At this time, in a place called the New World, the nobles from the Rock Empire were worried about the population.

The number of people who came here across the ocean was limited.

Although the nobles forced a part of the population to migrate here, it was just a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, in the era of cold weapons, the Rock people did not absolutely suppress the Booker tribe.

No matter how backward the Booker tribe was, the huge number was there, and it was still dangerous.

What the nobles needed was a variety of slave populations to get more gold coins.

But the great nobles would not come to such a wild place in person, after all, storms, diseases and even black slaves could threaten their lives.

Therefore, those who were active in the New World were also some businessmen, court nobles and downtrodden nobles.

As one of the earliest forces to discover the New World, the Southern Chamber of Commerce occupied an outlet early and established its own port town.

The person in charge, Sir Karen Kearney, was very troubled at this time.

According to the intelligence, a supply point on the route was attacked. Although the escort fleet quickly attacked the enemy, it was still not good news.

Deputy Rick was reporting to him: "Several traces of colonies have been found on the north coast. They should be private actions of various families. More and more people know this news, and our advantage is decreasing.

The most important thing is that this is a new thing we got from the natives. I suggest you report it to the superiors as soon as possible."

Rick took a long thing, which looked like a fire stick and an iron bar.

But there was a round hole in the middle, and the overall shape was very strange.

"What is this?"

Sir Karen had never seen this thing in his forty years of experience, but he was sure that it was not a fire stick.

No one's fire stick would be made so fine, and even some patterns were engraved on the surface.

"You should know that the knights were attacked in the wild two days ago. We just got some news from a captured native leader."

Rick paused and emphasized again: "Very bad news."

Rick's expression was very strange, and he didn't know how to describe it.

He poured some powdery stuff into the tube from a wine bag and took out a round bead from a small bag.

Then he made a strange pose and pointed it at the distance.


White smoke came out of the tube, blocking the view.

And there was a hole on the wall not far away.

Sir Karen was shocked. Not having seen it before did not mean that he did not realize the power of this thing.

"Can it penetrate the knight's armor?"

"It's difficult, but if there are more of them, it will also threaten the knights," Rick said another question with a constipated look: "I think... a native can also use it, which is more threatening, do you understand?"

Sir Karen understood instantly that the training time of the knight is very long and the cost is also very high, while the lives of the natives are very cheap.

He realized that this may change the current war situation.

"Where did this thing come from? The natives don't have this ability."

"South Coast, this is the natives' spoils of war. The specific situation requires your authorization. We need to investigate in depth."

Both realized that the biggest threat to this land is no longer the natives. There may be other competitors, and they are not far away from them.

"We need to find them. We need it. This is not something we can handle alone. We need local assistance."

If I make this thing myself, at most I can stay in it for a few years and then go back to take back everything I want.

Now, let's consider whether I can go back alive.

The colony adjusted its strategy, and the news and the gun were quickly sent back.


Took the last fortress of the Yanle Mountain Corridor, and looked north to a smooth road.

This is the former land of the United Kingdom. Although it is bitter and cold, it is still a place for survival.

The barbarians occupied it and could not fully explore the value of this land.

The lost pearl Piller Province is right under my feet.

Derrick stepped on this land and could feel the obsession of the northerners.

It is such an honor to take back the old land and become famous all over the world.

Thirty years have passed, and Rockman is back again.

He even wants more. He wants the province of Pile and the old land of the barbarians.

"One day, I want the barbarian grassland to graze my horses."

Derek was full of passion and pointed his whip at a distance: "Now, conquer the land I see first."

The barbarians were defeated too quickly, and the nearby clans had no time to evacuate.

These are all objects to be conquered.

Derek will not give up conquering the barbarians in front of him because of insufficient spare power.

"Tell them, there is no second choice to surrender or move away.

When I officially take back the province of Pile, they will have no power to choose."

Attack the barbarian king and win over the clans, you can do it yourself.

If there are not enough people to rule this land, you can let the surrendered clans govern themselves first.

When there is spare power, you can send troops at any time.

And the Barbarian Legion is undoubtedly the best example.

Following the order of Duke Leopold, the officers of the Barbarian Legion took the army to visit the nearby clans one by one.

Dagu is one of them. As one of only three specially promoted barbarians, he is already a centurion of the Barbarian Legion.

This position can be said to be overly rewarded, and it is difficult for ordinary people to cross this level.

However, political needs, plus a little bit of luck, allowed him to cross the class fortunately.

After getting the benefits, of course he had to play a role.

The group of models established by Derek were not left in the barracks as decorations.

Dagu also knew his mission and role. These duke's attendants had analyzed it for him, but he didn't feel disgusted.

What he did was to rescue his fellow barbarians and find a way out for the barbarians.

Under the duke's command, the barbarians could also serve freely and enjoy the same power.

He was a clear proof that the path to rise was not blocked.

In this case, why should he work hard for the barbarian king and worry about whether there would be enough food this year.

Dagu believed that everything he did was just and noble.

Of course, these were also analyzed by the attendants for him.

He felt that the other party was right and often asked for advice.

Of course, turning around and seeing that half of the soldiers under his command were Locke people.

There is also his deputy, Knight Locke, who supports Duke Leopold even more.

However, the Duke has been very good to him.

The title of knight, a set of knight armor, a warhorse, a small manor, the position of a thousand men, and the guards.

Not to mention that he is a barbarian, even if Knight Locke has this treatment, he will still die for the Duke.

You tell others, how many people are willing to exchange their lives for all this.

So, Dagu is really satisfied.

Therefore, he can't slack off by promoting more compatriots to serve the Duke and finding some farmers for his manor.

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