Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 891: Demon remnant


The Quartet's void, which had fallen into darkness, suddenly changed, as if Pangu opened up the sky, and the first light breaking through the chaos suddenly appeared.

There is a sacred light that illuminates Bafang Tianyu. Even the light of the sun looks a bit dim under this sacred light, but compared with the light of the sun, this knife light is a little more solemn and a little bit more suffocating.

The blade of light is like snow, and the layers of void faults are cut open. When the Heihe River has no time to respond, it is directly cut over the large array.


The symphony of gold and iron rang out, echoing across the sea of ​​blood, it sounded like a top-level Lingbao of bells.

Click, click! !!

There was a slight crisp sound like a mosquito flapping its wings.

But falling in the ears of Styx was like thunder.

Followed by, they saw cracks spread like water waves ripples, and more and more, bigger and bigger.

The Styx River quickly rushed to decide, urging the formation, but a blood-colored flag emerged in the void, waving in the wind, hunting and hunting, constantly absorbing the power of the blood sea, and through its own transformation, it continued to shake out blood The strength merged into the battle and wanted to repair the cracks.

At the same time, Yuan Tu's nose also emerged, sending out a series of sword qi, constantly extinguishing the knife light.

It's a pity that the soup is only used to stop boiling and drink to quench thirst.

"not good!"

The Minghe did not expect that the eternal sky boat was so powerful, but it was necessary to cut through the blood sea with a single knife. Without too much time to think about it, he raised his hand for a dozen twelve products and the red lotus flew from his feet.

The shaky array suddenly seemed to have the backbone.

However, one after another, the red lotuses like the mandala scattered around the yehuo red lotus center, and the moisturizers silently merged into the sea of ​​blood.

With this congenital treasure, the top-level defense Lingbao blessing.

Coupled with the combination of the Scarlet Shura Banner and Yuan Tu's Nose Sword, the cracks on the Blood Sea Array are repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the entire Array is instantly solid.

Not only the defense, but the large array has been blessed in almost all directions, because the relationship between karma and fire is not the body of glazed glass, the golden body of a saint, or the body of the ancestral witch that does not emphasize karma. Anthracnose, while weakening the strength of the body, strengthens the attack, making people invincible.

In particular, the yehuo red lotus was the supreme treasure to suppress the **** sea, and the cooperation with the **** sea array was a perfect complement to each other.

"Well, I don't believe that you are really so powerful. In the sea of ​​blood, no one can push the ancestor to this share."

Seeing the integration of the yehuo red lotus, the large array was finally stable, and the river could not help but sigh of relief.

However, he knew that trying to solve the problem of mosquitoes would not work.

Previously, I thought that the two mosquitoes were highly advanced, but I did not expect that Lingbao was so powerful.

In the face of the eternal sky boat, the Minghe River is just like facing the innate treasure, and it is even better than it.

Because I do n’t talk about Tianzhou itself, just because the death sickle is better than Yuan Tu ’s nose sword, and it is not a single sword, but a combination of two swords.

"However, if the two can be suppressed, the ancestral avenue is expected!"

Looking at the mosquitoes and the eternal sky boat, a trace of greed and light flashed in Minghe's eyes.


When Muhe gritted his teeth, his body looked like a sieve, and blood rushed like a spring spray.

As soon as this blood fell to the ground, it turned into one copy, the weakened Styx.

Blood God Son!

It is exactly the same as the way of mosquitoes.

"go with!"

In the heart of the Minghe River, the blood gods are separated, and their minds are connected. Immediately one by one, they are like karma and red lotus, and blend into the sea of ​​blood. According to the formation, each node is arranged according to a certain rule to mosquitoes The Taoist, Fang Qingshan and the eternal sky boat surrounded, and then the blood gods continued to read a mystery of the mysterious, ancient and mysterious mantras, and exerted their mana against the heaven and earth. Suddenly, the wind and the sky came.

The red sky, reddish purple, black, and **** rain, poured down, and even the hull cast by the faith's willingness around the eternal sky seemed to be corroded a little. Make a noise.

This isn't the end, but Minghe opened her mouth to spit out the essence of blood, and her hands shot thousands of decrees in a row, which made Fang Qingshan familiar, and even a little frightened.

Suddenly, an extreme force came from the depths of the blood sea.

But it was seen that half of the undead sprouts sprung up after the rain, or the head was broken, the limb was broken, or only the skull was left, or only half of the body ...


Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist exclaimed at the same time.

Not to mention the thunderbolt, this piece of treasure was successfully formed by the combination of Chaos Lingbao Thundergun and Chaos Demon Lei Emperor's chest under the combination of Duten Shenlei.

In the past, Fang Qingshan had obtained a complete body of the Chaos Demon, and even transformed the bow of the Eternal Skyboat with Chaos Magic Horns. The single attack was second only to the Thunder Thunder Banner. Other flesh and blood is also directly integrated into the Tianzhou body.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito are familiar with the breath of chaos.

Although these undead are only the blood of the chaos, they still show the chaos and chaos. The supreme power of Ao Xiao and the Eighth Party, even if you just glance at it, you can feel a kind of terrifying coercion. The tide came rolling in, and each statue was more terrible than Duobao and Kong Xuan that Fang Qingshan had seen.

As for Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan, and others, it is difficult to compare. Fang Qingshan has not seen them actually make a shot.

However, in terms of breath, at least there is no downwind.

The mighty coercion flees wildly in all directions. If it were not covered by a large array of blood, I am afraid the whole flood and scare would be alarmed at this moment.

Chaos devil is indeed a chaos demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if it is dead, even if it is just a little chance, it can make people feel that the top of the head is not Zhoushan, directly on the body, even the eternal sky seems to have fallen a little.

"how is this possible?"

Fang Qingshan and the mosquito Taoist looked at everything in front of them with incredible faces, as if they had come to the ancient chaos and the demon was running rampant.

Although it is known that the sea of ​​blood is a negative factor achievement of Pangu's foul blood gathering floods.

Fang Qingshan thought that in addition to the ancient blood of Pangu, there might be the blood of the devil and god, but he did not think that the blood of the devil was still suppressing the demon soul.

You know, Pangu opened the sky, in addition to raising his eyebrows and fortunately, the three thousand deities had to survive.

The other demons are either completely annihilated, or they have directly evolved into floods and creatures.

For example, the fierce beasts before Dragon and Phoenix, and even Zulong, Tianfeng, the Five Elements ancestors, the yin and yang ancestors, and Luo Ling were all demonized, and even Fuxi, Nuwa, citation, and mention in the future may be the same. Reading Network

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