcana is the same as Liangyi Wuchen Sword Formation. The ordinary fairy king does not have Arcana. There is absolutely no reason to survive such repression.

As the thirty-three days to Tianmen fell, several portals followed.

One is the gate of origin.

This is the treasure of the dynasty of origin.

It is a treasure bred from the origin of heaven and earth, and holds part of the rules of heaven and earth.

If the gate of heaven falls, it feels like dominating the heavens, reigning supreme, distorting the good fortune and grasping the avenue.

Then the door of origin can make people retrograde time and space, trace the origin, and understand the origin.

Origin, development, universe, destruction, re-birth of origin, every cycle, every time a world is opened, from origin to extinction, and then from extinction to origin, again and again, flowers blooming, long years, watching the rain and the clouds, the vicissitudes of the sea.

Time is the eternal ropeway. I do n’t know where it is. Infinite is not repeated. However, the only constant is the origin of the avenue.

In addition to the gate of origin, the Holy Land of Truth has sacrificed a gate of magic.

Before many chaotic eras, there was an artifact created by the name of the gate of all mysteries. According to rumors, it was transformed by the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, mastering a part of the rules of the heavens and the earth, but it is a portal formed by the magic of the heavens and earth.

Mysterious and mysterious, the gate of all mysteries.

But obviously, the portal of the dynasty of truth is not that one, but a gate of all kinds of magic made by the king of truth.

Although it is only a cottage, it is no worse than the gate of origin and even worse than the gate of heaven.

With the three forces of creation, origin, and truth, the three forces of action.

Other forces also offered their own treasures.

The protoss sacrificed is also a portal, called the gate of Xunxian.

It is a fetish forged by the prince of the Protoss, almost comparable to the coffin of the heavenly burial.

This is the treasure that the ancestor Saint King refined for the purpose of attacking the fairyland.

Suddenly, Fang Qingshan actually felt the slightest breath of the fairy sword.

A falling door is not only a force of repression, but also a sharp killing.

Tianyi Mother Goddess sacrifice the Mother of All Swords. This is the sabre of Tianyi Mother and Goddess. It is the combination of Tian Mother and the God of Creation. This sword has forged many epochs and is very powerful. As soon as anyone collides with it, it will instantly become motherhood of all things.

The Yuanzong Demon Sacrifice is a ship of sin. This is the supreme weapon they used to confront the gods and gods of the heavens.

Huang Fu's boat on the other side is far from comparable.

Of course, this sin ship and the eternal sky are completely incomparable.

However, although this treasure is not the three-life stone, it is no worse than the gate of the gods and the gates of all things.

The Buddha's Gate offering is a large male treasure hall.

The gold is brilliant, but it doesn't look tacky, but Baoxiang is solemn.

The Buddha is full of light, and the Brahma sounds burst.

A dragon ball was sacrificed by Dragon Realm.

This is a dragon ball. It is made from the dragon ball that is second only to the dragon of the ancestor and the ten thousand dragons.

Dude, at least one immortal king from one side, and at least the treasures of the heavens and gods, together, the power is meant to break the whole heaven.

Although Liangyi Weichen Sword Formation was powerful, even the entire sky was shattered, and between the breaths, dense cracks were scattered on the gates of the six formations.

Fang Han, Fang Qingxue, Linglong Xianzun and Feng Baiyu naturally did not allow this to happen.


Several people burst out at the same time.

Fang Han took the lead in offering the eight floating slaughterhouses he had personally sacrificed.

This is the supreme magic weapon passed down from the ancient Tianlong family. After Fang Han's sacrifice, many treasures were incorporated. Today, like the thirty-three heavenly treasures in the hands of disaster, it is just a holy product, but it is comparable to the gods of the heavens. It is infinite and mysterious.

Fang Qingxue also sacrificed his 99th Supreme Supreme City.

Eighty-one kingdoms composed of huge Taikoo castles forged by sacred things, contain glory, order, disaster, chaos, eternity, heaven and people ... and even creation, origin, truth ... Such myths and legends are all-encompassing, similar to Fang Han's era. Each one is an invincible sacred weapon.

Later, Linglong Xianzun and Feng Baiyu each had their own means.

The exquisite celestial offering is the Hongmeng Temple, which is refined by the Hongmeng Taoists. It is extremely powerful. Tianjun can win all Tianjun invincible hands.

In the hands of the fairy king, Linglong Xianzun, there are almost six levels of power from Hongmeng Taoists.

The wind white feather offering is the bow of the gods he created ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dusk Arrow.

The bows of the gods were made from the corpses of the protoss after he killed one yuan master.

The Dusk Arrow is made by collecting the twilight of death when the yuan protoss falls, and cooperating with the gods he understands.

If Fang Han's shot was Wanlong Chaocang and Wanfo Chaozong, Fang Qingxue was a sky-thunder and lightning, and the day punishment came.

And Linglong Xianzun is ambitious, resonating with the sky, the wind and white feathers fall, but it sounds like the death knell is ringing.

However, it was seen that with the arrow of dusk, a powerful protoss master fell down one after another, the blood of the corpse, the sky, the disintegration of the corpse, and the roar of the dead.

The bones are astonishing, and the blood flow is indescribable.

The sighs of gods and demons gathered together and turned into a burial burial at dusk, burying the demons.

The air of dusk filled the sky.

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