A bunch of sheriffs were relatively speechless after telling them the clues.

There are no secrets in the Rock Kingdom, and there are rumors even in the royal capital about the interesting stories about Count Augusta.

Conspiracy theories are very popular, and even if there is no evidence, there are still many people who can analyze them for you.

Now that the son of Marquis de Haishan was killed, and so many iconic items were left at the scene, everyone knew what was going on.

But if you look carefully, there seems to be no tangible evidence.

Of course, no one will take the initiative to get involved in this kind of thing, bullying civilians, even some small nobles in the royal capital, is okay.

If he messed with such a big noble who held military power, he might one day have his hands tied behind his back and hang himself.

The king's envoy took a look at this situation and guessed what these old fritters were thinking.

He pondered for a while before slowly suggesting: "Please prepare the case files and notify the security team to track down the murderer."

Good guy, most of the day had passed before I thought of chasing the murderer, fearing that he had already run away.

However, no one doubted that there was nothing wrong with the program, it was just a little slow.

After the magistrates prepared the case file with understanding, the Kingdom's envoy read it over and put it away with satisfaction.

Before getting on the carriage, he suddenly turned around, as if he just remembered: "By the way, say hello to the people of the Haishan family. I must be invited to the funeral. After all... I am considered my junior."

The kingdom's envoy got on the carriage, and as soon as the door was closed, he finally no longer had to control his expression.

"Hahaha! Well done. The Knight of the North is indeed a Knight of the North."

This thing really made him happy.

At the beginning, Haishan stepped on everyone's head and won the opportunity to go to the Northland.

I thought it was an opportunity for rapid success, but I didn't expect that I was now stuck in a quagmire.

As a competitor, seeing the other party suffer misfortune makes you happier than getting rich yourself.

Returning to the palace, the envoy was able to meet the king directly because he was responsible for handling emergencies.

Louis II was fencing in the garden.

Wearing a full set of protective gear, Louis II's meticulous movements were very standard.

The knight opposite had some back-and-forth with His Majesty the King.

When he saw the envoy arriving, the knight was 'accidentally' knocked down from practicing his sword.

"Your Majesty, your sword skills have improved."

The envoy stepped forward with a flattering compliment on his face.

The king threw away his gloves, sat on the chair, and said with a smile: "Don't think I don't know, it's all you who let me. If the title knight of the kingdom can't defeat me, the country will be destroyed.

By the way, how is the investigation going? The one from Northland who did it? "

Louis II was not a fool. As soon as he heard that something happened to the Hassan family, he guessed who the murderer was.

The special envoy could not see any gloating expression at this time, and said sadly: "The evidence on the scene cannot prove it, but I privately guessed that it should be correct."

He handed over the case file, but Louis II didn't even bother to look at it.

“They are all clichés and words, which give me a headache.

Tell me what you think. "

The special envoy stood up straight and had already typed out his manuscript on the way here.

"Count Augusta must be punished. This behavior is a provocation to the kingdom's system."

"Where's the evidence? For what reason."

"No proof required, this is what he did."

"But the kingdom needs evidence." Louis II stood up and said with a sneer: "No one can break the rules, otherwise it will be Hassan who dies today."

As long as he was still within the political rules of the kingdom, he was not afraid that Count Augusta would break the law.

No matter how restricted the power of a king, he is still a king.

The envoy lowered his head, looking educated.

The king clearly knew that he was faking it, and he himself knew that the king knew that he was faking it.

But this is the rule, what is fake must be treated as real, and the performance must be performed well.

"Count Augusta stalled for time and urged him to come to the royal capital to receive the title. At the same time, he was fined a thousand gold coins and had the fine sent directly to Haishan. Tell him that I will compensate him."

The younger brother was wronged because he worked for him. Of course the boss has to dig into his pocket to deal with the aftermath, otherwise no one will work for you in the future.

Louis II didn't care about the price he paid. What he was thinking about now was how to solve the Melgen Province.

"Let the eldest prince go in person to meet the two abbots of Melgen Abbey to express the royal family's sincerity."

Louis II believed that what Count Augusta could give to the monastery, he could also give.

There have been enough restrictions on religion over the years, and many nobles are complaining that it is not impossible to take the opportunity to loosen the restrictions.

Just try to find a way to gain the right to rule the Melgen Province.

Count Augusta thought he had won, but no... From a legal point of view, there was no way to transfer the rule of this land.

Derek didn't know about the game in the royal capital, but within a few days, he received news that the gift was ready.

It just so happened that a barbarian slave was chosen and asked to tell Marquis Haishan the good news.

Hassan has been on tenterhooks lately, wary of revenge from the Augusta family.

However, most of them were small conflicts, and the people below suffered some losses, but not to the point of breaking their muscles and bones.

At this time, it was suddenly reported that Baron Tamir, a disciple of Count Rowett, was missing and was suspected of being shipwrecked at sea.

Haishan felt her heart tighten at that moment, realizing where her recent uneasiness came from.

The royal capital!

As a minor nobleman, Count Augusta should have a vacuum of power there.

But the nobles of the North are not like that. The capital also has the power of the nobles of the North.

So, the home may not be safe.

He had just sent someone home to remind him, and then he heard that the envoy from Count Augusta was visiting.

Marquis Haishan's anxiety reached an extreme. When he saw that the envoy was a barbarian, his eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

The barbarian slave was still immersed in the excitement of returning to gain freedom. He expressed his condolences on behalf of Count Augusta with great sorrow.

"Dear Marquis, the Count asked me to express my deep apologies to you and expressed his concern for the security of the capital.

He suggested that you send your offspring to the North. He is willing to take care of the younger generation to prevent accidents from happening again.

By the way, there is also the gift money from the Count."

Haishan took the box after the entourage checked it. A copper coin in it was lying on the expensive silk, as if it was Augusta's mocking face.

"Get lost!"

Marquis Haishan finally couldn't help but get angry. No one could calm down when they heard that their son was dead.

He drew his sword and angrily wanted to kill the barbarian envoy.

But in the end, he hit the handle of the chair.

The other party did it on purpose. If he really hit this guy, there would be more trouble later.

"Augusta, don't you have any relatives?" Hushan growled with gritted teeth.

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