Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 898: Trapped

"I can prepare too."

Donghai, murmured with raised eyebrows.

The events in the flood had nothing to do with him.

The reason why he left the famine is twofold. One is to see how the world opened up by Pangu, and the stones of other mountains can attack jade.

The second is healing. Although all of them have to survive the whole tail, the damage caused by the opening of the axe of the **** and the thunder of the **** of thunder can not be cured for a while.

Today, Tiandao has not yet been born. As a demon **** of chaos, he can escape from the world and recover and recover his injuries.

Once the catastrophe, Tiandao was born, but it was difficult for him.

Neither Pangu nor Tiandao will allow himself as a Chaos Demon to stay in the flood.

So before that, we need to plan one or two, so that Heaven can owe its own cause and effect and strive for more time.

In addition, participating in the calamity, and responding to people, you can also get merit, use merit to heal injuries, you can speed up recovery.

Therefore, this wins two things, but raises an eyebrow, but does not want to let go.

Not to mention, Hong Jun, Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei's respective plans.

But they said that the three ancestors trapped in the Xianxian Sword Formation instantly gathered together, back to back, and watched the surrounding environment vigilantly.

"Who is your Excellency? Why is it difficult to wait with me?"

Tianfeng asked in a deep voice.

"It's all this time. Who am I? Are you still unclear?"

Luo Yan smiled strangely.

"It's you, you're calculating us? It's you who let me wait for Erlang to die, it's you, it's you !!!"

Zu Long looked at Luo Yan with a split heart, anxious to eat flesh.

"Smart, but it's too late to know."

Luo Yan laughed, and not dismissed himself, besides Wuxing, Hongjun and others.

To him, Zulong and others are already on the plate and they can be slaughtered.

And his urgent task is to use the battlefield's immeasurable flesh and ancestors to sacrifice Wuxian Sword Formation, and then beheaded to kill Hongjun, in order to prove that there is something to explain to them.

"Just take your fate. After the ancestors become enlightened, they won't forget you."

"Non-copper, non-ferrous, and non-steel, once hidden under the Xumi Mountain. Do not use Yin and Yang to reverse the refining, how can there be no quenching of the water's edge? 'The change is endless and wonderful, Da Luo's blood-stained clothes.'

As soon as the words came down, Luo Luo raised his hand and struck a **** thunder. The breath was similar to the thunder formed after the gate of eternal life sacrificed the eternal life, destroying the **** thunder.

In a short time, the four sword gates of Qixian Sword Formation shook at the same time, and the immense amount of sword energy burst out, sweeping towards the three dragons of Zulong.

For a moment, all the light was swallowed up, such as Xu Xu sunset into the world, unable to see.

"Well, if you want to step on the corpses of our tribe to achieve yourself, it depends on whether your teeth are so good."

Ancestor roared, opened his mouth, and spit. An egg-sized emerald bead struck Luo Lu in the past, and the sounds of the blue sea tide and the worship of Wanlong could be heard faintly. Destiny Dragon Ball with his life.


At the same time, a portal flew out of Zulong's hands and smashed towards the Xianxian Sword Formation.

But seeing powerful coercion emanating from it, it seems that many true dragons are roaring, soaring, and lifelike.


It is rumored that anyone who has dragon blood can evolve into a true dragon as long as he crosses the dragon gate.

It is because Zulong considered that the dragon family can not bear children, and there are few pure dragons, so it is a refined treasure.

This portal is not only an auxiliary, it is also the best choice to suppress the logging.

At the same time Zulong shot, Tianfeng and Zu Qilin also shot at the same time.

The first offering of Tianfeng is her natural fate, a brush, a touch of indescribable beauty, a dazzling gleam of light, countless real fire, burning the sky, Nanming Lihuo, Nirvana real fire, Jiuyou fire Nine days beacon .....

Followed by another purple hammer with electric sparks, it is the purple electric hammer.

This top-level innate spiritual treasure is still used even after being sanctified by the God of Heaven. The power can be imagined.

And the wind helps the fire, the fire borrows the power of the wind, the fire has a superimposed effect, and the same is true of thunder.

Red flames and purple thunders are intertwined, like a calamity.

Zu Qilin is offering a colorful cloud to protect himself. At the same time, the auspicious light on it continuously weakened the evil spirit in the large array.

This piece of treasure is transformed by the aura of heaven and earth. Although it is not comparable to the exquisite pagoda of Xuanhuang Xuanhuang, it is not indistinguishable from the heavenly clouds of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Following this, another mountain Wanbao Mountain was sacrificed, and it was suppressed towards Luojing.

As the beast supreme, Kirin is in charge of the continent of wasteland, and the fall of this Wanyu Mountain seems to have gathered the mountains of wasteland, what Xu Mi, Shouyang, Manshou, Kunlun, Wuyue, and even the ghost of Zhoushan are projected.

Looking at the treasures that the three Zulongs each took out, although Luo Yan was not weak, or even better, he could not help but envy. As one of the protagonists of the robbery, the three have a lot of good things.

However, thinking that after the trio's defeat, these things are their own trophies, Luo Yan became happy again.

"Haha, if you are all in the heyday, the ancestors will have to work hard to clean up you."

Luo Yan looked at the resistance of Zulong with all his spare time, with a hint of sarcasm on his face,

"But now, how much do you still have? Can you stop a few waves of sword attack?"

The three Zulong heard the news, and although they knew that Luo Yan was beating people, they couldn't help but feel sad and hopeless.

Regardless of the Falcon Sword formation, Luo Fang sacrifice the formation method, while slaying the Zulong three.

But at this moment, after Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist left the Sea of ​​Blood ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ each had their own actions.

Fang Qingshan handed the eternal sky boat to the Mosquito Taoist for him to go to Xianxian Sword Formation and waited for the opportunity to take down the ancestors of the Five Elements to prepare for Fang Qingshan's stealing the good fortune. On one side, as a scavenger, the war fortunes were made, and the corpse and damaged Lingbao of the battlefield were collected three feet high. If it was possible, at the last moment, you could **** food and distribute several treasures from Hongjun.

And Fang Qingshan himself? After displaying the Sanqing magical power, he and the avatars stand up, and the deity and the two avatars each sneak into the treasure house of the three dragons, dragons, and unicorns.

The remaining avatar went to the treasure trove of tributary races of the Dragon and Phoenix tribe.

For example, the Baihu tribe, such as the basalt tribe, such as the Suzaku tribe, although these races are not as good as the dragon and phoenix tribe, they are also second only to them. The treasures in the tribe are not a minority.

Their treasure house may not be as good as Dragon and Phoenix, but Fang Qingshan doesn't mind, and the accumulation is less. The mosquitoes are as small as flesh, and they are primitive accumulations.

At this moment, most of the strengths of the three major clan, beasts, and birds are dispatched to the battlefield by the dragon and phoenix unicorns. The emptiness of the base camps of all ethnic groups is a good time to act. Reading Network

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