The sword fell from his hand, and the Duke's head fell to the ground.

It's as simple as going out and buying some groceries.

Duke Wilson was considered a hero among the barbarians, but he ended up with his body and head separated in the blink of an eye.

Of course, what is more intuitive is the fear of the rabbit dying and the fox pitiful.

Those in power are most afraid of people who don't follow the rules.

According to the established rules, high-ranking nobles are immortal.

But now, a barbarian Duke died in front of him, which was a huge shock.

The Marquis of Hassan's face turned gloomy because of this. He was scared, frightened, and even more angry.

"Your Majesty the Marquis, please take away the barbarian's head. This is my gift to His Majesty the King."

The attendant took out a wooden box, which was covered with a layer of silk and a thick layer of lime.

When the wooden box was handed to Marquis Hassan, he lowered his head, adjusted his mood, and said with a smile: "I would like to thank you for your gift on behalf of your majesty. I believe your majesty will like it."

Derek looked at him, confirming the fear hidden in the other man's eyes.

He knew that this threat would not make Marquis Hassan bow his head directly, but it was enough.

The king, as long as he stays within the rules, is not terrible.

As a beneficiary of the rules, the king did not have the courage to break the rules.

Therefore, Derek was afraid of King Louis II but not that afraid.

What he needs to do is not to leave any excuses for the other party, and then have fun.

Don't you see the old Count Pérez? He hasn't ignored him since Louis II came to power, but he is still a count.

There are many powerful people in various places who arrange kings, and no one has lost their territory because of this.

The Marquis of Hassan said goodbye, but Derek did not stop him and watched him leave.

"Earl, do you want him to disappear?" Simon made a gesture of cutting his throat with a ferocious expression.

But Derek shook his head. The rules of the game must be followed before he has the strength to overturn the table.

"Don't worry, I have sent someone to give him a gift. I hope he won't be too sad."

St. Peter's Province, Port Deegan.

As the only good port controlled by the Augusta family, it has been expanded and expanded over the years.

Local conflicts did not dampen the enthusiasm for maritime trade routes.

More and more businessmen are trying to make a fortune through this new route.

But today, one side of the port was directly blocked.

In the distance, some ships can be seen pulling into the new berth.

The flag from the Lovett family flies above the ship.

Baron Tamir personally took charge of the battle. He was very concerned about the deal with the Augusta family and had been actively working on it.

In fact, he had no idea of ​​Earl Lovett's plan.

There is no need to let him know that he is just a high-level chess piece and only needs to execute orders.

Therefore, Tamir walked off the temporary bridge without any doubt and happily hugged his old friend.

"Sir Raymond, it's nice to see you. I brought you some southern red wine. Let's have a drink together later."

Sir Raymond is a wounded knight who has lost two fingers on his left hand, leaving him unable to serve on the front lines.

But as a port constable, that was more than enough.

Baron Tamir had met several times, and the two of them were considered acquaintances.

If there is no change, maybe after a few interactions, a good wave of friendship can be established.

Sir Raymond accepted Baron Tamir's embrace with a straight face.

However, he came close to the other person's ear and softly said sorry.

Before Baron Tamir could realize what was happening, he felt severe pain in his chest.

Blood quickly spurted out along the groove of the dagger, and Baron Tamir's power quickly drained away.


He asked in confusion, he obviously came with sincerity.

"If you want to blame, blame your brother."

Sir Raymond took two steps back, his chest inevitably stained red.

If given the choice, the two might be friends.

Unfortunately, they are now enemies.

He watched coldly as Baron Tamir lost all movement and even gradually became stiff.

The soldiers who had been prepared had already rushed onto the deck.

Don't even think about running away from the ships that have stopped.

In the water, some boats pulled nets to prevent fish from slipping through the net.

Soon, nothing could be seen except a little red on the sea.

In fact, the red color fades quickly as well.

Raymond ordered people to tie Baron Tamir's body with stones and throw it into the sea to feed the fish.

The Lovett family's fleet failed to arrive as expected, and something must have happened.

"Let someone tell the Count that the gift for Count Lovett is ready."

The royal capital!

Military victories in the past two years have brought more vitality to the city.

Internally, King Louis II was able to achieve some success, suppressing thieves and bandits, and was able to tame most of the nobles.

The Guards Corps is well-armed, well-trained, well-staffed, and has a certain deterrent effect.

This is a new era in the Rock Kingdom. On the prosperous surface, there are no traces of darkness.

Among them, the family of Marquis Haishan has gradually gained some fame because of his rise.

This small aristocratic family does not have many members.

During the period when the Marquis was a palace official, he was not prominent.

Until he became the commander of the Northern Expedition Army, he suddenly became very popular.

Together with this small family, it gradually prospered.

Several of his sons were appointed to middle-level positions in the kingdom.

Some of his collateral relatives also received positions.

Even some traditional noble families were willing to marry this upstart.

In the entire capital, Marquis Haishan was not a first-class figure, but he also had a certain status.

Of course, no one dared to provoke such a noble family.

His fifth son was not at all vigilant.

After the training at a certain earl's castle, it was his turn to take a monthly day off. Guido Haishan left the castle and prepared to go home with several waiting followers.

What he didn't know was that he was being watched as soon as he left the castle.

In a shabby carriage on the side of the road, the outline of some goods was revealed.

No one cared. This might be a poor noble who had to use his own carriage to load goods to get some money.

Even the emblem on the body of the carriage was deducted, and the horse pulling the carriage was old and weak.

This is very common. There are always some nobles who want to be respectable but have to face the embarrassing economic situation.

But behind the goods, it was not as crowded as expected.

Two strong men held a young man hostage.

"Are you sure it's Gedo Hussein?"

"Yes, I recognize him, it's him."

"Very good, I will give the reward to your family, if you are not lying."

"Just give it to me, just give it to me, I can make a comeback."

"Make a comeback in the next life."

The strong man sneered and stretched out his hand to turn his neck.


Then he stretched out a hand, with his thumb turned down.

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