Duke Wilson has been through hundreds of battles, and he knows how strong the impact of a knight group is.

Don't say that the Abbey Knights are not heavy cavalry, even if they are heavy cavalry, what's wrong?

The military formations they set up one after another, giving you the opportunity to kill, can also exhaust your strength.

As the saying goes, the first blow is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted.

The heavy cavalry charge needs to be used on the blade to defeat the opponent's resistance in one go.

Especially in the decisive battle of the large army, more attention should be paid.

Derek kept his troops still and watched the Abbey Knights charge.

The silver-white armor shone with golden light in the morning light.

The Abbey Knights, shouting slogans, were unstoppable.

The first phalanx was easily penetrated by them, and the chaotic barbarian soldiers trampled on each other, looking defeated.

The second phalanx did not bring too much trouble.

But the continuous impact has slowed down the speed of the Abbey Knights.

Without speed, the power of the cavalry is at least reduced by half.

Some knights had dismounted and were fighting on foot. Burdette led the charge, aiming at the Duke Wilson's flag.

The flags in the distance kept waving, and the barbarians were in chaos.

The scattered soldiers gathered in the rear along the passages between the phalanxes.

A large number of grassroots officers stabilized the situation, and with the protection of the phalanxes in front, they slowly restored the organization.

The drums of war never stopped, and the phalanxes resting in the rear stood up and moved slowly under command.

The flag of the central army did not change, and the movement of the army changed with the movement of the monastery knights.

Duke Wilson stood on a specially elevated chariot with a very good view.

He was very disdainful at first, thinking that this act of sending death was meaningless. It was not easy for everyone to charge and fight to the death.

However, after a large number of casualties, the monastery knights were still able to maintain a strong fighting spirit and even launched charges again and again.

Even in foot battles, they still showed superior combat effectiveness.

"Who knows the number of this knight group?" Duke Wilson asked his subordinates.

The style of the Abbey Knights is different from that of the Augusta family. The silver-white armor looks very eye-catching.

However, they abandoned all the flags, making it difficult to distinguish their identities.

Fortunately, the barbarians have investigated the military strength of the Augusta family, and soon someone guessed: "It may be part of the Mergen Abbey Knights. Intelligence shows that they are wearing bright silver armor and have recently appeared in the north."

"Church Knights?" Duke Wilson has certainly heard of the church, but he is not interested in God.

Of course, the Abbey Knights broke through seven or eight phalanxes in a row, and this combat power is really impressive.

At least after today, the generals present will have a deep impression of the church knights.

"There are too many Rockman warriors." Duke Wilson sighed.

Such Rockman is really difficult to deal with.

"But it's just tragic stupidity."

Duke Wilson acknowledged their strength, but war is not played like this.


"War is a game of finding mistakes. Find the mistakes made by the other side and avoid making mistakes yourself, and you can win.

If the other side does not make mistakes, force him, make him nervous, and make him make mistakes."

Derrick also has his own understanding. Now... it is time to force the other side.

"Simon, there is a gap on the left wing. Go and tear it apart, don't let it readjust."

The telescope is really very practical, and it can find tiny gaps and mistakes faster.

Simon immediately took the order.

But Derek reminded him again: "I can only give you a thousand people. Burdette has proved the bravery of the Knight of God. Don't let me down."

"Yes, unless I die, I will definitely complete the task."

Simon gathered the troops and went straight in according to Derek's instructions.

The movement here certainly attracted the attention of Duke Wilson.

But he stood on the high platform of the carriage and did not find any mistakes.

The slight separation at the junction of the phalanx and the phalanx was not a problem in his opinion.

In fact, how can the army be as smooth as an arm?

The commander's order was issued correctly, but there would be deviations when it was executed.

The difference is that regular armies will not make low-level mistakes that make the deviation so big that it becomes a loophole.

This little bit of poor operation cannot be seen clearly from a distance.

Of course, he didn't know that there was a thing called a telescope in this world, nor did he know how sharp Derek's sense was.

Until Simon led the team to insert into the loophole and forcefully cut off the mobilization of the left wing phalanx.

A single move affects the whole body, and poor operation on one side will affect the overall operation.

If you want to put out this little trouble, the impact will be even greater.

Duke Wilson issued new instructions with a cold face, and the rotation of the other parts of the army phalanx accelerated, and the rest time was also compressed.

His reaction was already very fast, but if he suddenly accelerated the pace, not to mention the problem of physical strength, the connection would only cause more loopholes.

"Bull, go there and disperse that phalanx."

Derek made another move.

A team of cavalry roared away and directly defeated a phalanx that was about to rotate to the front battlefield.

Domino's reaction was serious and the impact was very large.

The most intuitive manifestation was that the monastery knights were closer to Duke Wilson.

The phalanx in front of him had to move hastily to take over the gap left by his comrades.

Burdette was breathing heavily, and the chain reaction resulted in a sudden reduction in his pressure.

He couldn't see what happened, but he was sure that something was wrong with the barbarians.

"Kill, for God, for the saints."

The monastery knights charged forward with gritted teeth, ignoring the huge pressure.

Wilson's face was so gloomy that it was about to rain, and the enemy's reaction made him feel incredible.

Tactical command was simply the most accurate sharp knife, directly cutting off the connection between bones and tendons.

He tried to adjust, but the more confused he was, the more mistakes he made.

In the end, he even put the reserve troops up, and finally did not collapse.

But the current situation is not very good, and no one knows what will happen.

But Derek knew that as he made his moves step by step, he became more and more confident in his grasp of the situation.

The huge barbarian army is not invincible.

The opponent can use force to suppress others, and he can also swallow the big with the small.

A thousand-man team after another accurately hit the weak points of the barbarian army.

The huge army formation fell into a short period of stagnation, and there were beacons everywhere.

Finally, the opportunity came.

Separated from the left and right, blocked from front and back.

In front of and beside Duke Wilson, there were only 20,000 to 30,000 troops left.

The Monastery Knights were still far away. Judging from the current situation, even if they died, they would not be able to reach Duke Wilson.

However, the most important trump card was still in Derek's hand.

The dark heavily armored knights were like silent wooden stakes, motionless.

Now, it was time.

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