"From today on, the Barbarian Wilderness will be changed to the Melgen Province, which is a territory of the Papal Kingdom. However, the Pope is too far away, so I will take care of it for him first.

Inform all the barbarian tribes in the province that this land has changed its owner. I don't care about their barbarian rules. All tribal leaders must come here to report and accept the imperial decree within 15 days, otherwise it will be regarded as being wiped out by the army of the Barbarian Kingdom.

For the barbarian captives, build the Yanle Fortress and the Melgen Monastery branch on the spot.

Select some slave soldiers who are willing to serve me, tattoo them, centrally control them, and organize them into a battalion.

Send people to the capital and tell them that I want to inherit the title of Duke Leopold.

According to the previous plan, build a town, station troops, and immigrate."

Derrick's orders came one after another, initially building the structure of a province.

There are at least 200,000 to 300,000 barbarians living in the Melgen Province, but most of them are scattered and pose no threat.

This is also intentional by the Barbarian Kingdom, but now it is cheaper for itself.

As for Duke Leopold, he comes from a maternal ancestor six generations ago.

This duke is still inherited from the Louis royal family, but it is an empty title and has never had a fief. Except for the annual salary of dozens of gold coins from the royal family, he is no different from ordinary people.

Derek's succession order, if you look carefully, is at least after the hundredth place.

But it doesn't matter. The current Duke Leopold will soon fall into the water and die. All the heirs have signed a certificate of giving up inheritance. Derek has communicated with the god of death in advance for the few who are unwilling.

As for whether the king agrees or not, it doesn't matter.

There are too many things to do after the initial occupation of Melgen Province.

Fortunately, there are pros and cons. Duke Wilson mobilized the border troops, which also made the border a military blank area at this time, and bought precious time.

As time goes by, at least the framework has been set up, although the wild cannot be included in the rule, there are thieves and barbarians everywhere.

But the barbarian leaders all report to the military camp honestly.

It's not that they are too cowardly. In fact, if someone else occupied Melgen Province, they would not be so honest.

Don't forget that Melgen Province is on the edge of the Northland, and everything Derek did has spread here.

It's even more exaggerated, it can stop children from crying at night.

Although the barbarians are undisciplined and even dare to challenge the king, it's because the king is far away and won't really kill them.

But Derek is a ruthless man, and he is right next to them, a ruthless man who can really kill people.

In front of the knife, no matter how undisciplined, they will be honest.

When the time comes, all those who didn't come will be recorded.

Those who came are in front of Derek.

Because there are too many people, there is no place to accommodate hundreds of heads for a meeting, so Derek simply moved the venue outdoors.

When the tin can knight entered, the noisy meeting place of various dialects immediately became quiet.

In order to intimidate these barbarian heads, Derek put on a huge posture.

All the elite knights were wearing armor and the venue was wrapped tightly.

Having just experienced the war, everyone's armor had traces of swords and guns.

Even the bloodstains had not been washed clean, and the dark red bloodstains had seeped into the joints.

However, this kind of damage would not only not be despised, but was filled with a solemn and murderous smell.

Many of the clamoring barbarian chieftains, like captured criminals, wished to bury their heads in the ground and did not dare to look at these knights at all.

Ruthless people only obey the more ruthless ones.

Compared with the small scenes of the barbarian chieftain village fight level, the knights present have experienced all the big scenes in recent years.

It is enough to make people tremble if you pull one out at random.

At this time, a large number of knights and veterans stood there, with a terrifying aura.

Until Derek appeared, the scene was quiet.

Derek, dressed in military uniform, did not quite meet the imagination of the barbarians.

But the temperament in his gestures had that flavor.

"Everyone, the Barbarian Wilderness will be renamed Melgen Province in the future. In name, it is the Pope's direct territory, but I don't want to beat around the bush with you. There will only be one owner here in the future, and that is Augusta."

Such a direct and domineering declaration, in fact, few people have any objections. On the contrary, those who are roundabout are easy to be despised.

Augusta has the strongest power, that is, the owner of this place, and the barbarians have no objection.

"I don't understand the rules of the barbarians, but I want you to know my rules.

In my territory, there is only one identity, that is, Augusta's subjects.

I will not interfere with all tribes.

But you can't avoid the obligations you should fulfill.

Three people out of every hundred people will join the army to serve me, and seven people out of every hundred people will move into the nearby villages and towns to be my property."

Derek didn't waste time talking to them, nor did he make those roundabout rules, he just wanted population.

Weakening the power of the local chiefs is one thing, and enriching themselves is the second.

As for the barbarian tribes, with the addition of a large number of immigrants, they will collapse sooner or later over time.

Barbarian tribes must have their own tribes to govern themselves.

Derek's request was somewhat unexpected to the barbarians. They thought that they would be taxed like the Locke Kingdom, or simply annexed like the barbarian king.

Unexpectedly, they would be required to pay population, a bit like the conquered tribes, except that the population required was much less.

However, no matter what the proposal was, there would always be people who were dissatisfied.

After a moment of silence, a leader spoke cautiously: "Mr. Earl, you have asked for too many people, can you reduce it a little?"

Derrick glanced at him and answered him very gently: "Sure, your tribe doesn't have to pay."

Is there such a good thing?

The surrounding barbarian leaders were in a commotion, as if they had seen a new world. Could it be that Count Augusta was just a show-off?

But the next second, Derek broke their fantasy.

"Simon, take people to conquer this leader's tribe. Tribes that do not submit to me should not exist in the Melgen Province.

Then according to the rules, all the population will be confiscated."

Okay, you still say you don't understand the rules of the barbarians, but feelings are all lies.

The restless barbarians suddenly became honest.

I can't beat them and I can't make them understand. What can I do if I don't accept my fate?

Fortunately, the loss is not much, and I can bear it.

Some people even fantasize that the tribesmen sent out are still tribesmen, and maybe they can get some benefits back.

As for the leader who was being slaughtered like a chicken, he was just about to shout loudly when he was picked up by the knights on the left and right and thrown out.

Simon even explained to the barbarian next to him: "I will let him go back, and then catch him to repair the city for the earl.

The safety of all guests attending the meeting is guaranteed by Augusta."

Good guy, another good guy, this service is really in place.

Simon asked again hypocritically: "Does anyone have different opinions now?"

No, really no.

In this case, who dares to have an opinion? Of course, you have the final say with your sharp sword.

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