Following the rally horn, the barbarian soldiers quickly walked out of the camp and assembled in an orderly manner.

It is hard to imagine that barbarian soldiers have such excellent discipline.

Their compatriots in the barbarian kingdom have always been famous for their disobedience to discipline.

However, the province of Melgen is different. Under the flag of the two-headed dragon, there seems to be a magical power that makes every barbarian obey the instructions obediently.

Dagu the Barbarian is now a centurion, a higher-ranking officer, basically a knight of the Duke.

There was no obvious suppression of barbarian officers in the army, and the first batch of outstanding soldiers basically took on mid-level officer positions such as centurions.

Further positions require military merit.

Dagu's ability to become a centurion relies on absolute obedience and hard work.

He gradually grew from a savage barbarian warrior to a qualified officer.

It was hard for him to imagine that a year ago, he only knew how to eat and wait for death, and had no idea of ​​the meaning of life.

But now, the Duke gave himself a second life and gained a new life.

Dagu quickly reorganized the hundred teams he was in, and helped some new recruits tidy up their leather armor.

He probably knew the purpose of the gathering. The mobilization of the troops on the opposite side was not a secret. The officers had been notified in advance by their superiors.

So there was a fire burning in his chest. His former fellow barbarians were now mortal enemies.

"It was the Duke who gave me a new life and made me understand why I live and why I fight.

The Duke has brought hope and future to us barbarians, so that we no longer live in confusion.

So...I will never allow others to ruin this wonderful life. "

There was fire in Dagu's eyes, and his movements were a bit angry.

He patted the last soldier on the shoulder and stood on the outside.

Hundreds of teams from various camps were organized one after another and gathered together in small square formations one after another.

Dagu is just one of them, and there are more barbarian centurions like him.

They also raised their heads and looked at the two-headed dragon flag flying in front of them.

That represents the Duke's will and the future of the barbarians.

Today's wait was particularly long, and Dagu felt different.

Then, he saw more double-headed dragon flags arriving, and he immediately realized that it was the Duke who was coming.

"Stand still, don't embarrass me in front of the Duke."

Dagu felt his blood surge up all over his body, and his excited voice changed.

He inspected it again and found that all the good guys under his command were very good, and none of them fell behind.

Then, he heard His Excellency the Duke's speech, telling about the unjust war in the barbarian kingdom.

Dagu actually didn't listen to these. He only had one thought now, to kill the barbarian king.

Soon the Duke himself was patrolling his army and inspecting his loyal barbarians.

Dagu tried hard to puff up his chest and look energetic.

The Duke's footsteps stopped in front of him. This was the third time Dagu had close contact with the Duke.

"I remember you, your name is Dagu, right?"

The Duke's voice was as usual, even a little happy.

"You are now a centurion? Work hard and get a title when you come back. I will personally knight you when the time comes."

Derek drew a pie. If the earl had just crossed the threshold of the great nobility, then the duke was really no different from the king.

A duke with real power can confer almost any title and has most independent powers.

A completely independent duke can even create a principality.

But Dagu didn't understand this. He only knew that the Duke still remembered him.

"Your Majesty the Duke, I will definitely come back with military merit."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Derek was also happy to see this scene. He turned to his attendant and asked: "Is there any wine?"

The attendant handed over a bag of wine, and Derek stuffed it directly into Dagu's arms.

"To reward you, I didn't bring enough wine when we first met. We didn't have a few sips per person. This time you can drink to your heart's content.

However, I am even more looking forward to serving you wine personally at your knighthood banquet. Derek encouraged.

Dagu was so excited that he didn't know what to say. All the soldiers around him looked at him with envy.

Derek tapped him on the shoulder and continued with the review.

On the surface, this army has the foundation for victory and its morale is very high.

He was very happy and said to the knights on the left and right: "There are three kinds of armies in the world that cannot be defeated.

The first is the glorious army, the second is the army with faith, and the third is the army that protects the homeland.

I see three qualities in the barbarian army. Perhaps they can also create a legendary epic. "

Some people think that His Excellency the Duke looks too high on the barbarians, while others think that the barbarian soldiers do have the ability to create big scenes.

However, everything must be tested on the battlefield.

The barbarian army entered a state of war.

After the disbandment, Dagu, the centurion who was treated specially, welcomed the onlookers.

A large number of barbarian officers surrounded him, and ordinary soldiers could not even squeeze in.

"Dagu, I thought you were bragging. Did you really drink with the Duke?"

"Of course, the Duke gave it to me personally." Dagu's chin almost lifted to the sky. This time, everyone's doubts were cleared away.

"Tsk, tsk, this is the Duke, your ancestors have appeared!"

The eyes of the barbarian officers were red with envy. For many people, being given a title was not as good as the treatment of the Duke personally pouring wine.

If they could exchange their experiences with Dagu, they would be willing to exchange their entire fortune, including their wives.

"Don't be envious. Whoever captures the Barbarian King, the Duke will definitely satisfy your wishes. Drink as much as you want." The knight officer pushed the barbarian away and came to Dagu, and looked at the barbarian with admiration: "Dagu, I didn't expect you to have such a connection with the Duke. Do a good job... Don't lose the Duke's face."

"Yes!" Dagu clenched the wine bag, and after the joy, he also felt the pressure.

He couldn't let the Duke down.

Soon, the barbarian officers who were watching were driven away. The war was about to come, and there was no time for them to gossip here.

Opposite Yanle City, the Barbarian Kingdom, which controlled the other one-third of the Yanle Mountain Corridor, still presented a chaotic situation.

Under the control of the Barbarian King, although there were no less dirty things under the control, there was a great commander who suppressed everyone.

Under the Barbarian Kingdom system, the system was still sound. Whether you recognize it or not, according to this system, it was barely a whole.

But when it comes to these clans taking power, they can hardly maintain their unity.

The nobles of the big clans will not bow to each other.

Each of them brings soldiers from vassal clans to form small groups.

It is better to say that they are armed forces of clans than to say they are armies.

The key is that they are all very confident and think they can do it.

The envoy from the Barbarian King looked at the messy army with cold eyes.

"It's a pity that the kingdom's land will be used to bury these fools."

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