Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 894: Cover up

Although the blood **** son of the ancestors of the river can also devour flesh and blood, it is frightening, and Deng Ying in Shu Mountain relies on this to run the world. But compared to the mouthparts of mosquitoes, it's too far away.

Nothing is broken, nothing is swallowed is not a joke.

Even the top-level congenital Lingbao, which is second only to the congenital treasure, is incapable of blocking the mosquito tract, so that it is too late to be rescued, but it can be imagined that the mouthpiece is powerful.

Especially at that time, the mosquitoes were just born, they were not so high, they were not polished.

But now it is not only Xiuwei who has reached the quasi-sacred, but also the brilliance. Even if it is an innate treasure, the saint's golden body may not be able to stop his edge.

When the mouthpiece was tied, it was almost as if ordinary rivers and lakes had encountered Beiming magical powers, and it was completely unstoppable.

And unlike mosquitoes who eat other Lingbao Linggen, TiancaiDibao.

Muhe and him come from the same source. After swallowing it, it can be turned into its own use after a little operation, without having to digest too much. The speed of assimilation is astonishing.

"Ah, it's a shame!"

Mosquitoes sighed while devouring the Ming River.

There are many people who are not happy in life.

Now the Heihe River has just changed shape and has not yet grown up. However, in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, the origin of the blood sea was less than one tenth.

Ingesting him, in addition to making up for the origin, for the mosquitoes who have already been quasi-sanctified, it is equivalent to eating a peach, ginseng fruit, which is a complete understatement.

If the devastation of the Styx River is devoured, at least he can cultivate a small realm of progress.

Moreover, not only Xiuwei, but also Heminghe's blood, killing, and understanding of various avenues can also be stolen by mosquitoes.

However, if that's the case, Minghe will not be so easy to kill.

After all, the sea of ​​blood is not dry, and the river of **** is not dead.

And at that time, the Styx River was already the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, the Lord of the Six Reincarnation Shura Road, the ancestors of the Shura tribe, and the Lord of the Shura religion. Killing him, how much luck was lost.

Gains and losses, gains and losses.

"Do not!"

Along with the regrets and regrets of the mosquitoes, the unsatisfactory meaning of the Heihe is the resentment, hatred and despair.

The Lord of the Seas of Blood, the Lord of the Heavens, and the Ming River, which is expected to be a saint, have not yet been born, but it has become history.

Sad and sorrowful, too!


After extinguishing the Styx River, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito do not stop. The speed on the hand was a little faster.

Fang Qingshan asked Lei Di to sacrifice the death sickle towards the void.

This is not a vent or a neurological problem, nor is it a hidden person there.

It is to cut the long river of fate and disturb the heavens.

After all, both the Chaos Demon and the Tenjin Thunder are too eye-catching.

Fang Qingshan didn't want to be exposed so soon, at least until the mosquitoes were sitting firmly on the Lord of the Blood Sea, and he handled his identity properly, he would not be caught by the heavens, and then he did not want to let people find them until he successfully touched the fish in muddy water.

Followed by, I saw that the mosquito Taoist people packed up the old mountains and rivers with a thunderbolt, and rebuilt the broken sea of ​​blood.

"Stand up!"

With this, the mosquito Taoist uttered a flick, and the avatar after swallowing the Heihe River did not recover, but just like the previous Heihe Lineup, directly spread out, occupy the nodes, cooperate with the deity, make thousands of decisions, and re-raise Method activation.


The sea of ​​blood trembled, and a blood mist rose again, covering the whole sea of ​​blood.


Fang Qingshan controlled the eternal Tianzhou to suppress large bursts of eyes.

If it weren't for the fall of the Styx River, the source would be damaged, and at this moment, the sea of ​​blood is almost unchanged.

However, Fang Qingshan was not affected much.

Although the origin of the Blood Sea has been damaged, the Heihe River has not been completely refined.

And dealt with the chaos demon soul, not only merit, but also lifted the hidden dangers of the sea of ​​blood.

There is no reward for punishment.


The mosquitoes were in the hands of a decisive maneuver. The whole blood sea space fluctuated, disappearing like a dreamlike bubble, and the entire thing disappeared from its place.


"Tianjin Thunder?"

"how is this possible?"

Halfway through the middle, the eyebrows rushing towards the direction of the blood sea, Hong Jun and Luo Yan almost jumped in excitement at the moment of the appearance of Du Tian Shen Lei.

There is no expression of the old **** raising his eyebrows anymore.

After all, he was the real one who came down alive from the city of thunder and thunder.

No one knew him about the power of Duten Thunder.

Even Luo Luo, although he is also a demon of chaos, has been reincarnated in the end.

And the raised eyebrows now have the traces of the celestial thunder split on the hollow willows of the chaotic spirit root.

"First the strange number, then the Chaos demon, and now all the gods and thunders are out. What's going on?"

The three stopped inconsistently, with a frown on their frowns, a count of their fingers, and followed, revealing an unexpected and reasonable expression.

"Well? Where did Chaos appear?"

Too late to think about it, the three ran towards the previously deduced direction at a faster speed.

If it is said that the natural world has changed, and there are strange births, it is only a small trouble for them, and they can ignore it.

There are chaos demons that reproduce the rivers and lakes, and that is a big trouble. If you don't pay attention, you may break the inherent balance and destroy their respective plans.

As for the Pangu capital Tianshen Lei, they were completely unexpected.

After Pangu, they thought that there would be no more Tianshen Thunder, but they did not expect that they thought too much.

"Is this Pangu's second hand?"

The three could not help guessing.

No wonder they think so. After all, as soon as the chaos demon breath leaks, Tenjin Thunder immediately follows.

Think about the endless relationship between Pangu and Chaos Demon, and it makes sense for the three to make this idea.




When the three raised their hearts, hurry up and hurry up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ hurriedly rushing along the breath, but did not expect halfway, the breath was cut off, the calculation of the magical opportunity, but it was a piece of Obscure, nothing counts.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

At this time the three were almost scolding their mother.

It doesn't matter how it is deduced. Now even the source has disappeared, as if it never happened.

I don't know, I thought they were playing with them.

"Hey, forget it, whether it's Chaos Demon or Pangu Shenlei, what does it have to do with me? Let me heal the injuries first."

"Whether it's Pangu or Chaos Demon is dead, even if there are some means, what is it? Go off and go off!"

The first raised eyebrow shook his head and moved his foot, and there was no trace immediately.

The speed is far beyond the 280,000 miles of Dijiang's fluttering wings, and it is even more non-fireworks, like the antelope's hanging horns. Reading Network

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