Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 865: Charge world tree

"It's such a divine realm that it really deserves to be second only to the celestial realm. I am afraid that even when the world of Xuanhuang was the strongest!"

Fang Qingshan couldn't help expressing his emotion when he looked at the planet with the average number of sands on the Ganges River in Divine Realm.

He can clearly feel that every planet is inhabited by billions of protoss, forming many families, forces, nations, tribes, alliances.

A planet with billions and billions of planets can be imagined by people alone.

And these people are not ordinary people, at least they have the cultivation of supernatural powers, most of them are masters who are older than life, and the backbone is at least Jinxian Xiu. God and heaven and earth are everywhere.

But Tianjun, the fairy king seems to be hidden in the depths of the **** world, rarely seen.

If this force erupts, I am afraid that the heaven will be occupied by the Protoss immediately. Any heaven, the dynasty of origin, and the Holy Land of Truth will fall.

Of course, the struggle between races mainly depends on the gap between the strongest. Not quantity.

However, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes. Protoss forces inhabiting millions of planets have condensed together and turned into a flood of magical magic. They can also resist the attack of ordinary monarchs.

In addition, the protoss is not without masters, the ancestor Holy King will not say, Tianfei, the ancient seven emperors have achieved the immortal king Zhizun.

In addition to these, when coming to the realm of God, the biggest difference is a force of repulsion.

The divine realm is different from the celestial realm. The power of God is dominant here, and other powers are suppressed here.

Even if it is lowered, without special means, it may fall directly in the face of the erosion of the power of God.

Of course, the other side's Aoyama doesn't work. How he cultivates now, even if he tears the divine realm, it doesn't matter, let alone be suppressed by the power of God.

After a brief look at the surrounding environment, Fang Qingshan's eyes instantly attracted the world tree in the center of the **** world. ??

Not only because the world tree is too big to be ignored, but more importantly, the world tree in the congenital small world almost ran away when it sensed the breath of the world tree.

"Yes, yes, with this half of the world tree, there is absolutely no problem with breaking through Daluo."

Fang Qingshan used to think that the so-called half-world tree was really only half-cut.

But now it seems that at least two-thirds are complete.

And I don't know if the world tree itself is very powerful.

It is still because of being sacrificed by the ancestor of the prince to become the pillar of the virtual **** world, suppressing the treasure of the gods' luck.

Fang Qingshan feels that this half of the world tree does not seem to be much worse than the half he got from the last time.

But I saw this half of the world tree standing directly in the deepest part of the divine realm.

Cover the sun and cover the sky, Optimus Sea.

The world tree alone is no smaller than the 100,000 states that created the heavens.

What's more, Fang Qingshan also noticed that the world tree still adhered to the outer planes like the camel planes densely.

The texture of branches, leaves, and even bark, even the rings, are all planes.

Good guy, the world tree is really well-deserved, including the world of the Ganges.

Just when Fang Qingshan was feeling the world tree.

Not only the World Tree avatar, but the half of the World Tree that supports the virtual **** world also felt the same origin of the World Tree. No one here expected this, and no one suppressed it. Therefore, half of the World Tree rioted.


For a while, the entire world of virtual gods was suffering.

The first is that the various planes attached to the world tree rose up with the world tree, were shaken down, collided with each other, and a great destruction occurred.

Secondly, the world tree is not just the source of thousands of trees. The world, the world, is a one-world world, and naturally contains three thousand roads and one yuan trail.

With the riots of the World Tree, the rules are disordered.

Sometimes the snow is flying, the storm is sweeping, the world is frozen, sometimes on the tenth day, there are several planes on the red ground, sometimes the sand is flying away, the sky is dark, the lightning is thundering, and the dark clouds are pressing down the city, as if the heaven punishment is coming.


"what happened?"

"How did the World Tree riot?"

"Not good, help!"


This move of the world tree has caused a great deal of bad luck for the protoss.

This object was sculpted by the ancestor of the Holy King to become a treasure of the gods to suppress luck. I don't know how many years have passed, and there have never been any problems.

The Protoss have long been unprepared for the world tree that has changed the color of their conversation. Because of this, it is only because of a sudden disaster that the damage will be more serious.

"Presumptuous, set me!"

Fortunately, the Protoss is not a person without a subject.

Seeing the world tree was about to rise.

But all of a sudden bursts of hair shot in the void, like dragons.

Three thousand feet of white hair, fate seems like a long!

However, we can see that those hairpins that have changed tens of thousands of words in a flash, a huge "fate" appears in the air, suppressing the sky above the world tree.

Then, I saw a woman stepping out of the lotus step by step, with a beautiful face, and a twinkling light of wisdom in her eyes. This is a kind of magic light that is in the hands of a bead that holds victory.

The coming person is the Goddess of the Protoss, second only to the existence of the first ancestor and the end king.

Followed by the ancient seven emperors of the Protoss and others to join forces to perform magical powers to cooperate with Tianfei, to suppress the world tree.

"Just don't bother me, just give me!"

Under the repression of Tianfei and others, the struggle of the World Tree is getting smaller and smaller, and it seems to be stabilized.

But Tianfei and others had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and a voice sounded in the void.

"not good!"

Tianfei waited for a moment, and her heart suddenly hesitated.

Unfortunately, there was no time to respond, but it was seen that an aperture larger than the world tree fell from the sky, condensed into substance, flashing colorful brilliance, and fell towards the world tree.

Between the beards, the glory was dim, and the world tree disappeared for an instant.

"not good!"

"world Tree!"

"What the **** is that!"


Seeing that World Tree had been stolen by others under their eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tianfei and others were immediately angry.

This is not just because of the face, but also because the world tree is extraordinary to the protoss.

Once the protoss nemesis, except Tianfei, everyone was restrained to death. Once in the hands of outsiders, it is a terrible disaster.

Fortunately, the ancestor Holy King shot to cut off the world tree, and use the world tree to stabilize the **** world and suppress the luck of the protoss.

Turn disadvantages into benefits.

In one era, the people of the protoss have become accustomed to the existence of this half of the world tree, used to suppress the luck of the world tree, and assist in spiritual practice.

This time the world tree was taken away by Fang Qingshan, and suddenly felt a lot empty in his heart.

What's more, the divine realm without the suppression of the World Tree is even more chaotic than previous World Tree riots.

This is as if it was just a war of the Lich before, and then it was unlucky.

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