Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 108 Please call me Saint Derek

"Well, put away your tricks, my sword is closer to your neck than God.

And even if God comes, he may not dare to let me worship him. "

Derek's strong self-confidence caused Massimo's shouting to stop abruptly.

This time, even Archbishop John did not oppose him.

A year ago, if Derek had dared to say this, he would have dared to fight Derek to the death, even if he was destined to die.

But it’s different now. The saint is right in front of us. If you don’t believe in him, who can you believe in?

Again, God is too far away.

Even if God comes in person, he must first ask the Augusta Knights if they agree.

"Your Excellency, the belief in God is not a joke. It's better for everyone to stop joking." Dean Rosanara stepped forward to lighten the atmosphere and tried to ignore the matter.

"You all know the purpose of my coming today, so there is no need to hide it.

If you are a true fanatical believer, now is the time to fight with me.

Since he is still alive, we can talk about it. "Derek put down his sword, and Simon brought a chair over to him with great discernment and asked him to sit down.

Massimo was relieved when he was no longer threatened by the sword, but he was still tough: "Count Augusta, you think too highly of yourself. Melgen Abbey has produced counts and dukes, and the king has also come to visit every year. There are pious nobles coming to visit, which is not something you, a Northlander, can threaten."

Of course, the more important thing I didn't say is that Melgen Abbey is also a big force and is not easy to bribe. A sword can solve many problems, but your sword is not that sharp.

This is Massimo's counterattack and his true thoughts. The monastery is different from the secular world. Does Derek dare to destroy it?

Faith cannot be threatened by the secular world.

This is the greatest confidence of the monastery. If you don’t believe it, what does the king do? He sanctions this and that. Have you ever seen a monastery being sanctioned?

Derek also understood this. If he only had a sharp sword, he would definitely stay far away from the monastery until he was able to overthrow it, otherwise he would never come looking for trouble.

"Who told you that I came as the Count of Augusta? Dean Massimo, do you want me to remind you that I am the Count of Augusta and Saint Derrick that you invited." Ke said so.

Massimo's expression became very strange. Wasn't the saint something that John was touting?

However, the excuse for Mergen Abbey to invite Derek was to distinguish between true and false saints.

Of course, they won't admit it.

Massimo didn't believe in any saints either. His belief in God was true but not absolute.

Besides, saints don’t have anyone to issue certificates, so you can prove it with just one mouth?

He even thought it was Derek messing around.

But Derek snapped his fingers, and Archbishop John appeared on the stage with a sacred look.

"Dean Massimo, Dean Rosanara, I guarantee with my faith that Count Augusta is a saint on earth, an infinitely great existence."

Massimo still didn't believe it. He felt that Archbishop John's assurance was worthless.

“Saints must have divine power to perform miracles.

I have experienced it myself, and you will also see the holy power of the saints. "

Archbishop John looked fanatical, like a brainwashed fanatic.

Massimo still didn't believe that miracles could be faked. He himself... had heard others say it.

Dean Rosanara didn't believe it either, but she felt that Archbishop John wouldn't be stupid enough to lie in front of her.

They are all insiders, and it is too easy to find out if they are committing fraud in person.

So she looked at Derek, bent down to show respect, as if facing a real saint: "Your Majesty, please use your holy power."

At this moment, Captain Burdett rushed in with a worried look on his face.

"Dean Massimo, Dean Rosanara, are you okay?"

He was really afraid that Derek would do something extreme. From the brief contact, he could tell that the other person was not a stickler for rules.

So after rectifying the knights, he rushed over immediately.

Derek just reached out and pointed at Burdett and said: "My holy power is called baptism. Only by having faith and the name of the Holy in your heart can you be favored by miracles. How about letting Burdett give it a try?"

Burdett looked confused and didn't know what was happening.

Dean Massimo and Dean Rosanara looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

They believed in the faith of Burdett, God's most devout knight.

The Knights of the Monastery may have lost their martial arts, but their faith has definitely not.

If they really encounter something that threatens the monastery and their faith in God, they can definitely die calmly.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, they took the initiative to increase manpower.

However, Derek did not demonstrate the holy miracle immediately. Instead, he said that he would stay in the monastery for a period of time and then demonstrate the holy power.

His excuse was also very simple: "The use of holy power consumes a lot of energy, and I need to practice for a while."

Dean Massimo was still worried at first, but after hearing what he said, he felt that his chances of winning were back.

This is a scam, let’s see how I expose you.

Although a conflict had just broken out, with Derek holding his sword to Massimo's neck, both sides now pretended that nothing had happened.

Otherwise, how can we call him a political monk?

Next, the famous Count Augusta lived in Melgen Abbey.

This is not uncommon, there are always some nobles visiting here every year, and many of them stay for a period of time.

That is to say, the monastery was specially cleared today, otherwise we would see many nobles and their families who were temporarily living there.

At the welcoming banquet arranged by the monastery for Derek, he saw nobles from all over the country, even from the south.

Of course, he also saw his little sister.

It was a little different from what he remembered. Elfie, wearing a nun's uniform, was very serious and looked a little like an adult.

Of course, here, the nuns from noble families have a good life, after all, the family behind them can still provide some support.

Whether it is money or reputation, especially in the past two years, the Ferreira family has become famous, and no one dares to treat her badly.

Even Dean Rosanara must pay some attention to it.

At the beginning, the two sides were still a little unfamiliar, but after all, they were brothers and sisters, and they soon became familiar with each other.

Derek also learned about some of the monastery's situation from Elfie.

Dirty and sacred, very strange coexist.

Elfie, who came from an aristocratic family, is more clever than other nuns and can see many secrets.

While no one was paying attention, she even mocked in a low voice; "Brother, do you believe that tonight, the old woman Rosanara will send a nun to your bed.

I remember there is a pair of twins in the monastery, maybe they are prepared for you."

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