Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 128: Raising a flag as a token of trust

"My soldiers, Augusta's rule, will become the only voice of this land, and the barbarians... will also be Augusta's people.

It is the duty of every barbarian to serve Augusta.

Of course, this is the first winter day, and with Augusta's kindness, I will grant you rewards and allow you to return home with weapons, for a time limit of two months."

Derrick quickly announced his decision, weapons, rewards, and vacations.

The winter solstice is coming, and the cold winter is coming.

The emotions of the barbarian soldiers may explode this winter.

Let them go back and let them spread the reputation of Augusta.

Two months of military camp life brought more than resentment. The strength of Augusta's knights, the excellent weapons, and the powerful army are also lessons that the barbarians remember deeply.

Otherwise, with their character, they would have turned the world upside down long ago.

I believe that this winter, Augusta's name will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In addition to harshness and strength, kindness will also be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Derrick prepared rewards for them, some copper coins and linen.

The messenger followed the parade ground, conveying the earl's will over and over again.

The cheers came one after another, gradually becoming uniform.

This can be regarded as the result of the two months of training.

However, this bold behavior was not accepted by people at this time.

Even the noble officers were unwilling to let the soldiers who had not completed the training return home.

"Earl, you can't let them go, otherwise they will run away." Virut hurriedly suggested. He had seen many soldiers who ran away, which was a feature of the times.

Even in the records left by his ancestors, preventing soldiers from running away is also a science.

There are even records that at most half of the troops ran away before going to the battlefield.

So strict defense is the right way.

"Believe me, they will come back."

Derek was very confident. These barbarian soldiers were different from the conscripted soldiers. Although they were not voluntary, there were still leaders above the barbarians.

If they became deserters, Derek would definitely not be the most anxious.

Virut still couldn't accept it. He understood it, but what if it happened?

"Nothing will happen. The Yanle Mountain Corridor is in our hands. Where can these barbarians escape to?

Send them south to us, or go into the mountains and become barbarians?"

Barbarians are not barbarians, even if they are very barbaric.

Life accustomed to group life is difficult to adapt to living alone.

And most barbarians have relatives in the province of Melgen, so they can't help but consider these.

Derrick comforted the officer, turned around and shouted: "Plant my flag here, I... Count Augusta promises again that we will meet here in two months."

There was another wave of cheers, and Derek turned his head and ordered the clerk: "Write it down, this will be one of the examples of the Augusta family winning the hearts of the people."

The clerk quickly lay on the ground, took out the ink he carried with him and wrote frantically.

These will be compiled into history books, and even considered to be spread out, becoming a symbol of Count Augusta's destiny and a propaganda slogan.

However, there are also guys whose brains are full of muscles. For example, Simon was puzzled and questioned: "What if a few people have an accident and don't come back?"

"Then add a few names to the training casualty list, idiot."

The so-called great deeds, of course, cannot be free from some embellishment.

Simon touched his head and felt that he had learned another useless knowledge.

With the urgently transferred linen, each barbarian soldier received the earl's reward and embarked on the journey home.

They were even allowed to carry simple weapons for self-protection.

But it was different from when they entered the military camp. There were many more towns in the desolate Melgen Province.

The first batch of immigrants from the Locke Kingdom had settled down, and with the population contributed by the barbarian tribe, they barely supported a framework.

The barbarian soldiers walking in pairs saw a different wilderness.

This kind of change, I can't tell the feeling, but I always feel it is right.

The power of civilization will always attract people who yearn for it.

Dagu is one of the barbarian soldiers, but he is a mixed-blood.

His entire tribe is mixed-blood.

Inheriting the advantages of two races, and with the tribe being close to the Locke Kingdom, the language barrier was even smaller.

Dagu was getting along quite well in the military camp. Abandoning those strict rules and regulations, the food in the military camp was indeed good.

His tribe contributed seven soldiers this time, and now all of them have returned home safely.

After trekking for half a month, they finally saw the shadow of the tribe.

However, compared with when they left, there were a few more towers, and they spotted Dagu and his men approaching from a distance.

When they got closer, they found that the wooden fence of the tribe had also been completely transformed.

Thick wooden stakes were hammered into the soil to form a thick wooden wall. A team of tribesmen patrolled back and forth, and after being warned by the sentinel, they approached Dagu and his men with weapons raised.

When they met, they found that they were acquaintances.



Both parties embraced in surprise, but after the joy, the captain suddenly remembered where Dagu had gone and was worried: "Did you become a deserter?"

Count Augusta's rule was beginning to show results, and several tribes had offended the count and were punished.

They didn't want to be the next one, so when they saw Dagu and others return, they were full of worries.

Dagu quickly took off the sackcloth on his back and explained to everyone: "I didn't become a deserter. This was a reward from the count. He asked us to come back for the New Year."

One by one, the soldiers raised their rewards to prove that what they said was correct.

Deserters would not take these things with them.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "Dago, don't mind. The nearby Quan tribe offended the Earl before and was fined fifty slaves. There were also tribes that were not convinced and were wiped out."

Dago expressed his understanding and said with lingering fear: "Yes, the Earl's knights are very, very powerful."

Recalling the barbarians who challenged the knights, Dago still felt scared.

Those knights who took off their armor were still warriors that the barbarians could not defeat.

Why are the barbarian soldiers so honest? It's not because of the so-called benevolence, but because the knights' fists are harder.

Dago and the soldiers who accompanied him described everything they saw, the powerful knights, the invulnerable armor, and the majestic Earl.

This brought a different feeling to the tribe.

"By the way, I heard from the chieftain that the Earl is the knight who gave us liquor. Is that true?

Have you seen the Earl?"

"No, there were too many people in the barracks, so I didn't see the Earl, but he looked very similar."

"Then the chieftain must have seen him. The Earl is really kind. It would be great if I could see him again."

The captain sighed. He didn't expect that he had sat and drank with such a big shot.

If you tell others, you can brag about it for three generations.

"Captain, why don't you join the army? I heard that the strongest warrior can become the Earl's knight, and then you can see the Earl again." Dagu suddenly suggested.

I have to say that this suggestion is very tempting.

It's not shameful to serve Rockman, and it's even more glorious to serve a powerful knight like Count Augusta.

"Let me think about it."

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