Elfie's complaints were correct. Dean Roshanara really sent the twins to Derek's bed.

Saints cannot escape the temptation of beauty.

Moreover, the twins came with faith and dedicated themselves to God.

Serving saints can even be regarded as an honor.

Of course, Derek didn't know the specific brainwashing process.

He only knew that it was pure and lustful... (10,000 words omitted here)


The next day, Derek, refreshed, began his idle journey in the monastery.

Burdette followed him with a team of monastery knights, accepting the so-called sacred mission with an unhappy face.

He obviously didn't think Derek would be a saint. If it weren't for his faith, he would never do this job.


Making friends!

And at night...

Training is also the time when Burdette and other monastery knights are most convinced. The knights from the north are absolutely brave.

Even the title knights can't suppress the northern knights.

But for Derek, training is not the most important thing.

As mentioned before, nobles from all over the kingdom would visit the monastery.

Some nobles and their families even lived in the monastery all year round.

Especially the nobles around the province of Monta.

As a real earl, Derek's status was definitely the highest among the group of people.

Out of courtesy and curiosity, the nobles living here also came to visit him.

In a short time, he got to know many local nobles.

In his spare time, he played chess with the nobles and rode war horses with the ladies, and made some connections.

This also brought him a very good reputation and improved the bizarre image caused by various rumors.

Then, time passed quickly, and seeing that the first wave of offensives against the barbarians was about to be launched, Derek could not wait any longer and had to get the support of the monastery as soon as possible.

The cathedral was blocked again, and the knight cathedral from the Knights of Augusta and the Knights of the Monastery was tightly sealed.

Only the absolute core members could participate in this matter.

The abbot, the so-called politician monk, their sensitivity was much stronger than Archbishop John.

Burdette and other knights knelt on one knee in full knight armor. He still didn't believe that Derek was a saint, but he was convinced by Derek's strength.

The fighting power shown by the Augusta Knights is what every knight yearns for, including the Monastery Knights.

After all, the Knights of God are also knights.

Of course, only three of that team of knights appeared on the panel in the end.

And they are about to usher in unimaginable gains.

Dean Massimo and Dean Rosanara stood on one side with very subtle expressions on their faces, and on the other side was the confident Archbishop John.

What saints, they didn't believe, and they were all waiting for this farce to end.

Now they have recognized Derek's strength, and the two sides can cooperate.

Derek simply appeared in a priest's robe. He saw that the weather today didn't seem to be very good, and the clouds were gloomy.

Seeing that the monks of the monastery had no consciousness to preside over the ceremony, Archbishop John had to go into battle himself.

"Knight Burdette Kutz, a loyal believer of God, are you willing to pledge allegiance to Saint Derek?"

Faced with the bishop's inquiry, Burdette also had a serious expression, but did not agree immediately: "When I see the holy relics, I am willing to pledge allegiance."

If you haven't seen it, then forget it.

No matter how powerful you are, Count Augusta, you are not God, and the monastery knights will not pledge allegiance to you.

Archbishop John didn't care, turned to face Derek, bowed slightly and saluted: "Saint Derek, please show your holy power."

After fighting for so long, he finally has the strength to protect himself, at least he doesn't have to worry about being burned to death for fooling people.

Of course, if the Pope knew what he wanted to do, there would be another religious war.

Derrick was a little distracted, and it took him a few seconds to walk in front of Burdette.

On the panel, the opponent's attributes are clear at a glance.

Burdette Kutz

Profession: Elite Monastery Knight Level 3 (48/100)

Experience Pool: 54/100

Monastery knights, the pure combat power is a little different from the knights of the same level.

However, in certain circumstances, the will to fight is stronger.

Their understanding of religion is far superior to that of knights.

In short, this is a special type of soldier.

So, evolve.

Derek put his hand on Burdette's shoulder and smiled in a standard way.

"In the name of the Holy, I baptize you and give you the divine light.

May you fight in the name of the Holy and walk in the name of the Holy.

After death, I will lead you to the highest heaven in the name of the Holy."

Derek was talking nonsense, but this speech had no effect, if... it was just a speech.

In fact, Burdette had already felt a strong force emerging out of thin air.

It was power, an understanding of God, and a brand new feeling.

The rapidly growing power and knowledge seemed to be close to the truth at that moment, and just a slight touch brought about a change that was completely reborn.

Baptism, it really deserves the name.

Burdette shed tears. He believed in God all his life and finally felt the mercy of God's eyes.

Thank God, thank Saint Derek.

In just one second, Burdett's thoughts turned 180 degrees.

No wonder Saint Derek is so powerful, no wonder the Knights of Augusta are so fierce, no wonder Saint Derek can accomplish legendary feats.

Of course, he was relieved that Derek taught the twin nuns in the room at night.

Sure enough, his thoughts were too dirty and he misunderstood.

Burdette had already knelt on the ground and swore allegiance excitedly: "In the name of the saint, I Burdette will follow Saint Derek forever and ever, until death."

The promise of a grown man made Derek a little sick.

However, the baptism continued, and the other two monastery knights soon felt what holy power was.

For religious believers who have never seen the power of God and only use various specious feelings to convince themselves, this is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

All doubts and suspicions were swept away, and the devout faith accumulated throughout a lifetime burst out.

Sure enough, those who believe in God will eventually encounter miracles.

All the past things are God's test.

Now that the test is over, the saint of God has come, and he must dedicate himself.

After Burdette stood up, he even squeezed out Simon's seat and stood behind Derek, with a loyal face.

Looking at his posture, if anyone dared to question the saint, he would stab him with a sword.

Dean Massimo was confused. He didn't believe in baptism at all. He had never seen God appear in his life. He forged miracles but was not punished by God. It would be strange if he believed.

So, Burdette, are you playing me?

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