Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 154: In front of the king's court

Generations of royal family management have made the palace look very solid.

The area of ​​the inner city is a bit small, but that's understandable.

The messenger from the king carefully explained some etiquette, but Derek didn't care too much.

He had already understood before he came that when a small noble was in an audience, he might be punished by the king if he made any disobedience.

But for the great nobles, all the rules are bullshit. You just scolded Louis II in front of him, which is a matter of fines.

Of course, problems that can be solved with money are not problems, not to mention... the fine can still be delayed.

"Your Excellency, your servants can only wait here at the palace gate, and the weapons also need to be left to us for safekeeping."

The palace servant was quite cautious when he spoke, for fear of angering the big boss from the North.

But he was overthinking it. Derek would not lose his temper with the people below him, and he had to find someone with weight to express his anger.

When we get here, if there is any real danger, it cannot be solved with a sword.

He reached out and handed the sword to Simon, who took it and handed it to the other knights. He whispered to the other knights with a serious face: "You rushed in immediately when you heard the sound."

Derek subconsciously touched the thing in his arms, which was hard.

A fiefdom earl took off his sword to the extreme, and the palace guards did not dare to search him.

However, the noble knights following Simon were all searched carefully.

Legally speaking, Simon and the others also have titles in the kingdom, and they are absolutely qualified to follow Derek to meet the king.

The remaining knights stood at the palace gate with cold faces, forming a sharp contrast with the palace guards.

An officer of the Kingdom Guards came forward and tried to chat with them, but all they got were cold looks.

The Guards Corps is at best suppressing bandits and catching thieves. It is estimated that most of them are slaves and civilians of their own family. Naturally, they cannot stand the eyes of the Northern Knights.

He stepped back sarcastically, not daring to speak in front of the Northern Knights, but behind his back he spat on the ground: "A bunch of barbarians, what are you pretending to be? Why don't you just stand guard here like me?"

On the other side, Derek noticed something was wrong while walking. He suddenly stopped halfway and pointed at the black slaves working in the distance.

"Why are there so many black slaves in the palace?"

The chamberlain glanced at the black slave with contemptuous eyes, then turned around and showed a flattering smile: "These are the tribute goods from the nobles in the south. Although they are inferior and stupid, they have a lot of strength and they don't feel distressed at all." , just throw it away when it breaks. Nowadays, these overseas black slaves are used in dangerous jobs in the palace.”

This is not a secret. In fact, there are many black slaves in the royal capital, and they are all well-trained. They are very popular with the nobles recently.

That is to say, no one cares. The nobles of the royal capital even treat the knights of the North with contempt, let alone a group of humanoid tools?

In the intelligence that Derek saw, there was not even a single mention of it.

And there were some things that the chamberlain didn't say. It wasn't just daily labor. Some unruly black slaves were even kept in hunting grounds. Many noble knights liked such prey.

Derek stopped and looked at it for a while, and found that these black tools worked very hard, and they had a lot of muscles on them. They were tools.

He did not continue to ask and followed the chamberlain on the road again.

In the inner courtyard of the palace, Louis II had changed into a complicated dress and was waiting with many nobles for the new earl from the North.

Even the nobles who looked down upon the knights of the North were waiting honestly.

Some noble knights are already ready.

Every time a heavyweight came from the North, they would inevitably gesticulate in the royal court.

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, the important thing is to show an attitude and fight for the interests of your respective factions.

"The Earl of Augusta has an audience!"

Following the announcement from the chamberlain, everyone cheered up and knew that today's main character had arrived.

Even the king subconsciously tensed his upper body and his eyes were attracted.

Soon, they saw a tall figure slowly following behind the chamberlain.

As he got closer, he could see the extremely simple dress on the other person's body.

Unlike everyone here, the dress looks very simple. Apart from the emblem on the chest, there are no extra lace or lace decorations.

If you say it's a dress, it means the color is brighter, otherwise there's no problem if it's a training suit.

Many people have frowned subconsciously, thinking this is very rude behavior.

Derek was not pretentious. He glanced around and locked his eyes on Louis II.

Kneel down on one knee and touch your chest with your left hand.

"Hail, Your Majesty."

He didn't feel there was any humiliation. Since he was participating in a noble game, he had to abide by the rules.

Instead of worrying about dignity, it is better to think about how to avoid kneeling to others.

Just like he is now, from a little knight to the current count, who else but Louis II can withstand this gift?

Louis II stood up and extended his hand to show respect.

Yes, the other party is his vassal, but vassals and vassals are also different.

Ordinary court nobles, it is life and death, not worth mentioning.

The feudal nobles did not dare to offend themselves.

But the Earl of Northland really dares to flip the table if he makes the other party angry, and he is really capable of flipping the table.

Again, if you are suspected of having nuclear weapons, you'd better actually have nuclear weapons.

Even a king must show respect to these nobles.

"Please rise, Count Augusta."

Derek stood up neatly, and the waiter immediately guided him to sit down next to him.

What's interesting is that this seat is very close to the front and surrounded by the same people I saw last night.

Obviously, Louis II knew exactly where the buttocks of the people under him sat.

Derek received a lot of kind eyes, at least those around him were his own people in a broad sense.

As for the internal fighting among the earls of Northland?

Everyone knows what's going on and understands it.

Fights are fights, but in the end we are still a family.

"This is the first time Count Augusta has attended the royal court meeting. Please be considerate and avoid any conflicts later." Louis II reminded him in advance, saying this more for Derek's ears.

Some people smiled kindly, while others chuckled.

Everyone was staring at Derek to see how the Northland Earl would react.

Unexpectedly, the latter smiled as if he didn't understand.

Louis II became serious and finally got down to business.

"The first thing is that Count Augusta will inherit the title of Duke Leopold. I have agreed. The Senate of Nobles has also made preparations and plans to hold the ceremony in seven days. Do you have any objections?"

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