Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 870: Each show

Good guy, if it wasn't for his quick action, the Protoss had been thoroughly cut and rooted by Fang Qingshan.

Although speaking of his cultivation, under normal circumstances, the Protoss can basically not help him much.

But the first ancestor King still opened up the divine realm again and again to conceive the protoss?

In addition to wanting the Protoss to attack the 3,000 worlds, and even occupying the heavens, like the Three Families of the Flood, the Lich and the Lich, they unified the entire immortal world and became enlightened by immense fortune.

The reason is simple, just in that Pantheon.

From the previous Tian Fei and other servants to the Pantheon, we can see that it is only about one thousand Tianjun plus a few protoss who entered the fairy king, which is not much worse than the ancestor of the Holy King.

If one day, the pantheon is filled with heavenly monarchs, why do n’t you worry that something will not happen? Avenue missed?

Moreover, the Patriarch ’s Holy King believed that as long as he waited, one epoch would not work, two, three, ten, anyway, he could afford it. As long as one epoch and one epoch accumulated, the power of the Pantheon would sooner or later reach his own. Ask, help yourself to take advantage of eternal life.

Although the gate of eternal life is promised, as long as Fang Qingshan is killed, it will be given to eternal life.

But for the ancestor of the old churros, they can only believe this three points.

Everyone only talks about three points, but we can't give up all our hearts.

And, aside from true and false reasons, you have to live to the end first.

Since the gate of eternal life did not take the initiative, it was intimidation and temptation, especially the promise of eternal life. Obviously, this is not an easy task. After all, how much you get will only pay more.

However, everyone came.

It's just thinking. After all, people have many strengths and succeed, and naturally they are all very happy. If they don't see the right situation, they will retreat immediately.

However, at the beginning, the idea of ​​the prince's holy king was broken.

Because Fang Qingshan almost destroyed the Protoss and Pantheon.

That's his backhand and his real hope.

Therefore, this feud is not shared.

That's why the ancestor Shengwang shot so fast and so hard.

Between the arms, the natural axe in his hand was raised high, and an axe swept out in a mysterious trajectory.

The ancestor Holy King Han shot with anger, wherever Axe went, the solid void in the immortal battlefield was easily split, split in half, and cut on the spot. In the axe of the god, convey the meaning of Kaitian. Relentlessly chopped down towards Fang Qingshan, all invincible.

One axe is chaotic, one axe is four creatures, one axe is open, and one axe is clear ...

It seems that everything in the world must be completely chaotic and completely destroyed under this **** axe.

Of course, this Kaitian Zhenyi cannot be compared with Pangu's Kaitian Zhenyi at all.

After all, Pangu opened up the vast world of wasteland. An axe can slay the Chaos demon, and the ancestor saint king can kill the fairy king at most. The most opened up is a small thousand world.

But no matter what the world is, it is truly innocent, deep-rooted and experienced.

After all, the Divine Realm was pioneered by the first ancestor King, and every time the world was destroyed, after the divine kingdom returned to chaos, the First Patriarch King would hold the big axe, and then open up the Divine Realm to achieve a pure land.

I thought that the prince's sage was so persistent that it was for the Protoss and the Pantheon. Now it seems that it is to cultivate the axe of the sky.

"Knowledge creates civilization, and civilization generates wisdom. Wisdom belongs to truth. Truth exists in eternity."

After the ancestor of the King, everyone except the Yuanshi Demon Lord almost did it in succession.

The King of Truth had a strong tone, and his intention to kill was abrupt.

"I mean heaven, I say heaven, my heart is heaven, and I am the unbreakable truth."

The one-handed fist of truth and the one punched out, the power of the infinite law is distorted, and everything is obscured. Only his fist is the supreme truth and the supremacy.

Offering one treasure in one hand, the gate of all wonders. It wasn't the Moral Fairy who had besieged the Five Elements Gate before and was finally taken away by Fang Qingshan. The Supreme Treasure transformed by the mystery of heaven and earth was actually obtained by the King of Truth Fairy.

However, it is not surprising to think that the King of Truth can copy a heavenly deity, which is almost the gate of the mystery of the most precious. Obviously, both the understanding of the mysterious way and the opportunity of the gate of the mystery are not small.

It was right that the gates of all magic fell into his hands.

"Three thousand avenues return to the origin, and the origin appears in Wanfa."

The fairy king of origin also exhibited his own special skills.

One shot was the Avenue of Origins, and at the same time, a treasure, an innate door was sacrificed.

There is a mixture of things, born innate.

Rumor is also the highest treasure in the universe. It has many chaotic epochs and the general existence of the gate of all mysteries. It represents the innate power, has the power to transcend heaven and earth, and is completely before the innate earth.

Actually speaking, no matter the origin of the fairy king or the innate hand of the fairy king of truth, the gates of all the magic, they got it thanks to Fang Qingshan.

Because Fang Qingshan opened the market, the immortal world has ushered in unprecedented changes and a great explosion of luck.

Many treasures were born in search of God.

This gives them a chance.

The world's free king Buddha, the great power of the Buddha world, is almost the first master of Buddhism, far exceeding the world's infinite king Buddha, the Lord of the Buddha world.

"Li Po Li Di Po, Qiu Di Qiu Di, Dhara Nidi, Ni Li Di, Li Li Di, Maha Jiadi, Zhenling Gandi, Shapo."

With the free singing of the King Buddha in the world, there is a Buddha image behind him. This image appears one after the other, such as the tens of billions of sunshine shining on Mt.

It looks like reality, it looks like reality.

Countless causes and effects are entangled on it. They are nothing, but they really exist. They ca n’t see the past, they do n’t see the future. They just live with the world and recite the scriptures with the world ’s free King Buddha.

With his hands printed, he printed a slogan. Although it is not a treasure, it is not worse than the treasure.

"When I have eternal life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All the heavens, hundreds of billions of micro-dust, all my beings are free and infinite."

"When I have eternal life, all time and space, past and future, all kinds of stars, broken into dust, all beings. If you think of my name, you will have eternal life. If not, I shall not have eternal life."

"When I have eternal life ..."

"When I have eternal life ..."

With a single big aspiration, it shook countless time and space, countless souls, deep in the soul, and even Tiandi Avenue, it seemed to cater to the voices of Hongmeng Taoists.

A halo rises from behind my head, like the twenty-four heavens that light the lamp. Inside are all living beings. With Hongmeng Taoist chanting with both hands together, the piety is extremely incomparable, and a mighty wish burst forth like a torrent.

Hongmeng wishes!

This is Hongmeng Taoist shot.

Sure enough, the world ’s free king Buddha gambled, one win, one defeat, and one draw, which made the fortune-making immortal king deeply jealous of the Hongmeng Taoist. Compared with others, he chased after the mythical old man.

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