Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 889: Sea of ​​blood

"Ignore it first, regardless of whether he is in the sea of ​​blood or not. Take it down first."

No matter what the identity of the mosquitoes is, it is doomed to endlessly with Minghe.

Because he knows the big sea of ​​blood, he can move forward and backward freely in the sea of ​​blood. By virtue of this alone, the Ming River will also leave the mosquitoes.

Otherwise, the Heming River will probably have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

After all, no one wants anyone to touch you silently. The man who will kill his life.

Looking at ordinary attacks, there is nothing wrong with mosquitoes. Heihe Dang even changed his strategy.


Styx River first sacrificed Yuan Tu Abi's two smashing swords.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The sound of swords screamed and kept on.

The sword swelled into the sky, which could pierce the universe and fell into the galaxy.

Although Wu Shuang is undefeated, it doesn't take a bit of fireworks, but it seems to separate the sky from the earth, cut off the yin and yang, cut off life and death, and leave only endless darkness.

When Jianguang moved, the whole sea of ​​blood seemed to be mobilized, but it was seen that the sea of ​​blood was boiling, the turbulent waves pierced through the sky, and the clouds of smoke were like arrows. The fog locked the sky, the undead flew away in horror, and the raging waves rolled to the shore.

A round of monstrous **** crescent moon rose, blood poured down like mercury, sticky and bloody, giving a spooky and creepy feeling.

After the beard, the thin murmur sounded before the sea of ​​blood swelled, and it was inaudible. After three or five breaths, it turned into a sharp cry, mixed with ghost sounds, the sky collapsed fiercely, It seems like **** is coming and all ghosts are in trouble.

Without the use of the eternal sky boat, a mighty force descended from the sky and instantly dragged Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes into a strange space.

Sea of ​​Blood!

After knowing that ordinary methods could not deal with Fang Qingshan, the Minghe River immediately decided to mobilize the blood sea. In addition, Yuan Tu and A Bi killed two pieces to kill Bao, and added three points of attack power.

"go with!"

Then, the mosquito Taoist pulled on his body again and threw the treasure of the Scarlet Shura Banner into it. While strengthening the defense, the change of the gain matrix was changed.

Between the crickets, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes smelled a faint fragrance, and there seemed to be soft and soft female voices whispering to her ears, followed by another girl with a beautiful and fragrant nature, and came around, ringing and jingling .

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito do not know where this is the power of the blood sea array to mobilize sexual desire.

Sure enough, these young girls came with fluttering clothes and tulle dancing. The graceful figure was looming. The skin exposed was as fine as porcelain, the slim waist and the undulating peaks and peaks exuded every inch. charm.

Even if the mosquitoes and Fang Qingshan are well-informed and have a strong sense of mind, coupled with knowing that it is the effect of matrix formation, they can't help but breathe.

Although it was quickly suppressed by Fang Qingshan, as soon as the Tao heart moved, there was a flaw, and the **** atmosphere seemed to be all-pervasive, and it passed through the barrier silently and silently and entered the Fang Qingshan mud pill palace. The immense amount of merit guarding in the midst of it may ignite the Yuanshen instantly, stir up the heart, and wait for the war, or burn yourself.

It seems that the changes in Fang Qingshan's body are sensed, and the operation of the matrix method is even more powerful.

But I have seen young girls or enchanting people, or as cold as the moon, or as cold as the blue, or rich peony, or rose prickly, or Xiaojiabiyu, but no matter which one, they are all charming and shameless. Flowers, thousands of people, a lot. Only you can't think of it, no matrix method can't evolve.

The power of **** is ever-changing, weird, and indefensible.

The so-called hero is sad for beauty, love Jiangshan more love beauty.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many philosophers and benevolent people, hero heroes planted on beauty eroticism.

As long as Fang Qingshan and Mosquitoists were willing, these beauties could undress immediately and go to Yunyu Wushan with them and open the meeting.

"Good guy, this is also this seat. There is a treasure to suppress luck, there is no merit, there is no way to attack it."

Feeling the change of formation, Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh.

"Changing another person, I'm afraid that even Long Zu may be involved."

Although this method of eroticism is not strong in killing, it is even more corrosive to people. In the silent, the subtle and subtle will destroy the Yuanshen.

"Unfortunately, it is not enough to deal with us."


Mosquito and Fang Qingshan at the same time beep.

A sharp sword is like nothing but reality, full of endless wisdom, and emerges out of thin air.


All the lusts of **** melted like Dongxue met Yangchun.

Wisdom sword, cut love silk.


In the middle of the large array, Ming He saw that this method could not help Fang Qingshan, and the law in his hand changed immediately.

In a short time, the beauties who had just appeared to be ready to eat immediately changed their shape, each with blue-faced fangs, holding a crying mourning stick, enchanting spirits, ghosts crying, and clouds rolling.

All of a sudden, the Nether Earth House, a hundred ghosts engulfing themselves, eighteen floors of hell, all kinds of torture, one after another, only torment that was unexpected and unseen, appeared one after another, entangled in the body.

Don't think these are illusions.

The so-called fake is true when it is true, and inaction is good for nothing.

You think it ’s fake. Once it ’s really unprepared, or if a flaw is revealed, the fake immediately becomes true. The damage caused by the large array is not an illusion. If you think it ’s true, it may be false, and you cannot explore the large array. Even if it consumes, it will consume you to death.

"The refining of falsehood becomes true, and the transformation of the false and the real, but unfortunately still does not work."

Fang Qingshan shook his head.

Sure enough, without Fang Qingshan's hands, the mosquito Taoist shook his wings.

But the buzzing sound was like a thunder, and it was no less than the sound of the surge of blood sea waves. Then, I saw a dark cloud flying out of the mosquitoes, and even the blood of the moon seemed to be covered. After Xu Xun, it seemed like an explosion and scattered. The punishment of those evil spirits rushed around.

Regardless of whether he is true or not, he treats it as real anyway, pierces it and directly devours it.

"Blood God!"

Seeing this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Minghe was shocked.

At the same time, the identity of the mosquitoes was truly determined.

This method is only available to them. It's as if one gasification Sanqing is a symbol of human education.

Although the mosquito's avatar is not a blood god, the two have the same purpose.

After all, the Blood God Son also has the effect of swallowing flesh. As long as he flutters on the living body, he only has a little skin left.

"Damn it !!!"

However, the identity of the mosquitoes was confirmed, and the killing intention in Minghe's eyes was almost condensed.

Not everyone who was born with the same origin can be like the son-in-law of Fuxi, who can be referred to the general liver and gallbladder.

The so-called is a mountain that cannot be tolerated, but the side of the couch will not allow others to sleep.

The best result is to drive someone away or devour it directly. Reading Network

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