Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 897: Sword set up

Tianxian is not as good as a dog, Jinxian walks all over.

This battle of the three races lasted for thousands of years, during which there were constant falling of masters, not to mention that under Jinxian, a large piece died as soon as he died, and the units of measurement are all converted into 10,000.

Even Jinxian is just a bigger cannon fodder, even Da Luo Jinxian is not insured, and people fall from time to time.

Even the quasi-san master, with bad luck, also fell into it.

As for the number of damaged Lingbaos, the top congenital Lingbaos are inevitable.

This amount of calamity is limited to the minimum personal strength, unless it is a practice of saints mixed with Yuan, otherwise, it will be like falling into the mud, the deeper the struggle.

And this is still a horror of dragons and phoenixes. If the Lich weighs robberies, even sages, they will have to retreat in the face of the two big battles every day.

Bing to Bing, will be against.

Zulong, Tianfeng, and Zu Qilin were also caught in evil spirits. They were blinded by their minds and blindly killed without any consideration. Looking at the whole situation.

With the killing of the war, the evil spirit of the calamity became stronger and stronger, blood flowed into the sea, and the bones were like mountains.

Originally, the three races each had tens of millions of billions of elites, and at this time each had less than one million.凄惶 Incomparable.

The three races are fairly good. Many of the scales, beasts, and birds, which are the tributary races of the three dragons and phoenixes, were directly obliterated by the entire army.

Deceived by evil spirits, even if he is dead, he will explode and pull a person on his back.

However, as soon as it explodes, it is completely indistinguishable from the enemy to the enemy, hurting others.

This kind of war is not only damaged by floods, but also by floods.

The whole world was originally extremely solid, covered by Pangu.

After so many dozens of robberies, the space barriers were weakened, and the pressure of Pan Guwei dissipated.

The mountains and rivers are changing days and days, and many of them have been turned into powder during the war between the three ethnic groups.





Later, after the tribal war, there were more than ten. I don't know if it was enough to make up for the number of people, or whether they were connected to each other, so that Zulong, Tianfeng and others finally came to their senses.

Seeing the scarred, trivial tribe, the three regretted the blood spurting against them.

What kind of resentment and hatred, Huang Tubaye disappeared in the minds of the three people instantly.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to end like this, huh, huh."

Zulong was crying without tears, and smiled with a slight desolation.

"Yeah, after this battle, I don't know how many years I can recover."

Tianfeng also sighed.

"It's nothing, it's God's will, just let it go!"

Zu Qilin closed her eyes in pain.

The three reached a consensus, without any hesitation, each using their own means to remnant, still in a trance, unable to extricate themselves, and the mad and still killing the tribe each put away, preparing to go back and lick the wound, but the sudden change occurred.

Hahahahaha! !! !!

A wild laugh came from all directions.

"Why are you friends in such a hurry? How can I let this seat take you to your last trip?"

As soon as the words fell, they saw four handles, huge and unmatched, evil spirits, weak spirits, and **** swords that gave the shadow of death falling from the sky, instantly covering the entire battlefield.

Followed by, there is another map covering the sun and the sky. The whole map is black and looks like a lotus flower. It has twelve grades. There is a hidden pattern of gossip and nine palaces in the picture. Extremely terrible.

Suddenly, a large array took shape.

"not good,"

"Hurry up,"



Seeing the murderous four swords, the hearts of the three ancestors seemed to be pinched severely, and a heart of coolness spread from the toes to the heavenly cover instantly.

The three wanted to escape almost subconsciously, but they didn't want to be trapped by the formation method. The Phoenix spread its wings, the unicorn swarmed the ground, and the dragon was broken.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Luo Yan has been planning for a long time and is willing to work hard. If the three of Zulong are at their best, there is little hope. Now, if they let the three run away, Luo Yan will not have to fight with Hongjun, and he just evades the three houses.

Stars move, and another day.

The three Zulongs were besieged in the middle by Xu Xi, and in a blink of an eye, the world had been changed.

But they saw the roar of the four swords, like the heavenly gate, hanging upside down.

In the big array, the evil spirits rolled, soaring up the sky, in a rush of blood and rain, the swords and swords were arrogant and sharp!

Wuxian evil array of four gates, yellow fog and thunderstorms, sword light only swallowed the gods, runes empty to spit black haze.

In this battle, the endless evil spirits on the battlefield and the blood corpses of the three ethnic soldiers quickly gathered around the four swords and were swallowed up by the four swords, respectively. A large swath of corpses and blood disappeared out of thin air, making people shudder.

"Xianxian Sword Formation!"

At the same time as the Four Swords of Wuxian fell, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist in the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the raised eyebrow above the East China Sea, and Hong Jun near the battlefield could not help but shrink his pupils.

"Dear friends, let's prepare and start at any time."

Hong Jun, near the battlefield, felt that the time was about to mature, and even when he saluted the ancestors of the Five Elements.

"Taoyou rest assured, just wait for the order."

The ancestors of the Five Elements and others patted the chest, saying there was no problem.

Although Luo Yan and Wuxian Sword Formation gave them an ominous premonition.

But it is obviously not their character to retreat without a fight. Moreover, with so many of them, can't they beat Luo?

Therefore, although there are some concerns in my heart, the face is not obvious.

In this regard, although Hong Jun was faintly aware of it, he pretended not to know it. After all, if these people are missing, he wants to deal with Luo Yan, even if he can succeed, the price paid is too great.

"Thank you all friends."

In the sea of ​​blood, after thousands of years of refining, the mosquito Taoists have refined the origin of the sea of ​​blood to seven hundred and eighty-eight.

Feeling the change of the battlefield, watching Gao Yongchao coming, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes grew up at the same time, Fang Qingshan said eagerly.

"We can act now."

"I split into three avatars. Two of them went with the deity to steal the treasure trove of the Dragon and Phoenix Kirin tribe, and the remaining one went to the Honghuangwan tribe to see if the mosquitoes were small, wasn't it?"

Fang Qingshan said the plan in his heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As for you, you drive the eternal skyboat to the battlefield to wait for the opportunity to **** the five ancestors, and then be a scavenger. Those corpses and broken magic weapons can not be ignored. "

"it is good!"

The mosquitoes heard the words and agreed.

Even if Fang Qingshan didn't say it, the mosquitoes would not let go.

Those corpses, broken magic weapons may not be of great value to others.

However, the mosquito is not afraid to come, whether it is complete or broken, as long as it contains the origin, he does not mind.

Thinking of the tens of millions of dead bodies and broken spirit treasures on the battlefield, the mosquitoes could not help but salivate.

In recent years, although they have been repaired in the sea of ​​blood, they are not unaware of the flood and continent.

It goes without saying that it is evident in these thousands of years that the sea of ​​blood has risen three layers in a vacuum. Reading Network

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