Several pedestrians on the street saw the thumb sticking out of the carriage at the same time.

The down-and-out mercenary picked up his bags and staggered away.

The blacksmith who sells scattered farm tools has his stall wrapped in linen and is ready to go home.

Several dilapidated trucks set off at the same time.

Gedo didn't notice the changes behind him at all. The security around the royal capital had always been very good, especially vicious crimes against nobles, which were very rare.

The castle where he trained was located outside the royal capital, and together with the civilians living around the castle, it was actually a town.

Located in the heart of the kingdom, the castle's symbolic significance has become more than its actual function.

So there is still some way to go back to the city.

Sitting in the family's newly purchased carriage, Gedo lay comfortably.

"Has there been any news about your father recently?"

"Master, everything is well with the Marquis."

"I heard that the earl in the North recently went to conquer the heretics. I don't know how the battle is going."

"The latest news is that the barbarians have been defeated by Earl Augusta, and the barbarian wilderness has been renamed the Melgen Province."

"Then I don't know if my father has a chance to obtain a fief."

Gedo became excited. His father went to a desolate place like the Northland in order to obtain a fiefdom.

Otherwise, the family's reputation can only be maintained for a short time, and it will be more difficult for him, the fifth son, to gain any benefits.

The servant smiled bitterly. He actually knew some information, but...

Boom! !

The carriage suddenly shook violently and bumped several times.

The driver who was driving was trying hard to control the carriage, and several servants who were following on foot were already yelling at him.

"Where are you untouchables? This is the Marquis's carriage. Do you want to rebel?"

Gedo opened the curtain and saw a dilapidated truck. The two vehicles were coming towards each other and collided with each other.

Some yellow-white grease was exposed from the barrel of the truck, giving off a fishy smell.

He frowned and told his entourage: "Hurry up and deal with it. I have to rush back for lunch. Mother is still waiting for me."

At the same time, there was a car accident on both sides of the road, and trucks broke down and blocked the road.

Two other carriages converted from passengers to cargo also arrived.

The driver of the truck kept apologizing, and the angry servant kicked him.

"Go away! Untouchable, you have delayed the young master's schedule and you will have to pay for it with your life."

"Move your car quickly, or I will dismantle it for you."

Gedo lowered the car curtain, feeling noisy.

He wouldn't care about the consequences of an untouchable offending him, but he just felt that it might delay his lunch.

From the approaching truck, several big men suddenly jumped out.

"What are you doing, blocking the road?"

Perhaps they were used to being arrogant, but the servants of the Marquis' family never saw the noble emblem, nor did they care that something was obviously wrong with the few people jumping out of the truck.

"Why are you arguing? Come and help lift the car, this piece of junk."

The strong man sneered again and again, speeding up and approaching.

"we are coming."


After a series of screams, several servants threw themselves into the street without any resistance.

Gedo impatiently opened the curtain, but the groom in front had already been dragged out of the car, and a strong man leaned half of his body in.

The attendant beside him realized something was wrong and reached out to draw his sword.

But the opponent was faster. He knocked over the follower with one fist, then grabbed Gedo's collar and pulled him out.

The other strong men divided the work and worked together, piling the bodies together and pouring out the grease on the carriage with the driver of the crashed carriage.

Gedo knew something was wrong, and it was directed at him.

"My father is the Marquis of Hassan, I am a knight, and you are committing a crime.

Let me go and I can give you a ransom. "

The strong men ignored him, pulled a few pieces of wood removed from the car, and nailed a cross on the roadside.

"What do you want to do? I demand the courtesy of a noble."

"Shut him up."

After knocking out several teeth with one fist, the noisy Lord Knight finally shut up.

Soon, a fire was lit and both carriages were ablaze.

The strong man took out a python skin rope and held several daggers with white bone handles.

"Bah! What a waste of these good things."

Before Gedo could react, someone tied a python skin rope around his neck and hung him on the cross.

He struggled with his hands, grabbing his neck, but was pulled apart again, and all his limbs were nailed to the wood.

Seeing Gedo dying, the strong men destroyed the evidence and evacuated quickly.

Soon, all the broken carriages were repaired, and they turned around and left directly.

The next step is to seize the time and leave.

By the time passers-by discovered the tragedy, the fire had already been extinguished.

The local police chief arrived at the scene quickly, and when he saw the emblem on Gedo's body, his head started pounding.

"It's over, things are getting serious."

Several civilians died and no one paid any attention.

Even if a nobleman dies, there may not necessarily be anything wrong with him.

But the real power aristocrats are different.

The Marquis of Haishan is also a big figure. Something happened to his family, and the trouble is huge.

The Sheriff didn't dare to do anything and sent someone directly to report it to his superiors.

Then the local earl family came, the city guards came, and even the king sent people to investigate the matter.

By the time it got dark, there were already people standing under Gedo's body.

However, no one dared to move. All the experienced police officers came, and they knew that there was a big problem when they saw the scene.

Until the king's envoy arrived and broke the silence as soon as he spoke.

"You are all old police officers. Please tell me the situation. Otherwise, how can I explain it to His Majesty when I go back?"

Everyone still didn't want to talk, no one wanted to get involved in this matter.

The special envoy doesn't know how to solve crimes, but he understands people's hearts.

When I saw these old fools trying to shirk, they immediately pointed at an unlucky guy and said, "Each person will tell you a clue. If you come first, no one else can escape."

The Sheriff who was pointed at looked helpless.

"Hurry up, if you don't mind my adding your name when I report to His Majesty, let someone else do the talking."

This move was so lethal that the sheriff had to say: "The perpetrator was professional, his movements were very neat, and there was no sign of resistance at the scene."

"Next, continue."

"The clues are almost cleared, and they have all been burned."

"It should have been planned in advance."

After a round, everything that can be said has been said.

It was the first unlucky guy's turn again, and he couldn't even think clearly.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "The rope that hanged Knight Gedo Hassan is made of python skin. This kind of python is only found in the North."

With the first one to speak, the pressure on others is much less.

"The daggers that nail the limbs are in the barbarian style. They should be obtained from the barbarian kingdom."

"The murderer is probably a group of knights. Look at the nails on the cross. They are very precise. They were driven in with just one hammer."

Some things have been completely erased.

There are some things that the other party seems to have left behind on purpose.

What is erased is all evidence.

Those who remain cannot be convicted, but they are deliberately letting you know the identity of the perpetrator.

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