Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 869: Fairy battlefield

They come, the security!

Anyway, they have to be resolved. What's the matter later, earlier?

He knows that these people are stumbling blocks to take the door to eternal life. Sooner or later it will be dealt with.

However, he originally thought that he should at least go to the upper realm. In the fairy king battlefield, after the gate of eternal life appeared, these talents would jump out, but he did not expect that the home would be ready early.

It is just that it is better to clean up them in advance, and save him from taking care to prevent these people from messing up when he collects the door of eternal life.

"Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no time!"

He was still thinking how to find the door to eternal life.

He originally wanted to use Fang Qingxue to get the favor of the gate of eternal life, and wanted to use Fang Han as the son of the era to find the gate of eternal life.

It seems unnecessary now.

As long as there is a war, the gate of eternal life must be present.

Why did the origin of creation wait for a long time before the immortal king disappeared from the heavens and earth, went to the immortal battlefield, to the gate of eternal life?

In addition, they want to go further, to trace the destiny and to explore the mystery of the gate of eternal life.

As in Honghuang, they are all forbidden by Heaven.

The battle between the immortal kings is too dynamic, and the heavens can't bear it at all. Once you let go of your arms and legs, it will destroy the heavens. Arriving early at the end of the epoch, this situation is obviously not allowed by heaven.

As for the floods, driving them into chaos is certainly not realistic.

After all, they don't even have Da Luo one by one, not to mention living in chaos, it is difficult to stroll around.

Then there is the fairy king battlefield projected by the gate of eternal life.

This is the gate of eternal life specially prepared for those fairy kings.

It doesn't matter if you are tossing around here, unless you have the ability to break the door of eternal life.

Moreover, this battlefield is not just a place to toss the fairy king.

If anyone understands this mystery, they can enter the gate of eternal life and live forever. It is a pity that no one can break through to reach this important state in the past.


Just as Fang Qingshan was about to start, suddenly there was a terrible existence, supreme, sweeping invincible, immortal forever, all kinds of mysterious breath fell into the sky.

Feeling this breath, this power, whether it is Fang Qingshan, or good fortune, is shining.

Then, a mighty force wrapped everyone around and turned their hearts.

In the face of this power, it is impossible to resist the strength of Fang Qingshan Daluo Peak.

However, if he uses the power of the eternal sky boat, it is possible, but it is not necessary.

Because he knew it was the power of the gate of eternal life.

The battle of the immortal kings, especially so many peak wars of the immortal kings, there is no need to wait for the end of the epoch, the world is destroyed, and the entire eternal life can be destroyed directly.

One peck and one drink!

Although it is almost at the end of the epoch, it is clear that the calamity, evil spirits, and so on have not been brewed to the maximum, and it is not the time for the great destruction.

Therefore, the gate of eternal life obviously does not allow such things to happen in advance.

Sure enough, Fang Qingshan expected.

Seeing that they are about to start.

The gate of eternal life took the lead and moved them out.

When he opened his eyes, he had reached a strange territory.

Of course, here is just stranger to the other side Aoyama, but it is no stranger to the origin of the fairy king and others.

Fairy battlefield!

Yes, this is the battlefield of fairy kings.

Looking up, all are endless storms. These storms are formed by chaotic and violent laws, just like the previous World Tree Riot and the Divine Law Riot. It's just that the divine realm is a special case, but it's the norm here, and it's powerful.

Of course, in the battlefield of the immortal king, in addition to reasons such as disordered rules, unparalleled killing, violent vitality, and so on.

It is also the same as the place of origin and the bottomless abyss. It contains a lot of immortal wills, supernatural powers, and a mess. The various forces are impacting, the ground fire and the wind are raging, forming a chaotic void.

If you say that the abyss of the bottomless, even if Tianjun accidentally enters one of them, he will fall.

Then the battlefield of the immortal king is an upgraded version of the bottomless abyss. Even if the immortal king is not strong enough, it will be consumed here.

After the disaster, morals, and even Fang Han, Tianfei and others broke through the fairy king, why didn't they immediately come to the fairy king battlefield?

In addition to their incompetence, they still want to gain more opportunities, and more importantly, they know that the fairy king battlefield is not so mixed.

And if it ’s disaster, morality, people with backgrounds like Tianfei do n’t care. Others who are hostile to the protoss, Buddhas, dynasties, and holy places will face greater danger.

Of course, danger is always only for those with insufficient strength.

Fang Qingshan, Zaohua, the ancestor Saint King and others will not have this problem. Their cultivation is arrogant enough and the magic weapon is sharp enough. The dangers here are nothing more than a disease of mange and it is not a big threat at all. .

After all, the various dangers on the battlefield of the immortal king are just the traces of the existence of the immortal king's battle or death, which will last forever to form the terrible environment today.

But the fortune and others are the king of the immortal king. Don't say that these people are dead. Even when they are alive, they can't cause much trouble to them, let alone Fang Qingshan.


Before it's too late for Fang Qingshan to take a closer look at the battlefield of the immortal king, the ancestor Shengwang and others have already shot.

The first step is to be strong, and the second step is to suffer.

Not to mention, Fang Qingshan is still a peerless existence.

If it were not for the gate of eternal life, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said that whoever killed Fang Qingshan would be able to break through Daluo, and Fang Qingshan itself would make them stubborn and jealous, and no one would shoot at all.

However, the lion beats the rabbit with all its strength. Since it was shot, it is naturally the most powerful attack, without any test.

The first person to take the shot is the mythical old man. This is the master of the heavenly mother, who is still above the truth and the origin, and is a treasure of the myth that is the mirror of myth. It is one of only two broken strong men in the eternal world. Second only to Yuanshi Demon Lord,

Why is the Yuanshi Demon Lord capable of almost invincible mana and opposing the heavens. Even if it is besieged by many immortal kings and left behind, it can still enter the gate of eternal life with an extremely arrogant spirit? Except that he has the most powerful fortune treasure under the immortal gate of Sanshengshi, their cultivation is extremely powerful.

"I am a myth, not a legend. Myth hits me with immense power."

"The world is chaotic. I opened it with one axe and became a pure land. The pregnant gods are immeasurable."

After the mythical old man, it was not the Yuanshi demon master, nor anyone else, but the ancestor of the Protoss, the Holy King.

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