Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 895: Join hands

After raising his eyebrows, Luo Yan and Hong Jun were both annoyed for a while, patrolling for a while, but did not give up.

For both of them, it is not good for anyone to have such uncontrollable things appear at the bone of the dragon and phoenix.

After all, it is Chaos Demon and Duten Thunder.

Unsure, uneasy in my heart.

Now it is a matter of two people's testimony. They can't afford to be sloppy, so Hong Jun and Luo Yi grit each tooth to sacrifice a treasure, want to break the long river of fate, and the mist of heaven.

However, Luo Luo took out a spear in his hands, and the unmatched killing force rushed up into the sky, and for a time, the black clouds condensing like a substance were pierced through by the heaven and earth. It was clear and clear, although it was short, and soon gathered again, but it was also terrifying.


The gas-free machine pressed the avenues of the heavens into a mourning, and the whole flood and wasteland were so distracted for a moment, it seemed to become eternal for a moment.

With a magic weapon, it ranks first among the top congenital Lingbaos in Honghuang, and its attacking power chases the existence of Pangu.

Killing unparalleled.

What Yuan Tu A nose sword, what Xixian sword, what death sickle, on killing fell, compared with more than a star point.

On Fang Qingshan's observation, I am afraid that in addition to the thunder banner that has not yet been promoted, among the congenital spirit treasures, it is well deserved.

Coincidentally, Hong Jun also took out a banner in his hand at this moment. For a time, Xiaguang wore blue sky and Ruicai thousand masks covering the sky, exuding the solemnity and solemn majesty that I have.

Above the carcass, all the spirits of Tianshen burst out. It seems that the chaos will be destroyed and the world reopened. The face shows the unparalleled picture of Pangu Great God holding the **** axe to open the world. There is a mysterious mysterious word outside the 环绕, and there is an open-air symbol inside the 幡.

Congenital treasure, Pangu.

Hongjun shook it gently, shattering the time and space of the heavens and tearing the chaos of Hongmeng. It was even more shocking than the stun gun in Luo's hand.

If the magic gun is killing, domineering, and unparalleled, then Pangu is taking the royal road, the royal road, the emperor road, the upright, and pushing everything.

"Luo Yan?"


As soon as the two treasures came out, they found each other, and also knew that the other had the same purpose as himself.

Although the two are deadly opponents, just like the Pangu, the demon, and the Lich tribe, but now is not the time to do it, and at this moment, the two have a common purpose.

Luo Yan's eyes flashed sharply, Hong Jun's eyes dim for a while, but they all shot in unison.

弑 Spirit gun and Pan Gu 幡 cooperated to kill the past toward the hidden place of the heavenly machine.

It ’s a pity that the two were not sanctified. Although they have the treasure in their hands and the cultivation is not low, but not to mention that it is in the midst of a calamity, the heavenly machine is already very chaotic. It is just a sea of ​​blood and an eternal sky boat. With the cover of Hongmeng Ziqi, they cannot be broken at this moment.

However, it was seen that whether it was a stun gun or a pangu smashed Yuanyuan sword, it fell into the long river of fate. Although it stirred the wind and the rain and rolled up the stormy waves, the day was always a cloud cover of Yunshan, which did not reveal the true face of Lushan.



Luo Yan and Hong Jun did not expect to use Arcana, and even in the case of joining forces with the enemy, they could not even figure out a reason. After all, they were still dead.

Fortunately, one thing was finally determined, which had nothing to do with the other. In this way, I was relieved a little.

"Forget it, this seat is still going to sacrifice the Sword Sword Array. As long as it succeeds, regardless of Hongjun, it's still a ghost, a snake, and a god."

The cold light flashed in Luo Yan's eyes and turned to leave.

"Ah, it's an eventful season, and it seems the old man has to ask a few friends for help."

A fence with three stakes, and a guy with three gangs.

Hong Jun did not turn around the Zixiao Palace directly, but rushed to the ancestors of the Five Elements, Yin Yang, Upside Down, Qian Kun, etc. This is to find a helper.


Just when Luo Yan and Hong Jun gave up searching, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoists in the sea of ​​blood could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The good guy is indeed Daozu and Mozu, and it really works."

Although the two Hongjun didn't break the secret, they also shocked Fang Qingshan.

In the long river of fate, indirectly fighting with the two people once, Fang Qingshan felt that even if he owns the eternal sky boat, the thunder flag, and the door of eternal life, but in the face of these two people, they still feel that they really fight together, and finally It is more defeat than less.

The Luoxian Sword Formation in Luo Ying's hands is not comparable to Duobao, even the Master of Heaven cannot compare with it.

Because this is his companion Lingbao, which was the destiny of the Destructive Demon God Lingbao mixed Yuan Sword, which was divided into four after the great disaster.

Coupled with the magic weapon, this top-level spiritual treasure is not weak.

And Hong Jun's method is nothing more than Luo Yilai's.

Not only the Pangu Temple, but also the forged jade dish. Even the Zixiao Palace is a treasure.

The most important thing is that he is a candidate for a perfect match. It is the real protagonist of this measurement.

From time to time, heaven and earth are working together.

Otherwise, why Zulong, Tianfeng, the Five Elements, Yin and Yang, and even Luo Yan died, only he lived well, and did not even suffer heavy damage. After the calamity, he was lucky and became the first person in the flood and wasteland. .

Had it not been for Luo Yan to calculate him in the end. Not only has the Western ancestors been blown up, but also the magic path has been established, and the magic can be eliminated. I am afraid that Hong Jun will achieve higher achievements and faster progress.

Immediately, Fang Qingshan thought of the raised eyebrow that he hadn't done from start to finish.

As an all-tail survivor from Pangu's hands, and as the only chaos demon who made Daozu the only one to eat, how bad is this?

Fortunately, raising his eyebrows is not his own business, and he hangs high, otherwise, if he teamed up with Hongjun and Luo Yan, they could not say that the secret of their cover would be torn directly.

"Sure enough, none of these young people left a name."

Raising an eyebrow, Hong Jun, Luo Yan will not say, just the Styx River, everyone has the chaotic residual soul who mobilized the suppression under the sea of ​​blood as a hole card. UU Reading Book www. uukanshu.com

In the end, although it failed, Fang Qingshan was almost lost.

It's not just the source of the sea of ​​blood that hurts, if you let go of the Chaos Demon again, karma will increase, Fang Qingshan will be unable to bear it.

Typically, after my death, he was flooded.

"Nevertheless, it's okay now. Just live this life."

Fang Qingshan was relieved, and then said,

"You can rest assured that you are refining the source in the sea of ​​blood and devouring Lingbao in order to reach the limit as soon as possible, and I should find a new identity.

"A new identity? How are you planning?"

The mosquito asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Far in the sky!"

Fang Qingshan is far away. Reading Network

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