Adrian didn't have any idea. Knowing that there was such a place was a sign of trust.

Although Derek was his cousin, he was also his feudal lord.

It was better not to know the secrets of the feudal lord.

On the contrary, if it was Simon, he would definitely grumble.

This island did not relax its vigilance because of its special terrain.

Guards can be seen everywhere, and there are sentry towers in various important places.

The interior is surrounded by walls everywhere, and it is very troublesome to enter and exit.

All the soldiers are slave soldiers with tattoos on their faces.

Strict management makes the slave soldiers like robots, numb and mechanical.

And all the people here have no free people.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will not have the opportunity to go out.

Living, studying and dying here is their final destination.


Derek was greeted by the loyal slave Philip.

His son already had a fiefdom, and in exchange he came here from the horse farm.

In fact, he was very satisfied with this exchange.

Being able to cross the class from the son of a slave to become a noble feudal noble, the class that can be crossed is too big.

Derek gave too much, enough to make him give everything.

"How is the preparation?" Derek asked.

"The early construction is very complete, and the craftsmen have begun to take their positions, but the level is still a little short."

"It doesn't matter if it's a little short. Under the attention of God, they will usher in a leap-forward development."

Derek did not hide his special abilities, and Philip had seen it a long time ago.

Here, it belongs to his absolute private land, and he is not afraid of leaking it out.

Most of the people who go out from here are dead, so it is naturally impossible to leak secrets.

"According to the schedule I provided, research one by one. If there are disobedient ones, you can deal with them at will. We don't lack skilled craftsmen. I only need obedient craftsmen. No one is irreplaceable." Derek said so.

Philip did not react, but he knew that he was not irreplaceable.

Under the gaze of God, the master only needs obedient lambs.

After a tour, Derek saw the crossbow bed research, the hydraulic forging hammer, and many conceptual things.

For this era, these have never appeared before.

As a time traveler, if you only know how to swing a long sword to chop people, it would be too low-end.

Under the condition of ensuring safety, of course, you should try to develop productivity.

For no other reason, it is to enjoy the pleasure of dimensionality reduction.

Of course, when the knights of the Augusta family can crush all opponents, Derek will not easily release the big killer.

But once there are some obstacles, don't blame yourself for cheating.

If you can beat it, bully it to death.

If you can't beat it, just update the version. Derek is too familiar with this set.

It's a pity that everything is in the embryonic stage, and there is no refreshing result.

Derek took a look around and left.

There may be some research results here soon, which can represent the future.

Leave the island and return to the land.

No one asked about the whereabouts of the Earl, and he set off again to meet Prince Radek.


Little Prince Radek has been keeping a low profile these days, but he has not done nothing.

With his status, if he really wants to know something, it is difficult for the North to hide secrets from him.

The Louis family is the most powerful, with hidden supporters everywhere.

The nobles of the North may have their own political ideas, but they are not opposed to contacting the royal family, at least in some small matters.

What's more, there are shameful guys like the Garcia family who are completely siding with the royal family.

But for the Garcia family, it's another matter.

They don't think there is anything wrong with being loyal to the king and the feudal lord.

On the contrary, the barbaric guys in the North are forming cliques, arrogant, and excluding dissidents, which is simply too numerous to list.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Garcia family is one of the excluded ones.

This phenomenon was not serious before, but with the rise of Augusta, it has almost become a politically correct thing.

"Your Highness, you don't know anything about Derek's evil deeds.

The North... actually has iron ore that can't be sold." Xavi Garcia cried in front of Prince Radek.

It sounds absurd, but the business in the North is now unprecedentedly prosperous, and the price of weapons is also rising.

Logically speaking, the sales of iron ore are very good, and the Garcia family should be rich with the mines.

But the reality is that even if the ore is in short supply, even if it is bought from other places at a high price, no one will buy a truckload of ore from the Garcia family.

No one else, because the Garcia family has offended Count Augusta.

The little contradiction at the beginning has become a well-known anecdote as Derek has become successful.

There is no need for Derek to do anything. The nobles, merchants and even kingdom officials who have received favors from the Augusta family and rely on the Augusta family for food subconsciously reject the Garcia family.

Even for businessmen, the cheap iron ore is very fragrant, but you have to be alive to spend it.

Besides, offending the Garcia family and trying to please Count Augusta is the most profitable business.

In the final analysis, the profit is not enough.

Prince Radek was not aware of this past event, but he knew there was something wrong as soon as he heard it.

While comforting the crying Knight Harvey, he signaled his subordinates with his eyes.

The prince didn't know what the staff knew very well, and they must collect this kind of information.

So someone immediately interrupted: "Knight Harvey, in the end, you did too much at the beginning. Count Augusta was generous not to trouble you, otherwise the situation of the Garcia family would be even worse."

As he said, he re-told the original story.

The little prince suddenly realized and had an excuse: "Knight Harvey, it turns out that there is such a past, but don't worry, I will explain it to Count Augusta for you."

So, a trouble was solved.

Not only did he appease the Garcia family, a supporter of the royal family, but he didn't have to confront the Augusta family head-on.

As for the explanation, it was a matter of one sentence. Whether Count Augusta accepted it or not was none of his business.

Harvey didn't continue to ask, that would be ungrateful.

If time could go back, he would definitely slap himself in the face and then offer the iron ore with both hands.

What? You said he despised the barbarians in the north the most?

What a joke, he looked down on barbarians, but was willing to kneel for power.

Look at the Garcia family, which one has mocked Count Perez, and it is not the latter who has always been full of martial virtue.

As for Derek... to be honest, he really forgot about it.

It's okay if he didn't remember it, but if he remembered it, he would definitely give the Garcia family some real trouble.

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