As a result, Earl Rowett was very active, visiting local nobles everywhere, trying to find out the truth behind Derek's strange behavior.

He even tried to visit Swan Castle in person, but didn't see Derek.

When Melgen Abbey declared Count Augusta to be the Sword Bearer of God, he was responsible for conquering the barbarian kingdom.

Count Rowett happened to be attending a cocktail party, and this news made him accidentally drop his wine glass and break it.

There were other nobles who also lost their composure, even the Marquis of Hassan, who also looked shocked.

In a sense, the relationship between Marquis Hassan and Derek was okay, but this incident still broke his bottom line.

"This is betrayal!!!"

Earl Rowett blushed and waved his fist vigorously: "This is a betrayal of His Majesty the King. The church no longer allows the signing of religious decrees. Does Derek want to be the king?"

This sentence asked the thoughts of many people.

The Marquis of Hassan also put down his wine glass with a gloomy look, and promised in front of many nobles: "I will personally intervene in this matter. Count Augusta must stop his crazy behavior."

The nobles present had different expressions, and they all had completely different views on Count Augusta.

However, Count Perez said unhurriedly: "This is legal. Mergen Abbey has the right to conquer heretics and it complies with the religious law."

Yes, it's legal.

But the established rule is that religious things belong to religion, and aristocratic things belong to aristocrats.

This is the rule of Locke Kingdom.

But on the surface, he is legal.

The Marquis of Hassan was very angry. He changed his usual low-key attitude and angrily criticized the count on the spot: "You are the vassals of the king first, and then the believers of God. By doing this, Augusta is digging his own grave."

"No, I have never been loyal to the king," the old count spread his hands and said with a smile: "Or will you ask His Majesty Louis I to come and discuss this issue with me?"

As an old man who survived the secession war era, his allegiance was to the previous king.

The earl's title was also inherited from the previous king. When this king came to power, the old earl did not go to the royal capital to declare his allegiance.

This is of course against the Nobility Act, but for historical reasons, everything makes sense.

In fact, the king is still urging the old earl to complete the allegiance ceremony every year.

The Marquis of Hassan had nothing to say, but Derek was different from the old count.

"The Count of Augusta is a vassal of the king."

"He is also one of God's people, and everything is reasonable and legal."

“You know what I’m talking about!!!”

"No, I don't understand."

Marquis Haishan glared at the old count, and the old count looked at him unceremoniously.

This is the fundamental conflict between the Royal Capital faction and the Northland faction. The Northland nobles believe that they shed blood and sacrificed their lives in the past and gained too little in the end.

But the nobles of the royal capital control most of the kingdom's political resources, and of course you can't give them away just because you are a hero.

I can't fight, but you can't fight for power.

If Augusta does this, the Northland nobles will of course support it. Anyway, if you have the ability, come and beat me.

"You will regret it, I swear, in the name of God." Marquis Haishan finally said angrily.

This is a matter of principle. He is the king's minister first, and then Hassan.

He was able to allow Derek to make some small moves, divide the king's interests, and make some exchanges.

But it must be within the political rules of the Rock Kingdom.

The old earl didn't care about the threat of an outsider. He was even in the mood to joke with the nobles around him: "You see, Marquis Hassan is also a believer in God, but he thinks it is wrong to fight against heretics."

Quite ironic, isn't it?

The two broke up on bad terms, and Count Rowett became a bystander.

Marquis de Hesse left the reception and immediately began to write a letter.

The nobles of the North cover the sky with one hand, but now he also has some power in his hands.

After experiencing the baptism of war, he finally gained some strength.

From urgent letters to Louis II, to contacting Ronald, the governor of the province of St. Peter, to mobilizing the troops in hand.

Finally, we have to win over the southern nobles.

Of course, although he was angry at this time, he was not as exaggerated as before.

Do you think no one really guessed what Augusta National did?

A large number of supplies were mobilized, the army moved, and there were even constant scouts.

Maybe the king in the royal capital didn't know, but all the old foxes in the north were aware of it.

But even Marquis Hassan himself didn't expect Derek's movements to be so fast and violent.

He also hesitated whether to move closer to the nobles of the North.

But his experiences these days made him understand that by getting closer to the northern nobles, he would at most gain a fiefdom, but on the contrary, he would lose all political resources. In the end, he was just an outsider.

The most important thing is, there is an opportunity to actually become an earl, why should you let it go?

He thought for a moment, spread out the parchment, and wrote: "Dear Sir Wilson,

Say hello to your king for me..."

On the other side, Count Rovitt was not idle either. His brother Tamir Rovitt was arriving in the province of St. Peter in a fleet.

This piece of territory seized from the Holy Cross Kingdom gave the Northland nobles an excellent port.

Since then, the maritime trade route from the south to the north has been opened.

In a sense, the Rowett family has an interest in the Northland nobles.

When Tamir appears in front of Count Rowett, the latter is faced with a choice.

"Brother, it only takes one month to get from Augusta to our family's territory, and the profit here..."

Count Rowet knew that the profit here was several times greater than that of the land route, and the key was that the efficiency was also improved.

"What does Count Augusta mean?"

"Count Augusta said that the king's territory is also a territory, and Augusta's territory is also a territory. Why should we choose the king?"

For the southern nobles, what they want is to break the ice and gain political status.

In the past, this road could only be fought with the northern nobles, but now the situation has changed and there are more choices.

Sitting on two boats is despised, but the benefits are never less.

Count Rowet hesitated, and the conflict between him and Augusta was not small.

Any promise can be torn up.

Now the other party's guarantee sounds perfect, but it will be bad if you regret it later.

Combining the intelligence in his hands, he finally made a decision.

"Tamir, all the ships returning to the North should be loaded with food. This is our sincerity."

Tamir certainly would not think that doing so would result in a loss of money. Not intervening and even providing some support was already a superficial attitude.

He left happily, ready to tell the other party the good news.

Count Lovit certainly knew that the other party must have promised his brother some benefits. silly brother, don't be sold out and count the money for others.

He immediately wrote a letter, rang the bell, and handed it to his trusted knight: "Send this letter to Marquis Haishan."

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