Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 139 The Water is Too Cold (Part 2)

Baron Shavin returned to the cabin, but because the time was short, few people noticed him.

Several new nobles gathered around the prince, and even Haishan's guards were attracted.

Indistinctly, it seemed that someone was calling for help, and it seemed to be the sound of the wind.

The prince drank happily and laughed happily.

He saw Baron Shavin, who was the first to present the gift, and thought of Marquis Haishan.

"Where is the Marquis?"

Hearing the prince's question, the guards remembered that the Marquis seemed to have been out for a while.

"The Marquis went out for some fresh air."

"Go and ask him to come."

No one dared to disobey the prince's order.

The guards hurried to the second-floor terrace to look for the Marquis, but there were only two lines of footprints left at the scene.

He immediately had an ominous premonition and ran to the railing to see that Marquis Haishan had sunk to the bottom of the lake.

Looking at the deck again, the guards stood straight, and it seemed that no one noticed.

"The Marquis has fallen into the water, hurry up and save him."

The guard took off his leather armor and jumped into the water.

Several other guards also heard the shouting and hurried up.

There were several more rows of footprints, and the scene was completely destroyed.

The eldest prince, supported by the new nobles, staggered to the scene.

In the water, several guards loyally jumped in and pulled Haishan to the side of the boat with all their strength.

The eldest prince looked out and saw a bunch of people watching the excitement, so he turned his head.

Baron Shawen frowned and shouted to the guards on the deck: "Why are you still standing there? Save him!"

The guards, like wooden stakes, finally took action and threw down a few ropes.

The guard who jumped in first climbed onto the boat with Marquis Haishan on his back, but the latter was already dead.

He tried to shout a few times, then suddenly stood up and shouted to the guards around him: "The Marquis fell into the water, didn't you see it? Why didn't you go in to save him?"

Combined with the footprints at the scene, he seriously suspected that this was a conspiracy.

Moreover, the murderer's methods were extremely crude, and it was easy for people to find flaws.

But the guards around were all officers who were transferred, and no one was afraid of him.

No matter how the guards questioned, no one paid attention.

But with the sound of the wind, it seemed that someone muttered: "The water is too cold."

It seemed to be an explanation, but also seemed to be mocking.

The guards' chests rose and fell, but the big shots had already walked down the terrace.

Before he could open his mouth to protest, the eldest prince spoke up: "Marquis Haishan died unexpectedly, which is of great concern. First, control everyone at the scene and don't let anyone talk nonsense.

Baron Shawen, you pick a few trustworthy knights to investigate the situation together."

"Yes, Your Highness," Baron Shawen said with a face full of grief and anger, and promised in a sonorous and powerful voice: "The Marquis has been kind to me. I must catch the murderer and let the Marquis rest in peace."

Then Baron Shawen began to select people, and Knight John, who looked wooden, was also selected.

Then everyone was isolated on the spot and interrogated one by one.

The knights on the deck were first ruled out of suspicion. Everyone was in the public eye and had no chance.

Then there were several new nobles and the eldest prince, who were of course also ruled out of suspicion.

Then there were the miscellaneous people such as the cooks and servants, and... the Marquis's guards.

Baron Shawen requisitioned the cabin as a temporary interrogation site.

Several knights stood on the left and right, sandwiching the interrogated person in the middle.

A clerk held a pen and waited to record.

"Tell me everything you know, and I will definitely give you a clear name."

"Thank you, Baron. I went to find the Marquis and saw two lines of footprints on the terrace. Then I realized something was wrong and went to check it out immediately... Baron, you must find the murderer and avenge the Marquis."

The knights on the left and right were Baron Shavin's confidants, so they naturally kept their eyes fixed and pretended not to hear.

The clerk on the side wrote quickly and quickly left a confession.

Then the baron took it and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, the record is very detailed."

Baron Shavin came to the other party with the parchment and motioned him to press the fingerprint.

The guard wanted to take a look, but Baron Shavin gave him a look, and the knight immediately pressed his hand and pressed the seal abruptly.

The guard had already realized something was wrong, but the knight behind him had covered his mouth, and several people worked together to tie him up tightly.

Baron Shavin took the parchment with satisfaction and found the eldest prince.

"Your Highness, the guard of Lord Haishan has confessed that someone ordered him to push the Marquis into the water. I haven't found out who it was. I'm going to punish him when I get ashore."

The eldest prince took it and saw that it was written in great detail, so he threw it to Baron Shawen and said angrily: "It's ridiculous that a Marquis died in front of you. How many years hasn't this happened in the kingdom?

Find the murderer as soon as possible, otherwise you can only take the blame."

Baron Shawen lowered his head and said no.

The eldest prince was furious, and seeing that several new nobles also lowered their heads and kept silent, his anger disappeared.

"You guys handle the matter. I don't want to hear any rumors about me. I will leave as soon as I get ashore. The next time I come, I may be the king's special envoy. You guys take care of yourself."

The death of a Marquis who held military power was already an extremely sensational event. If the eldest prince, the first heir to the kingdom, was also present, it would really be a big deal.

So the best position is to remove the eldest prince.

No one has any objection, this sensitivity still exists.

As soon as the ship docked, the eldest prince left in a hurry.

The new nobles were left behind, all surrounding Baron Shavin.

"What should we do next?"

Baron Shavin looked at his colleagues, not knowing who the masters behind each of them were.

Even though these guys were on the same page with him, they might give him a knife in the future.

But at the moment, it is most important to deal with this thorny matter.

"Set fire, burn the ship, and put an end to it all, and give an explanation to all parties."

Baron Shavin was very decisive, he had no choice, just like he did it to Marquis Haishan.

From the perspective of the lower-level officers, it was because of money and interests, which was very reasonable.

But in fact, when you really get to this position, you know what it means to be helpless.

Do you really think it's for those gold coins?

Who is willing to exchange the future of their family for Haishan's life in a business that will cost you their lives?

It's not a last resort. If Haishan doesn't die, it's me who should die.

But since I've done it, I'll do it to the end.

We are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and no one can escape.

This opinion was agreed by everyone, and then the ship caught fire.

Those who could move freely ran away, but those who were tied to the ship could only die in the sea of ​​fire.

Looking at the eldest prince, he had already run away.

Several new nobles gathered together and watched the fireworks.

"Bah, a bitch who is both a pawn and a slut." Baron Shavin spat and vowed in his heart to change his fate controlled by this disgusting guy.

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