The expelled chief climbed on his horse and ran madly towards the tribe.

He didn't know when Derek's words would come true, but it would definitely come true.

Behind him, several cavalrymen were hanging the chief far away, just leading the way.

The chief did not stop and ran all the way back to the tribe.

"Open the door, open the door."

When the gate of the tribe opened, the chief was so tired that he fell off the horse.


The tribesmen helped him up and asked with concern.

"What happened?"

The chief pushed hard and climbed up, shouting with a ferocious face: "Move quickly, let everyone pack up, we will migrate immediately."

"What happened?"

"Hurry up, the Rockman is coming, hurry up."

The quiet tribe soon boiled. Everyone didn't know what happened, but the chief's order was to move, so hurry up.

The war between the barbarian tribes was sometimes more cruel.

The chief rested for a while and recovered some of his physical strength, but the panic in his heart seemed to increase gradually.

Recalling the terrifying rumors about Augusta, none of them could make him feel at ease.

Sure enough, before they could move, the rumbling of horse hooves sounded.

The barbarians on the sentry tower shouted, their voices full of fear.

"Megaman, Megaman's cavalry is coming."

The leader stood up suddenly, and the veins on his hand holding the hilt of the sword were exposed.

"Prepare... for battle."

He knew that he was being treated as a chicken, and only by killing him could he deter other tribes, so there was no chance of peace talks.

Several knights of the Augusta family rode forward, hung the wooden fence with a rope, and then pulled hard, and the warhorse exerted force.


A whole piece of wooden fence was pulled down, and some tribal warriors tried to stop it. More than a dozen riders appeared on the left and right, and the five-link crossbow in their hands whizzed and drove back the first wave of barbarians.

At this time, a knight officer took the lead and rushed into the tribe, announcing loudly: "The people without a master, disobedient, and offending the great Count Augusta, kill!"

The iron cavalry rushed into the barbarian tribe, and everyone's eyes were extremely cold.

Without a trace of emotion, they don't consider good and evil, right and wrong, and have no time to consider it.

Like a killing machine, they just execute orders coldly.

Right and wrong, good and evil are what the superiors need to consider, they just need to execute.

The barbarian warrior holding a light scimitar slashed on the breastplate with one knife, and the blade broke into pieces.

The knight was not affected at all, paused for a moment, and the knight's sword went straight through the opponent's abdomen.

Blood sprayed all over the ground, the knight kicked the opponent away with his feet, and continued to kill with the sword.

The absolute gap in strength and armaments turned the battle into a one-sided massacre.

The more small-scale melees, the more the individual's combat power is infinitely magnified.

The headman roared wildly, trying to stop the demonic behavior of these Rockmen, watching his tribesmen die one by one in front of him, this torment was enough to make him collapse.

"Go to hell, all of you go to hell."

The headman roared wildly, and then was pressed to the ground by the knight.

He did not repent and continued to insult.

"This is the land of the barbarians. Augusta will never conquer us, forever.

The curse of the barbarians will always be with you, devil."

The knight officer stepped on the blood and walked to the headman, looking down at him.

The helpless barking of the loser made him feel bored.

He didn't care about being called a devil. He was just doing the business of a butcher. There was no need to be both a butcher and a thief.

But the headman's roar was a bit noisy, so he stepped on his head with his iron boots and held the hilt of the sword with both hands, with the tip of the sword facing down.

"Shut up, kind headman, I haven't heard a word of pleading for the tribe until now, so... we are all demons."

The tip of the sword pierced the head fiercely, and the noisy shouting stopped abruptly.

The knight officer let the knight sword stick there, raised his head and looked calmly at his men who were cleaning the battlefield.

After seeing it more, he naturally understood what people like the headman were thinking.

Do you really think he loves his tribe? He only loves his power.

When there were no external enemies, there were many chieftains who used their people as slaves. All kinds of atrocities would make people terrified.

Including raising objections at the meeting, it was all for their own sake.

Otherwise, the Barbarian Kingdom would have been integrated long ago, and they would have supported the Barbarian King and invaded the south.

The knights perfectly implemented the meaning of leaving no one alive. That was really not a single living thing.

After the job was done, they simply took away the spoils and left the rest in place.

Next, many barbarians will come to visit.

There may be anger, hatred and resentment, but more will remember fear and awe.

Augusta came to this land as the ruler. There was no third option to surrender or to surrender underground.

Obviously, everyone chose the first option.


According to Derek's plan, more than a dozen towns began construction, and barbarians from various tribes were initially in place.

The first batch of immigrants from the north also settled in the nearest settlement.

Even the Barbarian Legion was in place, with one-third of the hundred selected, and finally there were more than 6,000 people.

Derek sent knights as officers and elite veterans as the bottom ten leaders, and easily gained control of the army.

Before the Augusta family showed signs of weakness, the combat effectiveness of the barbarian army could be guaranteed.

As the news of Melgen Province spread, a series of chain reactions were triggered.

The nobles of the North began to act, trying to keep up with the footsteps of Count Augusta.

The materials and population of the three provinces of the North also began to migrate.

The Mergen Monastery even personally intervened to deceive the believers to migrate.

After occupying the Mergen Province, Derek's previous arrangements began to show results.

Of course, immigration and construction is a long process.

The most important thing at the moment is the reaction of the three southern countries.

The Griffin Kingdom has no borders with the North, so there is no need to consider it for the time being.

The attitudes of the Holy Cross Kingdom and the Locke Kingdom are the most important.

However, it will take some time to know the attitudes of the two kings, and there is still a breath left.

Seeing that the situation has stabilized, Derek left most of the army and returned to the Holy Maitreya Province with the Knights.

At the border, the Holy Maitreya Legion is already waiting.

As a kingdom organization, of course, it cannot easily step out of the country. Derek will not leave such an obvious excuse to make trouble for the king.

However, in the Holy Maitreya Province, it is natural to do whatever you want.

The officers from the Augusta Knights firmly controlled the army, and the Kingdom's tentative intervention was all cut off.

When the Knights arrived, the officers surrounded them.

"Count! What should we do?"

Everyone knew what the barbarian ambush was, and naturally wanted to avenge their dead brothers.

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