Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 119: Turning defeat into victory

At the critical moment, there was no one around Duke Wilson.

All the guards were sent by him to stop the Rockman, and now they are probably still a little warm.

When he was young, Duke Wilson had strong fighting power. In the words of the Three Southern Kingdoms, he was a titled knight.

But now, his swordsmanship is only at the level of the seventh or eighth level, and half of his fighting power is gone.

Even if Derek was exhausted, he had no confidence to defeat the opponent.

After thinking about it, Duke Wilson smiled bitterly and threw the sword in his hand to the ground.

"Knight, I need decent treatment. The Rock Kingdom has recognized our founding, and I enjoy the same noble treatment."

In the past, barbarians were regarded as aliens, and they were killed if they were caught.

Now everyone is aristocratic, and it's time to follow some rules.

Isn't it for this that the barbarians are jumping up and down with all their efforts?

Lust, wealth, power, fame and status, these are what people pursue.

For the great nobles such as the barbarian king and the duke, there are people who fight for them in the country, and there are also people who fight for them in the world.

In the final analysis, there is no essential difference between him and ordinary people, the only difference is the level.

Duke Wilson thought that with his status and position, what would happen even if he failed?

If he was caught in the Locke Kingdom, he would be humiliated at most, and he would be able to make a comeback sooner or later.

At worst, he could return to his own territory and act tyrannically.

Derek saw him put down his weapon and knew that the battle was over.

But let him go?

If he changed to another duke, even if it was Archduke Fernandez of the Holy Cross Kingdom, he would not dare to kill him if he caught him.

This is the bottom line of this world. The consequences of killing ordinary nobles and real high-level people are different.

It is not that no one has violated this rule if the nobles are not killed.

But at the level of the duke, it is really rare to be killed directly.

At least because of the unique death in war.

If he died, it was also treason, or simply offending the king.

That's right, it is normal for you to be poisoned to death if you offend the king, but it is okay to start a war and harm one side.

At most, you will be fined three glasses of wine and continue in the future.

But the Barbarian Kingdom?

Derek laughed, and even took off his helmet.

"Wilson... Commander? No one recognizes your dukedom, and no one in the Barbarian Kingdom has ever recognized it."

Duke Wilson was stunned for a moment, and retorted with a gloomy face: "Your king admitted it himself two years ago. Do you want to overturn what the king has decided?"

"So what if he admits it? Noble preferential treatment is an unspoken rule. The two countries don't even have permanent envoys. Do you really think anyone takes you barbarians seriously?

Kill you, and there will be more applause, and no one will question it."

The reason why unspoken rules are called unspoken rules is probably this.

Duke Wilson was panicked. These Rock people don't follow the rules.

"Who are you? I want to see Earl Augusta. You have no power to deal with me."

"I am."

"Earl Augusta, I can pay the ransom and land, and I can take out a lot of wealth. I just need you to raise your hand."

In the face of life and death, there are few heroes, at least Wilson is not.

Derrick didn't reply to him immediately. To be honest, what a barbarian duke can take out is really a great temptation.

Don't take the barbarian duke lightly, he has the goods in his hands.

But looking at the battlefield under his feet, with the central army's flag falling and the command paralyzed, the barbarian army has collapsed.

Augusta's knights are counterattacking, with a few chasing the majority.

But what Derek saw was the bodies of his own people and blood.

The ransom of the barbarian duke is very tempting, but his head is more tempting.

"Sorry, I will get what I want.

The sword in my hand, the warhorse under my crotch, and the knights under my command will get it for me.

Even if it is the barbarian king, sooner or later I will let him lead the horse for me."

Derek opened his eyes again, and there seemed to be a light flashing in his eyes.

Wilson knew that the decisions of such people would not be easily shaken.

But thinking of death, he was really unwilling.

He picked up the sword with his foot and tried to make a final struggle.

It must be said that this skill is definitely practiced to the home, and it can be seen that the duke was a good hand when he was young.

Unfortunately, he is old.

People should accept old age.

Derek kicked the Duke's sword away and stabbed him in the stomach with the hilt of his backhand.

It's not that easy to die.

"Tie him up!"

Derek ordered the knights who followed him to tie up Duke Wilson.

The opponent's command platform was just right for his own use.

The flag of the two-headed dragon was hung up, and the whole battlefield could be seen.

The sun was rising, shining brightly.

"Beat the drums, raise the flags."

Various flags gradually arrived, and the Knights changed their posture in an instant to guard the central army.

Derek stood on the high platform and occupied an absolute information advantage.

On the contrary, the barbarian command was paralyzed, and everyone on the battlefield could only see a local area, and it seemed that the Rockman's horses were everywhere.

Small-scale collapses cannot be stopped, but any large-scale counterattack will be concentrated and extinguished.

Before, this was a trap set by the barbarians, and it was a grave that made Derek desperate.

But the offensive and defensive situation changed, and it was the opponent's turn to despair.

In the barbarian wilderness behind him, the army of the Augusta family received the news and gathered.

Ahead of them was the knight order that had just defeated them. Tens of thousands of people were crowded in the narrow Yanle Mountain corridor, with no way to go except up to the sky or into the ground.

"Captives, clean up the battlefield."

Derrick did not continue to pursue, and let these troops disintegrate.

In fact, he was powerless to pursue, and the losses were too great.

That is, the barbarians' command was paralyzed, otherwise it would be uncertain who would win or lose.

It is so fatal to capture the leader first.

Personal bravery is useful, but it is quite powerless on the battlefield where swords, spears, swords and halberds are advancing together, and people, horses and chariots are running back and forth.

This time, Derek suppressed his murderous intention and did not kill all the captives.

First, to rule the barbarians in the future, some gentle means are needed.

Second, these captives are needed to make up for the losses.

Yanle City was destroyed, but in the future, a strong pass will be needed to block the inside and outside.

As for how many years these barbarians can live in the end, it depends on their lives.

Of course, Derek will never let go of some noble officers and tribal leaders.

What he needs is the barbarian civilians as the ruled, not a group of disobedient guys.

The battlefield was quite tragic, and Derek simply set up camp here.

During this period, scouts from the Barbarian Kingdom also tried to enter the battlefield, but they were all driven back by the scouts of the Augusta family.

When the infantry arrived, the war was over.

With the army in hand, Derek's confidence returned.

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