It is normal for the eldest to have thoughts that he should not have.

It is abnormal for a prince who has not been a prince for a lifetime to have no thoughts after being the heir to the throne for thirty years.

Louis II expressed his understanding, and then called his youngest son Radek.

"Something happened in the North, I want you to go and see, and you must not let the North be in chaos.

This is a test for you. Only by making achievements can some people shut up."

The king spoke sincerely, and his eyes were full of doting.

The little prince Radek excitedly agreed and promised: "I will definitely not let the North be in chaos."

"Very good, I will send you a team of guards to protect your safety. After you go, just stabilize the situation."

The king gave many instructions, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

Everyone said that His Majesty the King liked his youngest son the most, and even planned to pass the throne to the little prince.

Therefore, many people speculated, and the little prince naturally worked hard.

Now it seems to be true.

After the little prince left, the king restrained his smile.

He knew that once the news got out, a group of people would naturally bring their own dry food to go to the North with the little prince.

It was precisely because he was the youngest and the least hopeful that Louis II deliberately let the rumors go.

Because the little prince could only rely on this favor, nothing else.

The king loved his youngest son, not just because of emotion.

The power struggle in the royal family destined the father-son relationship to be a luxury.

What he had to do was to maintain a balance so that it would not collapse.

With the accidental fall of Marquis Hussein, the North was unexpectedly not in chaos.

Facts have proved that the world can function the same without anyone, and Hussein overestimated his role.

The new nobles took over the power vacuum after his death, and the first thing they did was to open up the trade route.

On the surface, population movement was still not allowed, but commercial exchanges were unimpeded.

No one pursued the smuggling of people in private.

The hungry market can devour all products.

The nobles were satisfied, the officers also received taxes, and the civilians in the North also received more supplies, and the market was unprecedentedly prosperous.

Nothing seemed to have changed.

However, the prince was not in the mood to pay attention to this seemingly prosperous market.

In fact, he had already reached halfway, waiting for the king's will, and then officially took office.

Such a big event happened in the North, and Count Perez was still in potential danger of rebellion. The king could not ignore it.

There is no doubt that the prince in the North is the first choice to stabilize the situation.

In terms of identity, qualifications and even ability, he is the best choice.

Even inside and outside, the prince's supporters worked together to try to reap the fruits of victory for him.

But what he waited for was indeed a bad news.


The prince pushed the table to the ground fiercely, and the extra people had been driven away by him.

Now, he can release his anger to his heart's content.

"Father... is he old and confused? What qualifications does Radek have to rule the North?

His qualifications, status and ability are not good enough.

Can he control a group of arrogant soldiers?

Confused, old and confused."

The eldest prince drew his sword and split the chair in half with one sword.

He seemed to regard the chair as Louis II and vented his anger fiercely.

"Your Highness, His Majesty means that you should go back as soon as possible and stop interfering in the affairs of the North. We should return as soon as possible now." The counselor said that no matter how dissatisfied he was, the king's orders needed to be obeyed. Louis II was still in power now, and it was not the eldest prince's turn to do whatever he wanted.

The eldest prince was panting, his eyes were red, and even a little crazy.

He raised his sword and suddenly turned around: "How about letting Chavan create another accident?"

The North is not a good place. It is normal to have some accidents. Didn't Marquis Hussein die in an accident?

As Louis II showed his pampering to the little prince again and again, it was sending dangerous signals again and again.

Being a prince for thirty years is miserable enough. If someone takes away the position of heir, it will be miserable.

However, this idea scared everyone to death.

"Your Highness, how can you have such an idea?

Your Majesty's suspicion does not require evidence. If something happens to the little prince, you will be implicated.

In my opinion, you should ask Baron Chaven to pay attention to the safety of the little prince."

"Yes! You are the first heir to the throne. This is an unchangeable fact. Otherwise, the nobles of the country will not agree.

For now, you just need to lie dormant and be patient.

Not only can you not do anything to the little prince, but you must also show your brother's love and care."

These counselors are not just eating dry food, of course they can't encourage the eldest prince to take such a risky behavior.

Obviously, he has a good hand, why take risks?

The eldest prince can only give up this tempting idea, but when he thinks about protecting the other party, he feels sick.

"Go back, come back with me. As for that bastard Radek, let him fend for himself. I don't want to see him."

The eldest prince still didn't take care of the little prince. He couldn't swallow this breath.

The little prince Radek passed by his eldest brother with great regret and arrived directly at the Iron Wall City.

As the center of the Northland, the location of the Iron Wall City is very suitable.

Radek arrived with the order of His Majesty the King and nominally took over all the power in the Northland.

But in fact, it is unclear how many people are willing to listen to him.

The first thing he did was to tell the governor and all the new nobles that he wanted to settle the future of the Marquis of Hassan.

As for thoroughly investigating the murderer... let's forget it.

He held a decent ceremony for Marquis Hassan, then cremated the body and quickly sent it back to the royal capital.

Seeing that no one was pursuing the case, the mood of the army was very stable.

Then the little prince kept a very low profile and never interfered in government affairs or military operations. At most, he sent people to understand the situation.

So many people have forgotten that such an uncle exists.

The unfettered Northland is actually developing better and better.

But the real boss is always paying attention to the little prince.

Derek was far away in Yanle City and could still obtain relevant information about the little prince in a timely manner.

"Wandering around again. It seems that His Highness can endure loneliness and is not as impatient as his elder brother."

Derek laughed and threw the information on the table.

Several confidants were in the house and smiled knowingly when they heard this.

"A thirty-year-old prince and a nineteen-year-old prince certainly have different moods.

If you wait another ten years, His Highness will still be anxious. "Adrian revealed the secret with one word.

"Okay, I want to go back and meet His Highness." Derek sat down, glanced around, and finally landed on Simon: "Simon, you stay here and find something to do for the barbarians across the way."

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