Swan Castle is a living castle with more functionality.

Abandoning the absolute nature of defense, the castle can also be made very beautiful.

On the large open-air balcony, you can have an unobstructed view of the nearby scenery.

Surrounded by four arrow towers, the guards can clearly see everything here.

There is no space around for people to peek or get close.

Putting out tables and chairs is the best place to receive guests.

Viscount Angelo Chavez, a nobleman from the south.

His family did not have a prominent title, and the actual fiefdom was just a barony.

But through blood and marriage ties, he can represent a considerable number of nobles.

They operate a large number of farms and estates, producing large amounts of food and cash crops.

In the past, trade barriers meant that their products could only be produced in the south or in the middle of the kingdom, and taxes were also horribly high.

The price gap between goods from the territory to the market can reach ten times.

But the Augusta family occupied the land in the province of St. Peter and controlled the excellent port of Port Deegan. The Rowett family even opened up a new channel.

This is a completely new route and the cost of shipping by sea is too low.

With Port Degen as the fulcrum, their business can reach the Holy Cross Kingdom, covering the Holy Mile Province, the Northern Province, the Mergen Province, and even the Barbarian Kingdom.

This is such a huge market, and the interests it represents are crazy.

Therefore, Viscount Angelo Chavez left Count Rowett and the Southern Noble Alliance aside and quietly appeared here.

What these people want is very simple, money.

The one who can make money is the uncle. They have no interest in competing with the Augusta family for hegemony.

Of course, some people are confused. Before the Augusta family came, Port Deegan was also there. Couldn't they do business?

It was too simple to think this way. At that time, Port Degen was still in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Holy Cross. The nobles in the south were thousands of miles away. If they dared to do business on other people's territory, they would die without knowing how.

Are there no nobles in the Holy Cross Kingdom who are engaged in the same business? They can do anything to you and let you know what life is worse than death.

Even now, if they want to enter this market, they must obtain the consent of the local powerful people and share a large amount of profits.

This is also the reason why he appears at Swansea Castle.

“Count Augusta, we are willing to make concessions and hand over some of our products to your chamber of commerce.

You can even gradually reduce your support for Earl Rowett. Please believe that not every southerner wants to be your enemy. "

Viscount Angelo Chavez was very humble and more sincere than the king.

Derek was thinking that cooperation must be cooperation, at least it can disintegrate the behemoth of the Southern Party.

But if he agreed so easily, he would be so sorry for the memory of his previous life.

He thought for a while and then replied carefully: "Viscount Chavez, I have always been a supporter of free trade. You can go and investigate. Augusta has never done anything that harmed trade."

Viscount Chavez agreed very much with this point. Compared with other nobles of this era, Count Augusta was no different from a saint in this regard.

“So, I won’t interfere too much in your business practices.

For ships docking at Port Deegan, commodities are taxed on a per-vessel basis, and I can provide tax exemptions or even subsidies on some commodities.

And based on the reputation of the Augusta family, there will be no double taxation in the territory I control. "

Viscount Chavez stood up with a roar, overturning the coffee table in front of him, knocking over the coffee and scattering it all over the floor.

“Sorry, I’m rude.

But Your Excellency, are you sure you are not joking? "

"Of course, I also allow you to send someone to negotiate with my tax officer regarding the tax rate. It won't be too excessive.

Of course, in the name of private individuals, I hope you can help bring some special goods. " Derek said.

What a deal, what an incredible deal.

Viscount Chavez agreed immediately. He felt that the conditions were ridiculously good and there must be something wrong with them.

But he couldn't see what the problem was. He couldn't make money without making money, right?

"Thank you for your generosity, and I assure you on a personal basis only that the Augustana family will be my best friends."

The two of them had agreed on the general direction, and the details were actually left to the people below to negotiate slowly.

Viscount Chavez left with excitement and a knight's sword presented by Derek, and he quickly passed the news to the nobles of the Business Alliance.

A group of outstanding businessmen of this era held a meeting overnight to discuss the issues.

However, after much discussion, no trap can be seen.

Unless you plan to trick them into grabbing a wave, you don’t see any problem.

With the reputation and status of Count Augusta, he could not do such a derogatory thing.

There is only one truth. This Earl is really a supporter of free trade and sincerely wants to do business with him.

"Count Augusta is truly a saint!"

"We can't take the benefits in vain. His Excellency the Earl of Augusta has shown sincerity, and we must give him a proper gift in return.

Rowett urged us to deliver another batch of weapons and armor, and I think we should let the bandits grab them. "

"Just Mountain Wolf Lloyd. We have dealt with him and asked him to pass it on to Earl Augusta."

A batch of armored weapons is nothing to everyone sitting here and the Augusta family.

Both parties have similar businesses, and they can even affect the arms market.

But the sincerity contained in this is the most important, and this will not be the end.

As the business of both parties grows bigger and bigger, it is not impossible to turn to the Augusta family.

And Derek naturally has his own plans. He called his second uncle Andrew, who is the tax officer of Augusta City and has an important position.

"Second uncle, I need to adjust your position." Derek said his thoughts directly.

Although Andrew felt it was sudden, he did not hesitate at all: "No problem, where do you need me to go?"

"Degen Port!" Derek gave the answer and said the agreement with the southern nobles: "You are responsible for collecting tariffs and agreeing on the tax rate.

It's no problem to give appropriate concessions."

Andrew has been a tax officer for so long, and he knows the way it is.

"This is too cheap for them. Even if you want to win over the southern nobles, you don't have to make such a big concession."

Allowing the southern nobles to do business is already a great gift, enough to win them over, and there is no need to make such concessions.

Derek didn't explain, but just made an excuse: "Since you are going to win them over, just do it all at once. Don't be afraid... We can still make money back.

Uncle, your task is not just to collect taxes. I will have a list. You should try to get them to ship more of the things we lack, and adjust the tariffs at any time according to my needs."

"It's very simple, no problem, leave it to me."

Andrew assured very confidently.

Of course, he didn't know that by influencing tariffs, he could manipulate the market and even influence the political and experience tendencies of the southern nobles.

Derrick just knew these things in his heart.

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