Dean Massimo was unwilling to believe that if Burdette was unreliable, no one could trust him anymore.

As the leader of the knights who had been trained by the monastery since childhood, the latter was definitely the most devout knight of God.

Faith was his best weapon to control the monastery knights.

But he never thought that faith would one day stab him in the back.

If Burdette might be playing himself, what about the other monastery knights?

The collective betrayal of the three monastery knights made Massimo realize the seriousness of the problem.

Could it be true?

The existence of God is a proposition that cannot be proven true or false.

Thinking of this, Massimo's legs became weak. He counted the things he had done that violated the doctrine over the years. It was over... I couldn't count them.

If he died and saw God, wouldn't it be completely over?

Is it too late to remedy it now?

Similar thoughts were definitely not only from Massimo.

The people at the scene all looked wrong.

"Derrick... Your Excellency Saint Derick, I think we have to have a good talk." Massimo finally bowed his head.

The power of power is secondary after all.

Besides, it is not impossible to bow to a saint.

"Yes, we need to have a good talk." Derek had no reason to refuse.

In fact, this is the best opportunity.

He believes that after calming down, Massimo may make a rational choice.

Don't think that everyone will bow down after showing a miracle.

This trick is useful for fanatical believers like Burdette, but it may not be useful for people like Massimo.

Let alone baptism that cannot be directly proved, even if God stands in front of him and really infringes on his interests, he dares to point to God and say that this is the devil.

If Derek really attracts the attention of the church, he will definitely not be crowned as a saint, but the church's army to fight against heresy.

It can be the miracle of baptism.

It can also be the devil's temptation.

It is so flexible.

However, it is undeniable that Derek took the initiative.

Melgen Monastery invited him to come because they saw the power of Augusta. The cooperation between the two sides can change the political structure of the kingdom.

Now they can still cooperate, but Derek has become the leader.

Imagine that, with Augusta as the link, the three earl families in the north, the nobles in the north, and the pro-church nobles in the province of Monta.

The nobles of the three provinces united as one, which is a huge force that can make the king bow his head.

Melgen Monastery had a beautiful idea, but it finally helped Derek.

Dean Massimo kept struggling, trying to retain more interests.

But Derek was not a pushover, from connections to basic material support to population support, he had the upper hand in all aspects.

Finally, he finally revealed his ultimate goal: "I need to open up new territories in the name of God, the goal is... the Barbarian Kingdom."

Dean Massimo stood up with a bang, his face was extremely excited: "What do you want to do? Do you want to be a king?"

To launch a pioneering war in the name of the kingdom, not only does it require the king's consent, but the land obtained also belongs to the kingdom.

At best, you can get a desolate but larger fiefdom, which may not be as good as the previous fiefdom.

So the great nobles are not interested in pioneering wars.

It's different if it's in the name of the church. Derek can completely occupy all the results of the war. He only needs a name.

By plundering land from the barbarians, he can directly establish a country and system, although other countries will not recognize it.

But after a few generations, someone will naturally recognize it.

Then bow to the Pope and obtain sacred legitimacy, and everything will be perfectly closed.

Derek was not as excited as Massimo. He even pressed the other party to the chair.

"Don't be excited. I don't want to be a king. I just want to restore the glory of my ancestors and the dignity that a duke should have."

What king? If you don't have enough strength to call yourself a king, you will cause trouble for yourself.

You said that the Ferreira family has never produced a duke?

It's shallow, the pattern is shallow.

Ten generations ago, there was no paternal side, and there was also a maternal side.

Find an empty title of Grand Duke, I believe that other heirs will be very happy to give up the title of duke.

Massimo understood Derek's plan.

In theory, it can really be done.

Melgen Monastery has the right to independence, and it is not wrong to conquer the barbarians in the name of God.

If Derek can occupy a territory, as long as the population is increased, he will soon become a real duke.

Even if the king wants to impose sanctions, it depends on whether the northern nobles agree.

Even further, it is not impossible to occupy the northern province, the Saint Mile Province, and even the Monta Province to establish a new country.

Thinking about it this way, the benefits are even greater.

Massimo did not think he was at a disadvantage. If Derek could establish a country, although he had no children, he had a few young people who were optimistic about him. It would be okay to help them get a title, right?

Of course, if Derek had not shown his holy power, he would not have such an unreasonable idea.

With common interests, many things can be compromised.

After a few days, the two sides agreed on various details and officially declared an alliance.

Of course, this news could not be leaked.

Even before Derek entered the barbarian kingdom, there would be no rumors about opening up territory.

Derek had settled the Melgen Monastery and had to set off to return.

Before winter comes, he must complete the basic strategic goals.

Of course, when he left, half of the monastery knights followed Derek.

Melgen Monastery suffered a big loss, and it is foreseeable that it will continue to supply talents to Derek.

Count Augusta returned to the Saint Mitre Province and began to meet with the nobles of the North frequently.

Then a large amount of food and troops were mobilized, causing all parties to be restless.


"What does he want to do?"

Although the power left by the kingdom in the north is very low-key for the time being, it cannot be ignored.

The newly formed legion of the Saint Peter Province, the legion formed by the southern nobles, and even the troops under the command of Marquis Haishan.

It seems that the king's control over the north is very weak, but in fact there are still 70,000 to 80,000 troops.

Add the security teams in various places, and the number is even greater.

So Derek did not dare to march north directly, that would give others an excuse and also seek death.

Now that he mobilized the army, he also touched the sensitive nerves of these people.

The southern nobles reacted particularly strongly. They had gained certain benefits in the war, but it was far from what they expected.

Earl Lovett did things that Derek did not expect to be kept secret.

There was a conflict between the two sides, and it was impossible to say that there was no tension at this time.

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