Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 863: Turn over

"When will it be shot?"

Deep inside the Wuxingmen, Fang Qingshan and the mosquito were sitting opposite each other, and a water mirror in front of him clearly projected the situation of the Wuxingmen at this moment.

However, neither of them looked worried at all.

Also, based on their cultivation, even if they do n’t use the treasure, relying on a group of fairy kings, but also the fairy king who just broke through, do they want to turn the world upside down? It's simply a glorious world.

"What do you say?"

Fang Qingshan asked with a faint smile.

"Hey, I can't wait."

The mosquito licked his lips.

Good guy, when you see these people coming out of the nest, there are endless treasures in your hands. If you leave them all and devour them, you will take a big step forward, and you will enter some distance from the mixed yuan.

Because of the mosquito and tadpole personality, I ca n’t wait to see something good and take it for granted.

"In that case, let's go!"

Fang Qingshan said lightly.

Originally, he returned only to wait for the gate of eternal life to manifest. After seizing this treasure, he could continue to pursue the avenue in the flood.

But don't want to, you don't find trouble, but trouble comes to your door.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan can only say that if he wants to make him die, he must first make him crazy.

There is a way in heaven, you do n’t go, **** has no way to vote.

Just when Fang Qingshan was about to make a move, Fang Han and others were about to hold on.

Although they are powerful and the magic weapon in their hands is sharp, but none of them who came to besiege the Five Elements Gate is a simple commodity.

In the end they are outnumbered.

First, the Liangyi Weichen Sword Formation collapsed suddenly, followed by them crumbling.

Seeing that the Five Elements Gate was about to fall apart.


Accompanied by a sound, an ancient stone bridge straddles the void, suppressing the world.

Whether Fang Han and others, or disaster and others.

Whether it is the fairy king or the heavenly king.

Whether it is magic weapon or magical power.

Neither the vitality of heaven nor earth, nor the laws of heaven and earth.

At this moment, they were all fixed in mid-air, they couldn't move, they couldn't turn their eyes, they didn't even show the expression of horror, and they seemed to stay at the last moment, as if they were still in time and space.

"How is it possible, how could the Five Elements Gate have such power?"

Moral deity exclaimed in the hearts of others.

"Even if the Emperor of Immortals and others do not have this ability! This power seems to be comparable only to the electronic mother Tianjun calling the gate of eternal life."

Disasters and others are instantly associated with the breath of the gate of eternal life.

"No, **** it, what now?"

But more people still felt despair.

This kind of power is too vast. The immortal king looks like an ant in front of this power, which makes them not terrified.

This moment is not just a disaster waiting for everyone.

It was Fang Han, Fang Qingxue and others were shocked and incredible.

For Fang Qingshan, since the moment he rose, Fang Qingxue and Fang Han knew that he was extraordinary.

At the beginning, it was okay. Although it was great, everyone was able to keep up and see the chance to catch up or even exceed.

However, as Fang Qingshan repeatedly broke their estimates.

Every time I thought that this should be the limit of Fang Qingshan, the next time I see you again, I will definitely make myself unbelievable.

So far, Fang Han simply gave up chasing.

You should know that Fang Han is the son of luck. From time to time, the world and the world have been hit with the same force.

The reason for this is naturally because Fang Qingshan gathered together the Qiyun of the heavens and the world. Although he is not the son of Qiyun, even the son of Qiyun cannot compare with him.

Originally, Fang Qingxue and others thought that they broke through the fairy king, even if they did not catch up with the Qingshan above, but at least they pulled in the distance.

Although he still can't see Fang Qingshan's specific cultivation behavior, he never thought that he had already surpassed this aspect.

It's not that they don't think in this direction, but that they have no consciousness at all.

After all, the world of eternal life, I do not know how many epochs, but no one has fully understood the fate, refining the door of eternal life.

The most powerful thing is the Yuanshi Demon Lord. The King of the Immortal King can only be said to be invincible in the same session, but there is still an insurmountable distance from Da Luo.

It's not that they didn't think of it, but Fang Qingshan is beyond the boundaries of the eternal life.

Just like, in the original trajectory, the immortal world, at the end of the epoch, the outbreak of luck, and at most it was only frequented by Tianjun.

However, now, with the odd number of Fang Qingshan, the market is opened, and many ancient Tianjuns have the opportunity to break through.

For a time, not to mention Tianjun, it was the fairy king who sprang up like a bamboo shoot after a spring rain.

If it were n’t for the limitations of the eternal life, they would still be the living beings of the eternal life. They were born with the gate of eternal life and the suppression of the great destiny.

It is a pity that it is too difficult to accomplish this before breaking the yoke of the gate of eternal life.

Fang Qingshan is because of luck, his life style has long exceeded the shackles of a large world.

"You shouldn't have come."

Fang Qingshan walked out slowly.

If they don't come, Fang Qingshan won't go to great lengths to scrape it. It's not necessary. It's a waste of time.

At this time, he might as well create the mixed Yuan chapter of the heavens and the Dao.

But since throwing himself into the net, Fang Qingshan doesn't mind going all out.

No matter how small a mosquito is, isn't it?

However, Fang Qingshan reached out and drew a circle, sacrificing five-element bracelets of destiny magical powers, colorful brilliance, five spirit beads shining through the heavens, swept by a horse, and instantly caught a disaster that could not move.

"Well, in this case, first go and get back that half of the World Tree for the World Tree clone."

Fang Qingshan originally wanted to quietly wait for the gate of eternal life to appear after the world was in action. Now that he has made such a fuss, he will never do it.

Get half the world tree first.

Then took Fang Qingxue and others to the upper world.

Although I cannot count the specific position of the gate of eternal life.

But maybe Fang Qingxue and Fang Han can.

Fang Qingxue realized a bit of fate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and had a balance of fate given by her.

Fang Han is the son of the Qiyun era in the heavens and earth.

Without Fang Qingshan, the universe would be destroyed, and the gate of eternal life would reappear. Fang Han defeated all opponents and entered the gate of eternal life, completely transcended.

But now, Fang Qingshan doesn't just want to be detached, he also collects the gate of eternal life.

It is not too difficult to achieve this.

After all, Fang Qingshan is a person with money.

With the power of falling treasure nowadays, even congenital treasures can fall.

The only trouble is that the gate of eternal life is not a simple congenital treasure, but also a heavenly artifact of the eternal world.

The heavenly artifacts in the world of thousands may not be more powerful than the innate treasures.

But the reason Heavenly Artifact is the Heavenly Artifact is to mobilize the power of the whole heaven and earth.

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