"Ahem! Mr. Rosen, it seems that you are a perfect fit for our management bureau. There are too many evolutionaries who make trouble with little power, and we need someone with immediate combat power like you to join us."

Benedick passed Roshan's entry test directly.

Of course, the Management Bureau is not a grassroots team, and Roshan can only be regarded as a probationary and temporary worker.

If you want to compile it, you obviously still need to work hard.

Roshan was not surprised by this. If his ability could still be blocked by the assessment, it could only be said that the Scale Clan was in ruins.

Taking this opportunity, Roshan wanted to get some inside information.

After all, as an official organization, it is better than the gossip circulating outside!

"Benedick, I want to know the current situation. Are there a lot of evolved people? Is the threat of alienated people great?"

As an official organization, and an official organization that specializes in dealing with evolved and alienated people, this information is certainly not a secret.

Benedick did not hesitate at all and told Roshan directly: "Currently, the evolved ones are our main task. Many people are too ambitious and always want to cause trouble. Some people even cheat money and sex... As for the alienated ones, they are almost There is no danger.

After all, aliens have no brains and only pose a certain threat to unarmed ordinary people. Most of the time they are dealt with by local security guards, and it is rarely our turn. "

Benedick briefly talked about the responsibilities and mechanisms of the administration. Roshan was the member he was responsible for assessing and was directly assigned to his combat team.

After passing the probation period, he will be officially established and become a member of his team.

If the performance is good enough to stand on its own, you can even form a new group.

But in the administration, strength is important, and recognition from above is also important.

At least for now, evolvers are not enough to subvert the order.

Facing the leader, the evolved person also has to bend down and offer a toast.

"Actually, this is fine. According to estimates, the evolution of all people will be completed in one or two generations. If we jump too far now, we will inevitably be liquidated in the future.

On the contrary, it is our best time to take advantage of this opportunity to climb up. " Benedick comforted.

He attaches great importance to this very powerful member.

After all, he lied about one thing. If he passes the assessment, he can refuse to accept new members.

Now, he is sparing no effort to win over Roshan.

Just as he was talking nicely, the communicator suddenly lit up.

Benedick smiled apologetically, and then answered the call: "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you that I had something to do?"

"Team leader, come here quickly, the new third district...Zhoucao, this alienator..."

Benedick was leisurely and leisurely, but the constant explosions and sounds of fighting coming from the opposite side made him realize the seriousness of the problem.

The New Third District is in the city, how could there be such a big commotion?

"Sorry, I will send someone to contact you later. I have to leave now." Benedick said while calling the speeder.

Roshan followed closely and said quickly: "I'll come with you. I should be a member of the administration now, right?"

Benedick hesitated for a moment, after all, the safety of the temporary workers... This guy was very strong, and he might not be his opponent in a real fight.

"Then follow me."

The two took a flying car and soon arrived at the New Third District.

At this point, no guidance was needed. Both of them saw where the trouble lay.

A group of security guards armed with individual weapons are fighting, and the evolutionists in uniforms are even more timid, which is not in line with the image in the film and television novels.

As for their enemies...the Autobots?

Roshan glanced at Benedick, who seemed to have misunderstood, and his face turned red with anger.

After all, the evolutionaries of the Management Bureau were too cowardly and almost hid behind the security guards.

However, it is understandable that, except for a few specialized combat groups, most evolved people were ordinary people before. Faced with such a dangerous situation, they would subconsciously avoid it.

And most people's strength is not suitable for fighting, and the intensity is not that high.

Just like Roshan's misjudgment before, these magnitudes of evolution are naturally inferior to the evolutionary frenzy of the Julu Civilization.

Feeling humiliated, Benedick strode forward, his body ablaze with flames as he walked.

"Get out of my way!"

When the evolutionists on the scene saw him, they all became happy: "Team Leader Benedict is here."

Even the security guard breathed a sigh of relief, which shows that Benedick has a bit of a reputation.

The latter did not disappoint others' expectations. He strode forward and jumped high, like a shooting star, knocking the Autobot to the ground.

"Leader Benedict, this guy can't be killed. We used laser cannons to disperse it several times. It will be reassembled soon." Someone on the security guard's side reminded him with a loudspeaker.

Benedick had known there was a problem, otherwise the alienator would have been dealt with long ago.

In front of the laser cannon, the alienated ones cannot be arrogant.

But he still tried, and in a blink of an eye the flames burned the Autobots.

In the crackling flames, the Autobots seemed to lose their vitality.

But Benedick didn't dare to be careless, he watched nervously.

Sure enough, the Autobot in front of him stopped moving, but the wreckage of the car next to him suddenly started shaking, and then he stood up in front of everyone's surprised eyes.

"What's going on?" Benedick had never encountered such an alienator.

In fact, most alienated people have become walking zombies and are not difficult to deal with.

"let me!"

Roshan shouted to avoid misunderstanding.

He had been watching when Benedick attacked just now, so he mentally noticed the blind spot.

In fact, before being attacked, the Autobots had a mental wave that was transferred to the car next to them.

The mountain of meat leaps high and looks like a physical beauty.

Then there was a roar, and the Autobot was knocked to the ground by a huge force.

There are many evolvers, but no one has seen one that behaves so violently.

The alienated people even felt the danger, and their mental power began to peel off.

But for Roshan, mental power is as ridiculous as being naked in front of him.

"Go to hell!"

He took the first step and threw away all the cars around him.

Then he dismembered the Autobot in front of him bit by bit.

Sure enough, the Autobot swayed twice and then stopped moving.

"Dead?" Benedick came over curiously. He had thought that today would be very troublesome.

"The other party should be able to transfer consciousness into the car." Roshan explained, without mentioning anything about mental strength.

Benedick did not think deeply. It is normal for an experienced boatswain to be a bit observant.

On the contrary, it was the transfer of the Autobots that made his expression change slightly: "It should be mental power. Aliens rarely have such powerful individuals, but it seems that aliens have become stronger recently."

As a front-line combatant, Benedick clearly feels this change.

This is definitely not good news. Aliens are becoming more and more powerful and are the most intuitive threat to them.

But now he has not realized that the real danger is to the entire scale civilization.

After all...how can a mortal imagine how powerful the extraordinary power is.

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