When the army appeared near the clan, everyone was very nervous.

The news of the arrival of the Rockman had fermented in a few days.

In theory, the clan should move, but relocation is not a simple move, it is not that easy.

And a large part of the barbarians in the Piller Province have changed their lifestyle.

The nomadic life in the past has now evolved into a semi-nomadic and semi-settled way.

It is not so easy to move to a fixed residence.

And the news of the Rockman would come from time to time. The compatriots in the Melgen Province seemed to be doing well, and even some people from these clans secretly ran over.

For various reasons, the relocation became very slow.

But when the army approached, there was still a lot of panic.

Dago knew what the army meant to a clan, so he replaced all the soldiers in the front row with barbarian soldiers.

At least at first glance, it could reduce the panic of some clan barbarians.

Holding the two-headed dragon and his own swallowtail flag, Dago signaled the army to stop advancing.

The clan in front had a simple stone wall, which was obviously an imitation of the Rockman's architecture, but it was not well built, low and narrow, and I don't know how useful it is.

"I will go and talk to them in person." Dagu said to the officers on his left and right.

His decision aroused everyone's opposition.

Especially the Knight Locke, who said bluntly: "Captain, if you go and talk in person, the effect may be very good, but once danger occurs, there will be no hope of escape.

In the current situation, there is no need to take such risks."

If necessary, take the risk.

The knight's idea is very simple, the life of a captain is still very valuable.

This is a sincere advice, otherwise he could have said nothing and watched the other party take the risk, and death would be his own opportunity.

Dagu knew it in his heart, so he first expressed his gratitude, and then said firmly: "I still stick to my idea. What the barbarian compatriots lack now is a sense of security, and doing this can make them feel at ease.

Everything... for His Excellency the Duke."

If you eat the salary of the king, you naturally have to do something.

The Knight's Lieutenant was silent. His stereotyped view of the superior officer had changed a little. Sure enough, the Duke's vision was better than his own.

"Then I wish you safety," the Knight's Lieutenant changed his address and said in a serious tone: "I am willing to believe in you and your compatriots, but... if you are unfortunately killed, I will avenge you."

Leopold's centurion is more valuable than a clan.

If an accident really happened, he would not mind leaving nothing alive.

Dago patted his shoulder, took two attendants, and walked directly to the bottom of the stone wall.

He and his attendants looked like barbarians. Although Dago himself was a mixed-blood, he was also recognized by the barbarians.

"The great Moshan clan, don't you welcome your compatriots?" Dago shouted.

"Of course we welcome all compatriots, but we don't welcome the enemy's hounds. Are you still barbarians?" Someone shouted on the wall.

"Of course it's the barbarians. You, me and all my compatriots are the same.

Otherwise, you are facing swords now.

Warriors of Moshan, are you afraid of just three of us?"

"How is that possible? I'll take you in."

The barbarian was stimulated and threw down the hanging basket directly to take Dagu and the other two up.

Afraid, of course very afraid.

But, it can't be said.

When they reached the top of the wall, it was indeed very simple, without even a tower, and the corridor was very narrow.

A large number of barbarian warriors filled the narrow passage.

A few older barbarians were surrounded by a group of barbarian warriors and looked at Dagu and the other two.

A barbarian warrior was ready to take Dagu's weapon, but he slapped it away.

It was obviously in the opponent's territory, but he acted very comfortable.

If it were a year ago, Dagu would definitely not have this demeanor.

But after rolling around on the battlefield and seeing the Duke's majesty, he unconsciously imitated it.

Of course, the army outside the city is also his confidence.

Dignity has always been on the edge of the sword.

Facing the barbarian warriors who nervously drew their weapons, he did not change his expression: "There are only three of us, what are you afraid of? You have lost all the courage of the barbarians."

The barbarians present blushed with shame, and some even couldn't help wanting to fight, but a middle-aged barbarian in the distance suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand to push away the warriors in front, and strode towards Dagu.

"That's right, where is the courage of our barbarians?

I am the head of the Moshan clan... Habit, may I ask the name of the warrior??"

"The captain, knight, barbarian... Dagu under Duke Leopold."

"Are you a noble?" Habit was very surprised. He was not surprised that the barbarians were officers or even knights in the Rock people, but the identity of a noble was really unheard of. This was not the kind of noble conferred by the barbarian king, but the noble of the orthodox kingdom of Rock Kingdom, and everyone recognized it wherever they put it.

He even confirmed again: "Are you a barbarian?"

This must be confirmed. If a mixed-blood is considered one of their own by the Rock people, it will have a different meaning from being recognized as a barbarian.

Dago held his head high, very proud and confident: "Of course, I am a barbarian, a native barbarian of Melgen Province."

Habbit's face flushed. To be honest, he himself is also a baron, named by the Barbarian King.

But he was too embarrassed to say it, otherwise the other party would mock him and he would lose face.

He felt the same way about Dagu's identity. It was inspiring that a barbarian could be recognized.

This was like a resident of a primitive tribe seeing his compatriot suddenly elected as president of a certain country. Even though you hate that country, you still feel happy and supportive.

The barbarian's thoughts were even stronger.

"Sir Dagu," Habit bent down subconsciously, and the sword had never forced him to bend down. Now his tone was just as hot and excited: "I heard that Duke Leopold treats us barbarians equally. Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. There are hundreds of thousands of barbarian compatriots who have surrendered to the Duke, and no one has been bullied." Dagu opened his mouth and said: "I used to live a hard life like you, but now you see, I am a noble knight of the kingdom, I have my own manor, and I can pass on my surname and bloodline.

Look at my armor and weapons, the soft silk clothes I wear, the Locke maids in my manor serve me, there are overseas black slaves who farm for me, I enjoy the desserts and delicacies of the nobles, and drink endless strong liquor..."

Dago opened his mouth and boasted, some of which he saw from the Duke, and some of which he heard from others.

But there is one thing he didn't lie to, life here must be better than here.

In fact, he hasn't even been to his own manor, and he was just worried about not having enough serfs.

But the barbarians don't know, Habit is envious and drooling.

A chieftain and a noble of the Rock people may have similar populations under their command, but the difference in quality of life is huge.

The barbarians have always envied the Rock nobles, and now seeing Dagu, their compatriot, they envied him even more.

Habit's attitude suddenly took a 180-degree turn.

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