Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 190 Brother, I'll tie the reins for you

Several patrolmen hid behind the rocks one after another. The worst one had a crossbow full of arrows on his back, and he was holding on with one breath.

However, there were about 14 or 15 people on both sides.

The key is that there is a barrier, so we can take a breath.

"Fellow countryman, what's going on? Who dares to attack us?"

"Megaman, that crossbow must be Megaman."

Johnny panted, his face pale.

"I may have to explain today, Megaman is coming."

After being on the front line for so long, the royal private army has also fought with Megaman.

Some local nobles and regular troops are just so-so, but they dare not go deep.

Can it be easy to run here to cause trouble?

Johnny knew that they were a group of good players as soon as he saw the other party's neat movements.

"Why did Megaman run here? Isn't it winter?"

Everyone thought Megaman was crazy and didn't follow the rules.

A group of people also began to turn pale, and even their calves were shaking a little.

"Don't think too much, you can't run away, fight them." Johnny took a breath, he patted the wine bag: "If you can still go back alive, let's have another drink."

At this time, no one was in the mood to drink.

But it's not that there is no chance to fight. The opponent's crossbows should be almost used up, and it takes time to reload arrows.

Johnny and his friends are all veterans, and they know that this is the only chance.

"Attract a wave of crossbows, and then fight."

Just as the dead companion's body was not cold yet, they threw the body out and rolled on the ground.

Sure enough, the crossbows arrived as expected, and they were fooled.

Then Johnny took the lead and rushed out, ready to fight.

If they succeeded, they could indeed escape.

But God likes to joke the most. They just took the initiative to charge, and there were no crossbows to continue shooting.

But before they could smile, they heard the sound of horse hooves.

A team of cavalry suddenly appeared.

Johnny was desperate. Can anyone survive after a wave of cavalry?

But the other side stopped.

Then the leading knight took out a small gadget.

"Bang, bang, bang!"


Simon shot down the nearest patrolman with a few shots, and just when he felt good, it got stuck.

This handmade limited edition revolver has poor stability.

He was so angry that he threw the revolver as a hidden weapon, hitting a poor guy in the face.

Without waiting for the patrol to resist, he jumped off his horse, swung his sword, and started to fight.

Johnny and others were like riding a roller coaster, up and down.

Seeing Simon coming, they secretly thought that the opportunity had come.

They thought they were veterans for many years, and several people couldn't deal with a Mega Man?

Then... Simon swung the sword and told them that they really couldn't deal with it.

What is a top knight, this is it.

He can easily deal with a few small bastards even if he gets off the horse.

When Johnny's head was stepped into the mud, his last thought was: "Mega Man is such a piece of shit."

Kill him if you want, why are you playing with me like this?

Simon was totally unaware. He felt great when he threw the revolver, but felt bad when he picked it up.

After all, it was a rare thing, and it was not easy to get one.

Seeing that the revolver had been slightly deformed, his face turned black: "It's a useless thing."

Just when he saw the wine bag on the body on the ground, he pulled it off, pulled out the cork and took a sip.

"General Simon, the Duke said that you can't drink in the barracks." The aide advised.

Simon directly poured the other party a sip and argued casually: "I'm on the battlefield, I can drink."

Playing is playing, but they have arrived at the door of the Bruno family's private army, so of course they are not here to play.

As the scouts advanced, soldiers appeared one after another behind them.

There were even war horses pulling heavy gun carriages, moving forward little by little in the mud.

Simon looked at it and felt very distressed again.

No matter how powerful the artillery is, he can't understand how it can be as powerful as war horses.

For Simon, war horses are his brothers, and it is too painful to see his brothers suffer.

But the artillery unit was directly under the Duke's control, and he didn't know any of the officers, so he had no say at all.

In the end, he could only vent his anger on the people of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross.

Simon was furious and prepared to lead the cavalry for a surprise attack.

But the private army of the Bruno family was very vigilant, and when they saw the unfamiliar cavalry, they closed the door early.

Facing the strong bows and crossbows, Simon didn't dare to charge hard.

When the infantry and artillery behind him arrived at the battlefield with a hum, Simon had already turned several circles.

As the general of the vanguard, Simon had the right to command. He was about to send the infantry to charge when he saw the artillery officer coming to him.

"General Simon, I suggest that we use artillery to bombard the wooden wall first. The outer wall of the military camp here can be easily broken, and it will be easy to charge at that time."

Of course, there can't be many permanent fortifications in the temporary garrison camp.

As for these wooden walls, the quality of the royal private army is still higher, otherwise there are several circles of fences.

Simon listened to the advice. He didn't know much about artillery, and this team was just a temporary vanguard.

He didn't even have time to see a bombardment.

Facing the artillery officer's initiative, he was a little distrustful: "Knight Rogers, how confident are you?"

Rogers was not afraid of the stage at all. As an artillery officer who was highly valued by the Duke and a new generation of knights, he had his own pride.

He was unwilling to pat his chest to make a promise.

He just looked at Simon firmly and said neither servilely nor arrogantly: "I'm not sure, but there is no loss for me to try. You can charge at any time.

Besides, His Excellency the Duke asked us to join the vanguard army just for the purpose of testing."

Yes! It's unreasonable not to give him a chance.

Simon has a lot of problems, but he is obedient.

He also admires people like Rogers who are tough.

"Then let you try. Let my brother pull things for you. I want to see how powerful the artillery is." Simon waved his hand and agreed.

"Yes, General." Rogers turned around and left.

He didn't even explain a word. Everything depends on the action.

"Get ready, build the artillery position."

All the ethics of the artillery are carried out according to the countermeasures of the other party.

Pile up the earth, level the ground, and pile up sandbags for fortifications.

It's cumbersome and very regular.

When everything is ready, the artillery officer is responsible for aiming and the loader loads the shells.

Several auxiliary personnel took their positions.

Simon watched the artillery officers busying themselves in an orderly manner, and someone else waved a small flag.

Then a cannon fired, but it missed the target, but it also blew out a big hole.

A loud bang scared Simon.

Then there was another adjustment, and the cannons did not fire in unison, but fired one after another.

After a round of firing, they connected again.

The black fog rose, and the god of the battlefield came on stage.

With the roar, the curtain of the old era was torn open.

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