"The god of destiny favors you!"

"The God of Light is with me!"

"The God of Superpowers favors us!"

Along the way, Roshan heard the names of no less than ten different gods.

Obviously, the emergence of evolvers has plunged the entire civilization into another extreme.

But these gods' titles were all wrong, and Roshan didn't know the arrangements above.

In fact, the senior leaders of the Scale Clan have thoroughly investigated all the new religious beliefs.

It would be a lie to say that they could calmly accept the sudden appearance of abnormal situations like superpowers.

In fact, after the first report was officially submitted, the scale government realized that this might be a conspiracy.

Maybe it's some kind of attack without knowing the principle, maybe it's the blessing of the gods, but they must rule out all possibilities.

Immediately, the scale government organized efforts to monitor individuals and organizations that appeared, and religious belief was a top priority.

But what surprised them was that they couldn't find any clues.

There are many careerists showing up, but none of them have anything to do with the mastermind behind the scenes.

Until this time, the evolutionary frenzy was getting more and more intense, evolvers appeared every day, and alienated people also occurred from time to time. As a result, the entire scale government began to change.

Some high-level officials became Evolutionaries, some Evolutionaries entered the government, and the two sides began to merge.

Regardless of their previous stance, evolutionists are bound to safeguard their own interests.

It was against this background that the Evolutionary Temporary Management Regulations emerged.

It seems to restrict the freedom of evolvers, but on the other hand, it is an alternative kind of protection.

So Roshan avoided the most dangerous time and returned to the scale society.

The time is right now. On the one hand, the number of evolvers is actually a very small minority compared to the entire civilization.

Another aspect is that evolvers have gained a certain amount of power and are no longer excluded.

As for the religious organizations that appear every day, the government can no longer control them.

Careers, confused people and even other random people are so mixed that it is difficult to distinguish them.

After Roshan learned the detailed information, he sat in the restaurant and waited.

He just got off the spaceship, dismissed all the crew, and found a restaurant to sit there.

He believed that someone would come looking for him soon.

Sure enough, someone pushed the door open and came in. His eyes glanced around the restaurant and rested on him for a moment.

Then, I saw the other party going to say something to the boss, and soon the restaurant put up a closing sign.

The other party walked to Roshan and sat down, and took the initiative to say hello: "Captain Rosen, I am Benedick from the Evolutionary Temporary Administration. Can we talk to you?"

"Are you representing an individual or the administration?" Roshan asked.

Benedick smiled and replied: “First the Authority, then me personally.

The Administration would like to ask about your general situation. If you have any ideas, you can work for the Administration.

We have learned about your past. You are a brave boatswain. If your evolved abilities are suitable for combat, I think it is exactly the talent the Authority needs.

As for me personally... Are you interested in learning about the belief in the God of Evolution? "

Roshan was not surprised by the invitation. After all, people from the Evolutionary Administration were present when he came ashore to register.

But I didn’t expect that officials would take the initiative to promote their faith, which is really against the rules.

Seeing Roshan's strange expression, Benedick explained: "Don't get me wrong, the God of Evolvers is an empty god, and we haven't even confirmed whether the other party exists.

This is also our official god. If there is a god behind evolution, it is our god of evolution.

We...are not necessarily believers. "

Roshan understood that this was an official attempt to tap into the mysterious power behind evolution.

He did not immediately answer the other party's invitation. Instead, he asked another question: "I would like to ask, will the administration control members' beliefs?"

"Freedom of belief!" Benedick assured very seriously: "Even if you believe in a cult, it has nothing to do with the Administration.

But if you do something that violates the law, the Administration will definitely bring you to justice. "

This answer is interesting and comes with a hint of warning.

Obviously Benedick is a seasoned man, well versed in the art of talking.

It will not lead to the loss of potential members due to blunt refusal, and it also shows the attitude of the administration...to uphold its own laws.

Roshan was not surprised. After all, the Evolutionary Provisional Administration was an official organization and could not be a Caotai team.

Evolutionaries in power will also tend to maintain order.

Power comes from order, otherwise power is not worth mentioning.

In response, Roshan showed two rows of teeth: "Very good, the concept of the Administration is very consistent with mine, and I am willing to join."

Benedick also wanted to say that not everyone can join the Authority, but before he could say anything, he saw Roshan suddenly erupt.

"My ability...body control, you can experience it for yourself!"

As for whether Benedick can come next, Roshan thinks there is no problem.

This kind of face-to-face assessment task cannot be performed by ordinary civilian personnel.

He must have a strong fighting capacity before the Administration would let Benedick come over. Otherwise, if he encounters an unreasonable person, wouldn't he be beaten to pieces?

So Roshan burst out and attacked, and Benedick reacted.

Flames erupted from his hands, blocking Roshan's fist.

"Body control, subordinate...ah!"

The experienced Benedick has seen multiple body control types of evolvers, and none of them is his opponent.

Just when he was about to act in front of the reserve members, he was thrown out by the giant hammer on his fist.

With a crash, the glass of the restaurant was shattered, and Benedict rolled twice on the road.

The passers-by around screamed in fear. The recent appearance of the mutants has greatly reduced the sense of security of ordinary people.

Benedict got up in a panic and saw someone calling the police. He quickly called up the electronic certificate: "Evolutionary Temporary Administration, there is no danger here, it's just a misunderstanding."

After comforting the passers-by, he remembered that he had something to do.

After adjusting his collar awkwardly, Benedict pretended to be calm and walked back through the gate.

Looking at the meat mountain again, his eyes were not right.

According to the information, this is a senior boatswain with experience in boarding battles, but the combat sailors from the civilian background are just like that, and they don't pay much attention to it.

Who knew that he would overturn the car as soon as he made a move.

Benedict felt that the opponent's ability might increase his strength quite a lot.

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