Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 864: Spirit world

Among the floods, after the three lectures by Zixiao Palace, Hong Jun was divided into beings.

Regardless of whether it is the three treasures of heaven, Qiankunding, or Xunxian Sword Formation, why do they still keep the jade dish of good fortune?

It stands to reason that the broken forged jade dish is not much stronger than Kaitian Sanbao.

In terms of attack and defense, they are not as good as others.

This is so because the forged jade dish is a heavenly artifact.

The quality of the heavenly artifact is not necessarily the strongest, but it is the most suitable for the existence of the heaven and earth avenue.

In the local heaven and earth, the enemy of heaven and earth artifacts will not only be suppressed by heaven and earth, but because of the power of heaven and earth, the heaven and earth artifacts can even erupt and surpass the power of the congenital treasure.

This goes down. The gap can be imagined.

This is why Fang Qingshan didn't rush into action, but first went to the West to explore the great world, to plan for merit and luck, to break through Da Luo, to escape from fate, and then to advance to the eternal sky.

It is to suppress the variables with absolute strength, otherwise, the side effects may be lost.

"You calm down and prepare, I will go to the world of God, and when we come back, we will go directly to the upper world. At that time, we will also ask the elder sister and Fang Han to help you."

Fang Qingshan will collect the repressed Tianjun. After Zhibao handed it over to the Mosquito Taoist, he turned to laugh at Fang Qingxue and others who did not seem to have returned.

"Do you want us to find where the gate of eternal life is?"

After listening to Fang Qingshan's words, Fang Qingxue took a deep breath, and was frightened, Emei said.


Fang Qingshan nodded and did not hide.

At this time, Fang Han also returned to God and asked,

"But the third son has already broken through the immortal king, preaching forever?"

Hearing this, Linglong Xianzun and others suddenly widened their eyes, staring at Fang Qingshan in a blink of an eye, gazing at the air.


Fang Qingshan chuckled and explained,

"I did break through the immortal king, but the words of immortality are a bit exaggerated."

"When you have entered the market, you must know the size of the heavens and the vastness of the sea. The so-called eternal detachment in the world is nothing but Da Luo."

"Don't say, Daluo is the quasi-sacred and mixed Yuan above. He dares not to say that he will live forever. I am afraid that only by reaching the level of eternal Qinglian can we be truly immortal.

Fang Qingshan said, could not help but sigh.

I don't think how ferocious Chaos Demon can escape.

Pangu is almost comparable to the avenue, sitting on three chaotic treasures, still unavoidable.

The road is long and long, and I will search up and down.

If you do not reach the eternal realm, you may fail.

Although everyone had felt from the previous Fang Qingshan's shot, but it was really confirmed from his mouth that it was difficult to accept for a while, and his mind was blank.

Although I know that the transcendence of his own world is only Da Luo, there are more realms on it, born with bounds, and boundless with boundless paths.

But in the end they accept the influence of their own world.

After all, how many epochs and heroes are trapped in the immortal king, but now someone has broken through. Or someone close to him, a person who once chased.

It is because of their mentality that they feel shocked for a while.

Fortunately, they were all very human, and Fang Qingshan had given them too many surprises long ago, transcending their imagination, so they calmed down after a while, but they looked at Fang Qingshan with some complexities.

After all, Da Luo, detached, but they used to pursue it now.

"Nevertheless, the boy is already ahead of everyone."

Fang Qingshan smiled slightly, but said nothing.

Their vision is still too low. When they travel to the heavens and earth in the future, they will know that Da Luo is only the starting point of seeking the Tao.

"Why are you looking for the door to eternal life now that you are detached?"

At this time, Fang Qingxue asked suddenly.

"Haha, elder sister, don't underestimate him."

Fang Qingshan did not conceal it, and explained the true truth of the gate of eternal life.

"This is the innate treasure, which is a treasure that is rare in the heavens and the world. If it is in other big worlds, I am afraid that even the saint of the Yuan Dynasty must **** it in person."

"So it is."

Fang Qingxue and others nodded clearly.

Although the preciousness of the gate of eternal life was known, no one showed any greed.

They know how much power they enjoy.

Although the door to eternal life is good, it is not something they can have.

Not to mention this treasure has been set within Fang Qingshan.

Even if Fang Qingshan didn't want it, they couldn't get it. Even if they got it, they couldn't keep it.

A man is guilty of innocence.

"Okay, you guys get ready, I'll go back as soon as I go."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a divine light flashing at the foot of Fang Qingshan. As soon as it stretched and shrunk, it emptied things, through time and space, and in an instant, there was no trace.

This is not a magical power, but a bridge on the other side.

In fact, this Lingbao is at most similar to Sun Moon Pearl in terms of quality.

The reason why Fang Qingshan integrated it into the sky boat.

He valued his potential. The inner law of space, the law of space, is one of the top laws among the three thousand roads.

Time is supreme, and space is king.

Moreover, he can also tear the space, gain speed, and as for the suppression of geomantic fire, it is only incidental.

In a big world like Honghuang, or in chaos, the speed of the bridge across the shore does not seem to be so fast.

But in the world of eternal life, as long as there are coordinates and a heart movement, a tenth of a second will arrive.

Fang Qingshan dealt with the Protoss, but it has been a long time. When he was in the world and was still in the mysterious realm, he had already killed the Protoss and gained many benefits.

Later, it was through the scourge of the Protoss that unified the Xuanhuang world and gained luck and merit.

In the process of fighting with the protoss masters, Fang Qingshan has repeatedly felt that they opened the virtual **** channel or blessed, or fled.

But for the first time in the world of virtual gods.

Virtual God Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Beyond Heaven Realm, it is the old nest of the Protoss, which was opened by the Holy King, the ancestor of the Protoss.

At the end of each epoch, heaven and earth will be destroyed.

After each extinction, the holy King of the Protoss of the Protoss will reopen a new divine realm in chaos.

Moreover, as the prince's sage king became stronger and more developed, the origins of the divine realm became more and more powerful, and the corresponding protoss that subsequently bred became stronger and stronger.

Fang Qingshan stepped forward and stepped into the realm of heaven from heaven.

Looking around, the good guy doesn't seem to be smaller than the heavens, the vastness and the vastness.

Unlike the entire continent of heaven, this place is somewhat similar to the sun and moon void of the Xuanhuang Great World, but the Xinghe Universe.

But there are huge, boundless, solid gold planets, draped over the gods.

Noble, graceful, showing the taste of dominating the heavens everywhere.

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