The province of Melgen, with its current population, does not live up to its name.

At least 200,000 to 300,000 immigrants are needed to ensure a certain effect.

There must be at least 500,000 immigrants to live up to the name.

This amount is not a small amount.

Even if it is shared among several provinces, it is still a large amount.

In this era, population has two sides.

On the one hand, the nobles despise human life and trample on it wantonly.

On the other hand, the nobility firmly grasped the flow of population and regarded it as an important component of their own strength.

In fact, it is easy to understand and not complicated.

In the eyes of the nobles, people are just tools that can provide food and tax revenue.

Where does the respect for tools come from?

It was only the face of Earl Augusta that allowed these nobles to open some doors. Some immigrants gradually entered the Melgen Province, but more... immigrants from the kingdom's territories.

But with the king's counterattack, the Marquis of Hassan directly controlled the border cities and could block immigrants with just one order.

"Melgen Province, I want it to turn into a populationless land without people... What can he, Derek, do to fight the barbarians?"

The Marquis experienced the pain of losing his son and seemed to have let go of a lot of burdens.

"I can't control the nobles, but in all the cities in the kingdom, no population will be allowed to leave.

There are also bandits from the northern provinces who send people to set up checkpoints and try to control the flow of people. "

In the Rock Kingdom, the surname is still Louis. When Hassan is authorized, she can do many things.

He doesn't need to block all the roads, just most of them.

Of course, some subordinates expressed opposition and even reminded quietly: "Your Excellency, Marquis, many routes are not only smuggling people, but also a lot of business for adults. Do you need to consider it?"

If you offend Earl Augusta, you will be offended. At worst, you can just pat your butt and return to the royal capital.

But if you offend the big guys in the country, you will have no way out.

Unexpectedly, Haishan stared at the admonishing men in a dark way, and said coldly: "They didn't have a son dead. If anyone is dissatisfied, go and tell His Majesty the King, what we have to do is to block all the empty spaces." files."

Of course, it is not that Hussein does not know what this means. In fact, he also has his own allies.

And he knows where his current power comes from.

After falling out with the Northland nobles, he had no other choice.

To satisfy the king was everything.

Haishan, who was in a bad mood, drove everyone away and walked to the door to listen for a while before returning to the inner room.

There are a few people inside.

One of them, sitting on the main seat, turned over the information with a solemn expression.

"Shocking, shocking!"

Before the eldest prince came to the Northland quietly, he never thought that the situation here was so serious.

He even understood Marquis Hassan. It wasn't that he was useless, but that the situation in the North was too complicated.

"Before I came here, I heard that the Northern Knights had declined and lost their bravery. I didn't expect... they turned out to be a group of old foxes."

His Excellency the Great Prince feels that his views have been refreshed. The nobles of the northern capital look reckless. He did not expect to be so good at playing.

"Marquis Haishan, who do you think is the biggest trouble in the North? What should we do?"

The eldest prince humbly asked for advice. He knew that Marquis Haishan had stayed in the Northland for a long time and must have his own opinions.

Marquis Hassan has also considered this issue, and it can even be said that he has deduced it repeatedly.

So he did not hesitate and answered very firmly: "The biggest cancer in the North is... Count Perez."

"How do you say this?" The eldest prince was shocked. The answer was unexpected: "I thought you would say Count Augusta."

"Augusta, I want to kill him," Haishan gritted her teeth, but analyzed very calmly: "But the biggest hidden man in the North, I think, is the old fox Count Pereira.

I have carefully studied what happened in Northland in recent years. Everything seems to be in line with common sense, but in fact it cannot withstand scrutiny.

The most direct question is, where did Derek, a knight from a baron family, get this ability?

Even if he is outstanding, can those craftsmen and knights appear out of thin air? Or did it all come out on its own? This is unreasonable, and we nobles are not stupid. "

When the eldest prince heard this, it made sense, so he motioned for the other party to continue talking.

The Marquis of Hassan was full of energy and continued his analysis: "As for Count Augusta's fortune, I have studied it carefully. He received knightly education in the knights of Count Peres, and he was educated around the territory of Count Peres. After getting the first pot of gold, even the bandits who were related to him in the northern province were also operating around the territory of Earl Perez.

As soon as he joined the army, he was immediately promoted to captain of thousands by Count Perez, and received great support in several wars.

Those outstanding craftsmen, those civilian knights and noble officers cannot be cultivated in a day.

In the end, he married Count Perez's granddaughter. Don't you think it's strange?

Everyone says that the Northern Knights are in decline. I think some people have secretly hidden the essence.

There were also traces of accidents when Count Chris Jeffries was killed by barbarians in a surprise attack. In recent years, the Jeffries family has also disappeared, and their influence has been greatly reduced.

These are all evidences. One coincidence is normal, two, three, or more than ten times. Do you believe this is a coincidence?

I believe this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy carefully laid out by an old fox.

As far as I know, Count Perez has never pledged allegiance to His Majesty the King.

And according to my investigation, Count Perez has also formed a heavy cavalry regiment. What does he want to do? "

The eldest prince originally listened to it for reference.

But the more he listened, the more shocked and scared he became.

There seems to be an invisible black hand controlling everything in the sky above the north.

According to Marquis Hussein's description, the generous Count Perez is like a cunning old fox, plotting everything insidiously.

The key is that Marquis Hussein can really come up with some specious evidence.

The relationship between Derek and Count Perez is real.

The heavy cavalry of the Perez family is real.

The rising reputation of the Perez family in recent years is also real.

Count Perez has the strength and motivation, Capable, the key is to be a beneficiary, which is completely unclear.

But looking at it from the other side, noble marriages, various networks of relationships, and the creation of weapons and armor, which of these is abnormal?

Not to mention Count Perez, any noble would do this.

But this kind of thing cannot withstand speculation, the more you think about it, the more it seems.

The eldest prince even thought that he had been discovered when he sneaked into the North.

With the cunningness shown by Count Perez, could he have arranged an accident for himself?

Just as he was thinking about it, someone suddenly reported loudly outside: "Marquis, Count Perez is visiting."

The eldest prince suddenly shook and almost slipped off the chair.

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