Derrick pulled off his visor.

In fact, the rational choice is not to fight for one's life.

Failure is not unacceptable, and one can come back alive.

But the breath in his heart can't be suppressed.

"I have never been a rational person!"

Absolute rationality is not human.

Derek learned the dirty politics and the ways of the world, but there are always times when you know you shouldn't do it, but you still have to do it.

The brown warhorse paced and felt the master's mood.

Through the narrow field of vision, Derek confirmed it for the last time.

The barbarian commander's flag fluttered in the wind, and rows of colorful flags surrounded it.

Joining the battlefield in person means there is no chance to adjust.

Derek believes in himself and the knights behind him.

This is the real black armor heavy cavalry, the real elite.

It is the peak combat power of this era, the classical romance of knights.


Hundreds of cavalry iron hooves landed at the same time, making a roar like a war drum.

The iron hooves of the warhorses were getting faster and faster, gradually turning into phantoms.

The sounds of the entire battlefield seemed to be covered up, and the heavy-armored knights were the only protagonists.

Duke Wilson noticed this special cavalry at the first time. He leaned forward, holding the railings with both hands, and watched nervously.

He was no longer able to adjust. Every attack of the opponent accurately hit the weak points of the army formation.

The huge army also has its shortcomings. At this time, it is no longer possible to take care of the details.

Maybe if he is given a little time, the smaller number of enemies will be solved, and then there will be a brilliant victory.

But the opponent will not give himself time.

The heavy-armored knights were like a sharp knife inserted into the chest, directly breaking through all the enemies that blocked it.

The monastery knights completed half of the work and were soon pushed forward.


The lances were full of corpses, and Derek had to give up.

In front of him, there were enemies everywhere, and there were enemies all around.

But the heavy-armored knights had not stopped yet, and speed was their life.

Duke Wilson's face became more and more ugly. As the heavy-armored cavalry approached, the seemingly very thick army formation was constantly weakened.

The tribal warriors who boasted of their bravery in the past were all trampled on by Rockman like chickens.

The so-called bravery was more like a joke.

The suffocating pressure even made him want to run away.

But years of experience told him that he would rather die than run away.

Once the central army flag was shaken, it might bring disastrous consequences.

The soldiers on the battlefield could not see the so-called commander.

All people could see were flags representing the commander's identity.

The flag was used to convey orders and stabilize the morale of the army.

When the big flag advanced, the whole army advanced.

When the big flag retreated, the whole army collapsed.

Duke Wilson drew his sword and looked around. Many people were trembling nervously.

The ferocity of Rockman exceeded many people's imagination.

This was not a good memory.

"If you dare to retreat, you will be killed.

If a decapitator retreats, the soldiers will kill him.

If a centurion retreats, a decapitator will be killed.

If a thousand-man commander retreats, a centurion will be killed.

If I retreat, you can kill me."

He slashed the railing with a sword, full of murderous intent.

The firm will of the commander can affect the people around him.

And the current situation is not that bad. There are still two thousand-man square formations in front of the central army, and the Duke even has hundreds of guards on his left and right.

And the speed of the opponent's heavy cavalry has stopped.


The charge of the heavy cavalry finally stopped under the accumulation of human lives.

Derrick killed several barbarian soldiers who rushed up and decisively turned over and dismounted.

"Fight on foot."

Derrick looked up and saw that the barbarian's flag was not far away.

In fact, many knights did not hear what he said, but saw the commander dismount, so they followed suit.

The speed is completely lost, it is better to dismount and fight on foot.

The knights of Augusta are no worse than anyone else in foot fighting.

Derek swung his knight's sword and smashed the soldiers who were blocking his way.

From time to time, there were swords and knives coming at him, but they were all blocked by heavy armor.

Soon, they killed through the square formation and got closer to the barbarian commander.

"Spearmen, spearmen, go ahead."

The barbarian officers were also anxious. Surrounded by the army, if they were attacked by the Rockmen under the central army flag, they would not accept this humiliation.

The spearmen raised their spears one by one, not seeking to kill or injure, and several of them were against Derek to stop him from moving forward.

Derek felt the resistance, roared, and rushed forward.

Several spearmen were pushed back by him, as if they had encountered a beast.

"Is this still a human?"

The barbarian officer was doubting his life. If he was not on the battlefield, he would definitely go to verify it.

Now, he could only continue to yell: "Hold on, don't let him come."

It must be said that the method that looks embarrassed and absurd is very effective and really blocked the heavy armor knight.

Derek was very anxious and cut the wooden pole with a sword.

But the overall obstruction could not be changed by one person.

Seeing the obstruction, Burdette came out covered in blood.

"Saint, I'm coming."

Every monastery knight looked injured.

But their spirits were still in an excited state.

"Kill these pagans."

The monastery knights opened the way regardless of casualties.

They are willing to be the pioneers for the king.

The originally slow progress was accelerated again.

With concerted efforts, they soon broke through the last square.

Derek even saw Duke Wilson standing on the high platform, and their eyes crossed.

To be honest, Derek didn't feel tired, and there were waves of strength in his body.

He knew that it was not time to rest now, and he would lose his strength if he rested.


The central army flag was right in front of him. If he cut one at random, it might be a big fish on the barbarian side.

Duke Wilson saw the heavy armored knights close at hand, and the thing he least wanted to happen happened.

The guards and noble officers around him also picked up their weapons and joined the battle.

Duke Wilson himself also held a weapon, waiting for the judgment of fate.

The overall combat effectiveness of the barbarian guards and noble officers was still good.

They didn't take ordinary enemies seriously at all.

But this time, they were facing elites and lunatics.

Burdett even threw down an officer, and two tin cans rolled on the ground.

Finally, he pulled out his dagger and inserted it through the gap in the armor.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield. The crazy monastery knights and the terrifying heavy armored knights sang the elegy of the barbarians.

With the help of the knights around him, Derek came to the flagpole of the central army.

Kuang Kuang cut off the flagpole with a few strokes, and stepped on the flag a few times. Derek stepped on the corpse on the ground and crawled in front of Duke Wilson.

Although Duke Wilson was holding a sword, it could not bring him any sense of security.

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