Everyone was stunned. Although fighting was a reserved program in previous years, the old earl and his men would restrain themselves.

How could Derek be so direct? He completely tore off the fig leaf and slapped everyone in the face.

This is not the way to bully people.

"Count Augusta, you have lost your dignity. Do you still have the dignity of a noble?" A certain earl from the south pointed at Derek with a trembling finger, and he almost couldn't breathe.

Derek rolled his eyes: "Dignity? This... old man, the dignity of the nobles in the north is only above the sword, and the dignity is within the range of the crossbow. Your tricks don't work here."

Nobles, who knew what your ancestors did hundreds of years ago.

Without a sword, do you have the chance to sit here and talk about dignity?

The economy of the south has developed in recent years, and even its military strength is not bad. All kinds of equipment are the best, and the training is the most professional, but they always can't raise their heads.


The nobles in the south always think that the nobles in the north are blocking their way and are the king's political tactics.

But in Derek's opinion, it was all bullshit, and it still lacked this breath.

No matter how well the knights' skills were honed, and no matter how well the soldiers were trained, what could they do?

The old guys who held the decision-making power had no courage to show their swords.

The old guy who shouted about the dignity of the nobility all day long, do you expect him to overtake?

Derek felt that even without him, the nobles of the North could still last for decades, because the opponents were worse.

Such tough words were a little surprising, but only a little surprising.

The big guys in the North have always been so tough, but Derek was just a little more ruthless.

Although some people think it is not decent, and some people despise this barbaric behavior.

But we have to admit that in the end, we have to fight with real swords and guns.

Louis II also understood that words could not solve the problem.

It is better to vent the contradictions within the kingdom in this way than to fight internally.

So he stopped the other old guys who wanted to refute and set the tone directly: "Count Augusta is right. The independence of the Locke Kingdom in the past was inseparable from the sword and the crossbow.

It was so in the past, it is so now, and it will be so in the future.

Whoever has the hardest fist deserves my special tax reduction decree."

In recent years, the royal family has also devoted all its efforts to train a group of title knights, waiting to make a big splash.

Although the southern nobles were not satisfied, they learned from the past lessons and also had a group of title knights ready.

The big guys agreed and immediately removed the seats. Everyone sat together, leaving a large space.

Derrick looked at the skilled movements of the eunuchs and should have been prepared in advance.

"Old rules, three people on each side, one round of 10% tax."

Louis II announced the rules, which were very simple. The three factions of the southern nobles, the northern nobles and the royal capital nobles each set up three targets for the other party to challenge.

If you win, you will reduce the tax by 10%, and if you lose, you will increase it by 10%.

There is no increase or decrease in abstentions.

Theoretically, if all the games are won, 120% will be deducted, which is completely tax-free.

However, no one can do this in the round-robin battle.

Derek directly sent Simon, Virut and another close knight.

All three are good players among the title knights, and they have experienced bloody battles again and again, and they ask themselves if they are not inferior to others.

The nine knights came on the field, and their eyes were full of malice.

This is not a simple fight. The winner will be famous all over the world, and the loser will never turn over in his life.

One battle and one ten-point tax, and the local nobles will not let them have an easy time if they lose.

"Who will go first?"

"I, Brook, challenge the Northland Knight."

The knight from the south chose Simon, and his fighting spirit was almost overflowing.

The meaning of their existence as a group of knights is to break the suppression of the Northland Knights. This is their highlight moment.

According to the tacit understanding, the round-robin challenge to the Northland Knights must win a few games.

Simon grinned happily, but he didn't expect that he would be the first one to be chosen.

"You are so brave. I will give you the highest respect."

The two of them each chose a knight's sword, the kind with a sharp edge.

Knight armor is also a standard armor provided by the royal family, which is a kind of light armor.

Both sides stood still. In this kind of occasion, you have to salute even if you don't want to, so as not to give others a handle.


The southern knight shouted and rushed over quickly.

In a knight's duel, there is not so much back and forth. Whoever is faster, stronger, and more experienced will win.

Although Simon didn't think that the other party could beat him, he definitely didn't despise him.

He subconsciously narrowed his eyes and charged.




The collision of the knight's sword was extremely crisp, and Simon quickly knocked the other party to the ground.

The latter rolled and dodged, and Simon swung the knight's sword and chopped on the helmet.

A few clangs directly twisted the other party's neck ninety degrees.

In a few breaths, the other party was dead.

"I won."

The gap was big, but not as big as it seemed.

The fight between life and death was sometimes so fast.

The momentum of the southern nobles was suppressed, and they lost again unexpectedly.

But they did not give up and continued to challenge Simon.

Rotary battle, this is allowed.

After the fierce fight, it is impossible for the knight to maintain his peak state.

It is worthwhile to trade two for one or even three for one. At most, the Northern nobles will get a 10% tax reduction.

However, Simon's performance once again exceeded their expectations. He killed the Southern Knight in three consecutive battles, but his own breathing began to become disordered, and it was obvious that his consumption in a short period of time had increased.

Then, without waiting for the Royal Knight to make a move, Virut took the initiative to stand up and pointed casually: "I will challenge you."

The short interval gave Simon some time to rest.

Then... another kill.

The Royal Knight reacted quickly and challenged Simon again.


The Northern Knight took the lead and won another round.

Three battles and two kills.

The Royal Knight lost the challenge right.


Moreover, the Northern Knight can challenge the Southern Knight three times and the Royal Knight once.

No one after all died? It's not that there has never been such a situation.

The only exception is that no Northern Knight was injured.

Louis II couldn't laugh anymore. His careful preparation seemed to have become a joke.

What's more, Derek seemed to want to continue.

Once we win, it will be fun.

Louis II could not accept this loss. He exchanged glances with the southern nobles and confirmed their intentions.

We can't let the northern nobles continue to win.

"Ahem, I think the northern knights are tired, how about we stop the fight?"

Derek felt a little regretful. He really wanted to see the king's reaction after the victory.

He expected the other party to overturn the table. After all, rules are meant to be broken.

The benefits outweigh the disadvantages, so he naturally had to overturn the table.

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