Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 896: 3 family war

"Skyline? Zhou Tianxing?"

The mosquitoes responded quickly, even when they understood Fang Qingshan's meaning.

He nodded subconsciously. Fang Qingshan had a map of Zhou Tianxing's stars in his hand to plan the ancient starry sky, and the success rate was still very high.

However, after thinking about it, the mosquito shook his head again and frowned.

"Dijun and Taiyi are different from Minghe, but the protagonist of the next calamity, and you are not me. I was originally a blood sea creature, so you can easily replace it, but you are not the original source of the sun star, so. ..... "

"Zhou Tianxing, is there only the overcast sun?"

Fang Qingshan smiled lightly, interrupting the mosquitoes.

"Lagerstroemia indica?"

The mosquitoes suddenly realized, but then shook his head,

"Although you have a map of Zhou Tianxing, Ziwei Star may not be easier to go to than Sun Star, and even if you occupy Ziwei Star? Next, you still have to face Emperor Jun and Taiyi. The most important thing is They can't kill them. "

"I think that during the first war of the Lich, the Wu clan completely overtook the demon clan, and all the gods came out in a big battle, which could directly overthrow the demon clan, but in the end, Hong Jun intervened, so that they fell short. You want To deal with them, I am afraid that Hong Jun will not sit idly by and ignore them. Besides, Zhou Tianxing is the key to dealing with the Witch clan ... "

"While Zhou Tianxing is good, it is a place of right and wrong. Because of entanglement of cause and effect, it is not appropriate to practice."

Having said that, the mosquitoes paused and suggested,

"I think you have to wait for a while. When the Daemon battle is over, isn't it better to find a chance than Zhou Tianxing?"

"Struggle between Daemons?"

Fang Qingshan heard the words for a while, and for a while, some did not respond.

"Did you forget the Five Elements ancestors?"

Mosquitoes reminded,

"Five Elements Patriarch? Why didn't I think of it."

Fang Qingshan was also dark under the lights. After being reminded by the mosquitoes, his eyes lighted up immediately.

"Okay, this is good, then I'll wait."

The ancestors of the Five Elements were originally the reincarnation of the five elements of the Chaos Demon God or received a legacy from him.

If Fang Qingshan can replace the ancestors of the Five Elements, not only can he steal his good fortune, but also inherit the Five Elements Avenue of the Five Elements Demon, which will be of great benefit to his own Five Elements Avenue.

The most important thing is that you do n’t have to plan too much yourself. After all, when you were in Xianxian Sword Formation, the ancestors of the Five Elements who had been pitted by Hong Jun could not pass that level. As long as he was half dead, he captured him, and then Just take the nest.


Not to mention Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist who were refining the origin and improving cultivation in the sea of ​​blood while waiting for the opportunity.

However, he said that after Luo Yan left, he returned to Xumi Mountain and immediately speeded up the sacrifice of the Xunxian array.

Although the Four Swords of Wuxian are four points of Chaos Lingbao mixed Yuan sword, a set of sword arrays has evolved in the process of re-incubation.

But in the end, without a map, attacking alone is not as sharp and convenient as using a magic weapon.

As a result, Luo Yan prepared to use the twelve-pinned black lotus as the foundation, tempered with the turbid air of the nine jedi and Dutiansha qi, and used the magic weapon as the pen, and the original killing avenue as the ink to outline the lines.

Create a peerless map yourself.

For a time, the heavens and the earth changed color, the evil spirits rolled, the turbulent waves trembled, and the gods in the flood and wasteland were throbbing in their hearts, as if the heavens and the earth were destroyed. They awakened from the setting and extended their fingers to calculate.

On the other side, Hong Jun was walking among the three mountains and five mountains, north and south, meeting Yin, Yang, Five Elements, upside down, Qiankun, etc., after his and Luo Yan's ancestors, inviting them to help the fists, cut off demons and get rid of demon , Just like the last catastrophe.

In this regard, whether it was because of friendship or merit, everyone naturally agreed without hesitation.

However, what Hong Jun didn't tell them was that this time the danger of mass robbery, he would leave his life unattended.

Luo Yan is not so easy to deal with. The sword fairy array, the sage cloth array, the four saints are not broken, and the Luo cloth array, there are no more than four that are as bad as his cultivation.

This makes Hong Jun feel the shadow of death, otherwise, he will not be shameless, please ask for help.

In this regard, although Hong Jun was somewhat innocent and somewhat indebted, he did not regret it.

It's better to die than to die.

Not to mention the matter of preaching.

In order to testify, Luo Yan provoked the dragon and phoenix battle, and the blood washed the world, and Hong Jun naturally did not meet a few friends.

Moreover, the ancestors of the Five Elements did not fall off, Taiji illustration, how could Qiankunding fall into the hands of Hongjun?

The point is that he didn't lie to them. As long as he can survive the catastrophe, it is natural that there will be many benefits. As for the overcoming, however, that is God ’s will.

Besides the three groups of dragons and phoenixes, not to mention the people behind the scenes, they are not small contradictions themselves.

Today I will kill a few of you, and tomorrow I will take you a few treasures. The day after tomorrow, he will be grabbing a few sites.

The entire family of three dragons and phoenixes in the general explosive package finally detonated with an irreconcilable contradiction.

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

With the ringing of a bell, the entire Sihailong tribe and the scale armor tribe were all alarmed.

This is not the East Emperor's Bell, but the Four Seas Bell. It is used by the Dragons to congregate the people. Nine sounds of the bell ring, and they must arrive every time.

Ao Guang also used it once when the Monkey Monkey robbed Dragon Palace when he was traveling westward.

As the bells of the four seas rang, the Phoenix family also blew the horn of the fowl, and the Kirin family rang the drums of thousands of beasts. For a while, birds and beasts also moved.

Taking the three dragons and phoenixes as arrows, and the ten thousand races as wings, billions of living creatures directly slaughtered together.

Whoohoo! !!

For a moment, the world wailed.

The whole flood was filled with an atmosphere of terror, aggression, violence, death, cruelty, despair, madness and other atmospheres. Various emotions seemed to erupt in an instant, giving people a feeling of despair to the freezing point.

Look up.

Whether it is the four seas, the flood plain, or nine days or more.

Regardless of east, west, north and south ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ regardless of sea, land, air, or even underground.

At this moment, the entire famine has become a huge battlefield, a meat grinder.

The scorching black, like tide, completely covered the entire flood, wasteland, sea, land and air, and it was densely packed. The number of them has reached an inestimable level.

Thousands of people are in the sky, 10,000 people are in the sky, there are no boundaries, not to mention the floods and famines, billions of souls have blocked the sun ’s rays, and they cannot shine on the flooded continent. I do n’t know Thought it was day and night. Has become a dark color.

Blood flew into the sky, evil spirit condensed.

Red is so fascinating, so red is scary.

The black was so dark, it was so dark.

Dragon Yin, Fengming, Beast Roar.

This is a catastrophe, like the end of the day. Swept across the flood plain, thousands of people living. Reading Network

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