The winter in Yanle Mountain is very boring.

With a large number of troops gathered, civilians naturally would not run to such a place.

There are many merchants, and the materials transported can always be sold at a good price.

Derek took his wife and occasionally rode on horseback to go hunting in the wild.

With the arrival of the New Year, this year has changed to another place to spend.

This is the third year since leaving home. Derek looks back on the past and can be regarded as a small achievement.

The barbarian fortress opposite is brightly lit. This night, they are not very peaceful.

In other words, since knowing that the famous Earl Augusta came to the border, the generals on the opposite side have not had a good day.

The barbarians are not blind and deaf, and they have repeatedly studied the achievements of Derek.

In the end, the barbarians came to a conclusion that they must not be careless.

So at this juncture of the New Year, they must not be careless.

In order to prevent Derek from attacking, the barbarian generals personally went into battle and patrolled endlessly.

But this is destined to be useless.

Derek was not prepared to start a war in a hurry. Melgen Province had not yet digested it, and the benefits of starting a war were too low.

And in this New Year, Tiona also told him a good news.

"I'm pregnant."

Tiona said this, and as expected, she saw Derek's surprised expression.

The latter picked her up and flew happily.

Now this big mess really needs an heir to inherit.

Even if it is still in the belly, it can stabilize people's hearts.

However, no one noticed that the family doctor smiled and watched this scene without speaking.

In the Augusta family, what else can be hidden from the Earl?

It's just that some things, knowing and pretending not to know, can better cultivate feelings.

That night, the news of Mrs. Augusta's pregnancy spread quickly from Yanle City.

The originally stable military camp suddenly burst into cheers.

The barbarian spies were so scared that they trembled all over, thinking that the Rock people were coming.

Even the barbarian army was in a mess, cautiously waiting for possible attacks.

The knights outside the city were supposed to spend the New Year in the military camp.

At this time, they didn't care about any military orders. They took turns to meet the earl and send their blessings.

They really needed an heir to the earl.

Perhaps everyone only noticed that many children of northern nobles entered the officialdom and obtained titles from the Augusta family.

But no one noticed that a large number of civilian knights also went to grassroots positions in various parts of the north.

The nobles and civilian knights were evenly matched, which was an unprecedented event.

That is, most of them were village sheriffs and low-level officers of the city guards. Such inconspicuous positions, with the background of the earl of Augusta, no one cared.

In fact, there were already many civilian knight officials.

In the Augusta family, there were even more such civilian knights.

Unlike the noble knights who had 100% of the positions available, the competition among civilian knights was more intense.

Similarly, they were more united.

Because except for the earl of Augusta, no one would give him another chance.

Every position of the king had relatives to be placed, and there was no extra one for the civilians.

It takes three generations for a civilian knight to get close to the aristocratic circle and produce a low-level officer.

It is conceivable that they support and are loyal to the Augusta family.

And all this must have an heir to guarantee their interests.

Count Augusta Jr. is the future spokesperson for civilian knights.

Since his birth, this has been his inescapable fate and a political resource.

Even Tiona saw so many knights for the first time.

She knew that there were many knights in the Augusta family, but the number was still too scary.

Knight is not just an honorary title, at least it is not rampant now.

The high maintenance cost proves that knights are valuable enough.

The strength of a noble can be seen by the number of knights under his command.

This winter has become very lively.

When the barbarian soldiers returned to the barracks one after another, they even brought some new recruits.

The knight officers suddenly found that with the arrival of the little earl, the barbarians seemed to become docile all of a sudden.

They thought this was a good omen brought by the little earl, and they were happy to see this situation.

The caravan from the south also arrived at Yanle City after a long journey.

They brought a large number of goods and more than a hundred black slaves.

When the leader of the caravan came to visit Derek and presented a gift list, Derek discovered this special gift.

"Black slaves?"

In his memory, there were no black people in the three southern countries.

The leader of the caravan introduced this new cargo to the earl with a flattering smile.

"These are the natives we caught from some overseas islands. They have been trained and are good at work. Moreover, every black slave who got off the ship has been castrated, and there will be absolutely no trouble."

Some new species can always arouse the interest of the nobles.

All the alienated animals before can bring additional benefits to the caravan.

"I hope it is a good tool for work," Derek wrote down this matter. No one can describe the full picture of this world yet. I will have a chance to see if there is a new continent in the future.

The caravan brought a large number of goods, which are cheap and rare.

That's right, after a long journey, many things brought by the caravan are still relatively cheap here.

In the past ten years, the development of handicraft industry in the south has indeed surpassed that of other regions.

He even heard that the countess was pregnant, and even sent a gold cross as a congratulatory gift.

Then, he expressed his desire to do business in the Barbarian Kingdom.

Derek did not object to this idea, but emphasized: "Goods shipped to the Barbarian Kingdom must be inspected, and all prohibited items cannot be exported.

Moreover, a war may break out here at any time. Outside of my territory, I will not give you any security promises. "

"Of course, any business is inevitably risky. We have thought about it a long time ago." The caravan leader was very confident. Compared with the huge profits from trading with the barbarians, the risk of turning around was nothing.

Of course Derek will not object, there will be no large-scale war in the short term, let them go.

Do you think he is worried about these businessmen doing things that are both inside and outside?

Derek is not afraid, he knows time is on his side.

What he is most concerned about now is the immigrants from Locke Kingdom.

In fact, the counterattack from the king has already begun.

After the Marquis of Hassan lost his son, he gained more trust from the king.

He was very active in targeting the province of Melgen.

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