"Let him die!"

This is what the Marquis of Hassan said, and it is also what many people think in their hearts.

Augusta National has been very popular in the past two years, and many people have gained a lot of benefits.

But there are also people who get nothing, or feel they get less.

Jealousy is also a booster.

There are many people who support Augusta, and there are also many people who want to see him unlucky.

There was no chance before, but now I have the chance.

Derek knew all this.

"A bunch of clowns."

Derek read the information and threw it away indifferently.

What is not hated is mediocrity.

I have too many enemies. Just because I succeeded, what I heard was good.

Derek himself knew how much he actually wanted to die.

But he is confident that he can continue to make everyone jealous.

Immediately afterwards, he received Baron Tamir.

The latter brought goodwill from the Rowett family. Even though the latter had had a violent conflict with Derek before, nothing was a problem in the face of interests, at least that's what Derek felt.

"Your Excellency, the Rowett family is willing to show sincerity. The southern nobles will not be an obstacle to you. On the contrary, our family's fleet will bring you more food."

Baron Tamir expressed goodwill on behalf of the Rowett family.

The man in front of him is now a hot shot in the North, and even Mergen Abbey looks at him differently.

Following successful people is undoubtedly the shortcut to success.

Obviously, Count Augusta is the winner.

His ambition is not big, he just needs to live up to his title of baron.

Derek accepted the good intentions brought by Tamir. It would be difficult for him to succeed alone.

"Thank you Lord Lovett and your kindness, I guarantee you will be richly rewarded."

Tamir was very excited and immediately gave the gift he had brought.

This is food and part of the armaments stored by the southern nobles themselves, and it cannot be said to be insincere.

After sending Tamir away, the alliance between the two forces could not be known to others for the time being. This was also the reason why he refused to meet Count Lovett in person.

As for covenants, he believes that benefits are more effective than a contract.

Derek met with other nobles separately and promised some benefits.

If you want to conquer the barbarians with peace of mind, it is impossible to have an unstable rear.

First of all, there were two other earls in the North. One had just gotten married and was in the honeymoon period, and the other still owed a favor and had yet to repay it. Neither could refuse Derek's request.

What they have to do is just to keep an eye on the nobles of the royal capital and resist some of the pressure from the king.

Most of the remaining northern nobles chose neutrality. They supported Derek, but they could not directly confront the king's will.

However, some people have increased their investment and are ready to advance and retreat with the Augusta family.

This includes some close-knit families, such as his cheap father-in-law, Baron Palmer.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Seeing that winter was coming without any further expedition, Derek finally decided to take action.

There was no way that the Barbarian Kingdom would not react to such a big movement.

Now we have to seize important strategic nodes before their troops gather on a large scale.

It was also at this time that Derek received a personal letter from the king.

King Louis II never ignored the news from the North. Unfortunately, if he was not personally in charge, there would always be some errors and delays in the news.

Including Derek's actions this time, his reaction was also a beat slow.

Derek read the king's letter, which was nothing more than some promises. The king was even willing to allow himself to conquer the barbarians in the name of the kingdom's development decree.

This is the last struggle of the king. In the name of religion or the name of the kingdom, the results are completely different.

This is tantamount to tacit approval that Derek will continue to grow in power.

However, after having done so much, how could Derek give up?

"What the king can give, I can also get."

Derek was high-spirited and saw the assembled army in front of him.

A large number of knights, a large number of infantry, this is his confidence.

With his own strength, he gathered an army of more than 30,000 people.

Of course it can't be compared to the generosity of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

In fact, there are still 20,000 troops needed to suppress various places and prevent backyard fires.

The Saint Maitreya Army cannot be mobilized, at least in name it is still an army belonging to the kingdom.

But it's enough. The 30,000 elite troops can overwhelm the noble army of more than 100,000 people in a head-on battle.

Among them, elite knights and infantry can even form a team of thousands.

Derek believed that the barbarians were vulnerable and the entire barbarian wilderness would become his new territory.

When the army under the banner of the Augusta family marched into the barbarian wilderness, and when the monastic knights shouting for St. Derek appeared on the battlefield, everyone was surprised by the power of the Augusta family.

This emerging family, which has only been around for two years, seems to be really capable of launching a war.

Because the preliminary work was done well, the army with scouts leading the way divided the troops to attack, and quickly defeated several barbarian tribes.

The knight's iron hooves roared in the barbarian wilderness, and the slow barbarian tribe took a long time to react.

It had been half a month since Derek entered the barbarian wilderness before a decent cavalry finally appeared in front of him.

Derek only had about 10,000 troops left, and only a small part of the cavalry.

But he was not afraid at all. There were 3,000 cavalrymen on the opposite side, which looked very large, at least for this era.

This was the last resistance force of the entire barbarian wilderness. With only a population of more than 100,000 barbarians, they could not produce more troops.

"Who will capture the enemy's general for me?"

Derek pointed his finger. Just as Burdett was about to speak, Simon jumped out.

As a war maniac, he liked this kind of scene the most.

"I'll go. It just so happens that I haven't killed barbarians for a long time."

Seeing this, Derek simply handed the task to Simon.

Soon, the large force of the Augusta Knights began to move, leaving the Monastery Knights and some attendants to guard Derek.

The iron hooves of the war horses roared. Unlike the barbarians' simple equipment, the Augusta Knights at least wore armor on most of their bodies, and the war horses were also excellent war horses that had been trained.

In fact, the barbarians themselves were also full of pessimism, but their homes were behind them, so they had to fight.

Simon personally carried the double-headed dragon flag and rushed to the front with a strange cry.

The nobles who gained merits on horseback must of course continue to fight on horseback.

"Berdett, how long do you think it will take Simon to defeat the enemy?" Derek asked Burdett beside him.

The latter estimated and gave a reliable answer: "One hour."

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