At this time, suddenly hearing that Count Perez was coming to visit was indeed very frightening.

Even Hushan felt a little flustered.

Fortunately, he had not made any progress in other aspects in the past two years, but he had seen big scenes and calmed down quickly.

"I'll go and see."

Hushan signaled the eldest prince to stay calm and went to face Count Perez alone.

When he came to the reception room, Count Perez was standing in front of an oil painting admiring it. He turned back when he heard footsteps.

"Mr. Marquis," Count Perez's expression was three points serious: "Your recent behavior has been a bit too much, which has seriously affected the business environment in the north."

"I am just executing the king's order. Melgen Province is not the kingdom's territory, and population outflow is prohibited." Marquis Hushan replied unyieldingly.

Seeing that Count Perez was not looking for the eldest prince, his confidence returned.

"The North has its own rules. The king is far away in the capital. He doesn't understand the situation here. Don't you understand it either?" Count Perez tried to persuade him, and by the way, he also comforted Derek: "If it's because of that incident, I don't think it's necessary. I know Derek, and he will never do such a thing."

Hashan sneered and didn't believe it at all.

Talking nonsense with open eyes is a necessary skill for politicians.

"I only do public affairs, not personal grudges." He also vowed to guarantee it.

Count Perez knew that his attempt to persuade the other party failed.

In fact, this was not the purpose of his coming here.

"It's okay to ban population outflow, but you have seriously affected the caravan trade and need to stop it immediately."

"Mr. Earl, please don't forget that this is the land of the kingdom, and the Augusta brand doesn't work here."

Perhaps many local officials participated in the business activities organized by the Augusta family, but with the personal intervention of Marquis Haishan, they could not resist.

The kingdom's territory occupied the majority, which seriously affected the circulation of caravans and the interests of many people.

Count Perez felt the situation was difficult, and he did not want to see this result.

"It seems that I need to communicate with His Majesty the King and replace you with a calmer person." Count Perez threatened in person.

"Humph!" Hushan did not buy it at all. Now that the eldest prince was in his house, he even threatened Count Perez in return: "Your Excellency, you'd better clean up your tail, and I will report the filthiness of the North to the king truthfully."

The surface balance that the two had maintained was finally torn apart.

In fact, the cracks had already existed, from the moment Hushan Marquis set foot in the North.

The subsequent series of conflicts only magnified this contradiction.

No matter how much the two restrained themselves, it was the day of a complete outbreak.

Count Perez left angrily, and Hushan himself was not very happy.

He told the prince the whole story and promised: "The army I have is already useful, and most of the city guards in the north are under my control. Count Perez can't make much trouble."

The prince knew what he meant and immediately promised him: "I will explain the situation to my father and will never give the nobles in the north a chance to sow discord."

Haishan was more confident and believed that he would win.

As long as the wings of the nobles in the north are removed step by step, they can be well controlled.


After leaving, Count Perez quickly regained his composure.

Recalling what happened just now, he noticed the toughness of Haishan.

The other party has always been low-key, but he was a little irritable after his son died.

But today's meeting made him feel the change in the attitude of Marquis Haishan.

"We must suggest that the king replace him." Count Perez thought so.

Otherwise, the interests of the entire nobles in the north will be greatly affected.

And those who are dissatisfied are definitely not just the nobles in the north.

To put it simply, the smuggling channel is related to the interests of some nobles in the Kingdom of Locke.

Generally speaking, maritime trade is related to the interests of every noble and official in the North.

Count Perez was naturally affected, but he still considered the problem according to the old thinking and did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

Or, no one realized the seriousness of the problem.

When Hushan took action, he thought that it might cause a backlash, but he was confident that he had an army and the support of the king, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

But he ignored that many nobles, including his subordinates, had come to the North for two years.

Except for a few pure gold-plated ones, most of the people who came to the North were landless nobles and the second sons of nobles. Everyone came to earn a future.

A few people obtained fiefs, settled down in the North, became a member of the new nobles, and were also supporters of the king and Marquis Hushan.

There were also most people who mixed an official position and made a little money.

The Marquis may not lack those few gold coins, but many low-level officers live on this little tax.

When Count Perez failed in the negotiation, the news spread quickly, and the first to know was his own officers.

After leaving the duty, several low-level officers drank together.

"This life is unbearable. We should crack down on smuggling, but why don't they recognize the customs documents of the Augusta family?" The centurion named John complained very unsatisfiedly.

"I think he was not fed well, otherwise why would they bother?" Another officer was also drunk.

"I heard that his son died, and they said it was Count Augusta who did it?"

"It's what he deserves. If I were the count, I would kill his son."

The men drank so much that they were not afraid of being overheard. This was the courtyard they bought with the tax money of the Augusta family.

But suddenly someone pushed open the door and faced the firelight, which scared them into a cold sweat.

"Everyone, walls have ears, be careful."

John was relieved when he saw who was coming.

This was a broker in the army. For example, the tax money of the Augusta family should be exchanged in Port Degen, but most low-ranking officers don't have the time to do that?

So some people do this business and take benefits.

"Come and have a drink together, damn big shot, don't care about our life or death." John invited the other party to drink together. They were all grasshoppers on the same rope, what was there to be afraid of?

The broker didn't mind. He closed the door and sat down. After drinking a few glasses, he suddenly said mysteriously: "There is a reliable news, do you want to listen?"

"Hurry up." John slammed the table and urged.

As we all know, this kind of broker also works as a part-time intelligence dealer, so naturally they know some secret information.

The broker lowered his voice: "Hey guys, you are not the only ones who are dissatisfied with that person. Those new nobles have suffered heavy losses. Their caravans have been suspended. Which one of them has not suffered hundreds or thousands of losses?

I heard that some people are going to make trouble."

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