Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 890: Loneliness

In the Great Journey to the West, if Fang Qingshan changed his life against the sky, the final result of the six-eared macaque would be the indulgence of Rulai and others and beheaded and killed by the monkey monkey, stealing life and fortune.

They are all mixed monkeys. If they can devour each other, they can not only cultivate for the great advancement, but also complement the source and make infinite use.

This was the original trajectory. After the journey westward, Sun Monkey's merit and fortune brought him up and achieved a victory over the Buddha. He became one of the best masters under Duobao and truly protected the Buddha.

Styx and mosquitoes are naturally the same.

There is only one Lord of the Blood Sea, and they have two more.

Just like the throne, only one person can finally sit up.

For the throne, my brother-in-law killed his father, Jiulong won the emperor, and so on. Eighteen martial arts, all kinds of conspiracy and tricks, took turns to battle, each showing his magical powers.

This is only the throne of the world, not to mention the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, which is second only to the heaven and earth position of the saintly fruit.

Although the Lord of the Blood Sea is not as good as Hongmeng Ziqi, it is the foundation of the road.

Even if you become the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, you cannot become a saint, but if you are good, you can become the most human. In the Sea of ​​Blood, he is the Heavenly Way. It is not easy for the saint to come. The Styx is immortal, just like the three emperors of the tribal world, who is a saint, immortal.

The world is full of benefits, the world is full of benefits.

Not to mention the avenue.

Therefore, there is an irreconcilable contradiction between Styx River and mosquitoes.

This is a contradiction in sermons.

The avenue travels alone, and only one person can walk along the same road.

Why did Laozi count the pine needles of Kong Xuan?

Not only because this object has a great help to Qingshan, it can also attack Kong Xuan and help Fang Qingshan indirectly.

With the elimination of each other, Fang Qingshan added a few odds.

So there are two people in Minghe and Mosquito Road, unless one exits.

But who wants this kind of thing?

Avenue is fighting!

Thousands of sails, hundreds of races.

Taking a step back is not the wide sea and sky, but the missed avenue.

Just like when Zixiao Palace started to talk, Hongyun was lucky to grab the position. If she persists and seizes the chance, enlightenment may not be impossible, but because of concession, she will be allowed to lead the two to steal the opportunity. With the foundation of sanctification, even his life was lost.

The quasi-citizen who received his benefits not only failed to repay him properly, but also turned a blind eye to his death.

Sheng Mein, Dou Mi Chou.

The cause and effect of Hongmeng Ziqi is so great that the Buddhist monk cannot afford it at all.

The best solution is one hundred. As long as Hongyun is dead, this cause and effect will naturally be broken.

Therefore, when facing the avenue, retreating cannot solve the problem.


The law in the hands of Styx changed again.

In time, in the formation, whether it is a beautiful beauty or a terrifying ghost, whether it is a sea of ​​blood, a screaming howl, or a high blood moon, even time, space, everything It disappeared like a dreamy bubble.

The whole world is empty, clean, silent, deadly silent.

There are no geomantic fire, no heaven and earth, no moons, no souls, no sound.

Only loneliness and loneliness that go deep into the bone marrow,

Even the cycle of time does not exist. It seems that it has remained unchanged forever.

Seeing this change in the large array, the faces of Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes finally showed their dignity.

Although the beauty monsters in the front are good, compared with such a nihilistic change, they are unreasonable.

In front of Qingshan, I have heard of a method of confinement. Do not fight or scold. It just makes people stay in a small black house for a while, but it is people who talk about change. They are people who are determined. Over a long period of time, you will lose your mind.

Don't talk about mortals. In the rumors, Pangu opened up the world because the chaos was not angry, the chaos was too big, the creatures were too few, and it was too dull.

It is conceivable how terrible this solitude, loneliness.

No change, no color, no sound, nothing, no hope, just like a living dead.

In the face of this situation, it is simply the rhythm of driving people crazy.

If you want to break down this obstacle, you will either break the road and rebuild the order directly, just like Pangu.

Either the Tao heart is eternal, untouched by foreign objects, or left to wind or rain, or it is lonely and empty, the Tao heart is eternal.

The lonely and lonely space constructed by the Blood Sea Array is naturally impossible to compare with the chaos that is suppressed by Pangu.

Although the mosquito-path man accumulates resources, it is not that he does not practice. His heart is not enough to provide enough, and to support himself with all things.

Whether it is time and space, cause and effect, destiny, or nothingness, even lust, loneliness, greed can be devoured.

Therefore, this formation can't help him at all, it is just a bit of trouble to break the formation.

What about Fang Qingshan? Although he is not high, Dao's heart is very strong.

Each breakthrough has reached its limit, but it is the foundation of a thousand years of history, soaring into the sky, using the power of the sky to crush the enemy.

Although this array of changes has been dramatic, it can't help him.

It's just like the mosquitoes, if you break the array by yourself, it will take too long.

Even though the Styx River is now just the beginning of Daluo, the origin of the blood sea is less than one tenth.

But after all, it is the blood sea guarding the big formation, but it is the real formation method that is second only to the three great battles of Honghuang.

In order to avoid night long dreams,

Fang Qingshan still decided to use the eternal sky boat to cut chaos with a sharp knife. Otherwise, as time goes by, it would not be good if the three groups of dragons and phoenixes, or even Hongjun and Luo Yan were shocked. Even if you are not afraid of them, it is not good to expose yourself, after all, Fang Qingshan still thinks of muddy water and fish.

I was fortunate in the past and lost my life, but now I must ensure success. Who knows that the mosquitoes still have so many resources?

Fortunately, although I use the eternal sky boat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but don't expose too much hole cards.

There is no need for a thunder banner, no need for the Zhou Tianxing array, and even the chaos magic horns do not need to be used. As long as the death sickle is slashed, it will be directly reduced to ten sessions.


Suddenly from the void, for a while, a huge sky boat burst out of the air and emerged from nothing.

The sky is vast and boundless, covering the sun as if it could fill the entire void.

Around us, we can hear the prayer sounds of hundreds of millions of souls reverently and faintly. The power of all these beliefs is integrated into the sky boat, and the power of the sky boat is enhanced subtly. Jin Guangcancan, majestic and majestic. Naturally, there is no aura of auspiciousness, and the colorful light surrounds the sky. As if the mysterious sky sounds will be transmitted at any time.

"This, what is this treasure?"

Seeing the eternal sky boat that suddenly appeared, Minghe was dumbfounded.

Unfortunately, the answer was his death sickle. Reading Network

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