Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 191 Brother, I'll tie the reins for you (2)

The first shot rang out, startling the royal private army.

Most people had never seen artillery before, and thought it was thunder.

After the first shot hit the wooden wall, the successive artillery shots were like heavy hammers, falling one after another.

Wooden city walls can play a certain defensive role most of the time.

And the structure is relatively simple and easy to maintain.

Many armies like to use wooden city walls as outer defense facilities when they set up camp.

Of course, there are more armies that can't even do this.

The royal private army is already qualified.

But when the city wall was smashed and collapsed, when the flames burned, without the protection of the city wall, the psychological defense line was under great pressure.

The war horses neighed randomly, and the voices of people were bustling.

Even Leopold's vanguard army had some commotion.

Simon's warhorse jumped up, and it was obvious that the strange roar of artillery brought it some pressure.

Fortunately, the war horses have been trained, and the general shouting and drumming will not cause a reaction.

Now they have some resistance to the roar of artillery.

Simon held the reins and stroked the mane to calm the warhorse.

But from his eyes, it was clear that his attention had rarely moved away from his companions.

In the distance, Knight Rogers was commanding the artillery to attack.

One after another, the artillery hit the chest of the Holy Cross like a thunder hammer.

The visible chaos made Simon suspect that he had seen it wrong.

"This little white face... is so powerful?"

Simon couldn't help but murmur. Rogers was exactly the type of little white face he hated the most.

But as a pragmatist, he was very realistic.

"Little white face is little white face, I will endure it." Simon was not afraid of losing face at all, and directly commanded the army: "Attack, attack, kill those stepmothers of the Holy Cross."

At this time, the basic qualities of an officer were reflected.

Simon had experienced a lot of battles, big and small, and learned everything he should learn.

Although he had emotions, he was not swayed by them.

Even if he didn't believe that the pretty boy Rogers could knock open the camp of the Holy Cross, he had prepared the army for the attack in advance.

Now it can be used immediately when needed.

Leopold's infantry was actually very scared when they saw the roar of artillery fire.

At this time, there is still a possibility of being bombarded.

However, the rigorous training makes the body obey orders, not fear.

The knight officers are the most determined group of people. They perfectly overcome fear and lead the team to start the ladder.

Rogers was commanding the artillery team and was shocked when he saw the infantry attack.

According to the plan, the artillery bombardment will stop for three rounds, just before the artillery overheats, and then Simon will attack.

It was his first time on the battlefield, and the perspective he saw was completely different from Simon, so he was more rigid.

Simon saw chaos and disorder, and it was a good time to attack, even if there was a little sacrifice.

Otherwise, when the opponent's officers reacted, the casualties caused by organized resistance would be greater.

Fortunately, Rogers reacted quickly and waved the flag: "Stop the bombardment, stop the bombardment."

The artillery made the last round of roars, and the order was passed to every artillery commander.

After being busy for a long time, they can finally take a breath.

Actual combat is completely different from training, and the pressure is enough to deform the movements.

At this time, many people are sweating a lot.

Rogers didn't care to comfort his men, and looked at the attacking army nervously.

On the one hand, he didn't want to accidentally hurt his own people on the first battlefield.

On the other hand, he also wanted to know how much help the artillery would provide to the attack.

The god of the battlefield has already blown out, and it would be bad if he was slapped in the face.

Moreover, it is also related to the future of the artillery officers.

To be honest, the tacit understanding between the infantry and the gunners was a little lacking in the first cooperation.

Fortunately, they were all elite and stopped the loss in time.

It was even very coincidental that the infantry who attacked behind the artillery just fell, and the infantry who attacked behind crossed the collapsed wooden wall, bypassed the burning area, and appeared in front of the Holy Cross.

This wave...is called infantry-artillery coordination.

Although no one present realized this, they foolishly achieved the best effect.

The infantry had already prepared for a tough battle, after all, the Holy Cross people were not made of paper.

Unexpectedly, the gunners directly opened up the situation. They directly crossed the city wall and faced the enemy like a headless fly.

Several low-level officers of the Holy Cross at the front line were killed, and the remaining ones could not restrain the fear in the hearts of the soldiers.

The defense line, which was barely maintained, collapsed the moment it saw Rockman.


As soon as they came into contact, they were defeated.

The army that had just assembled in the barracks behind was also dispersed by their comrades.

At the critical moment, although the generals of this camp did not know what happened, they knew that once it collapsed, it would be the end.

He immediately ordered his personal soldiers: "Kill, those who charge the army and those who flee, all of them.

Herald, tell Ander and the others to gather everyone and drive the enemy out immediately, otherwise you will be hanged with me."

The royal private army was well-trained, and there was no shortage of food and wages. The quality of both soldiers and officers was guaranteed.

In this chaotic situation, they just carried on.

When the fully armed guards raised their swords and hacked at their own people, the blood finally made the terrified soldiers know what military rules are.

"Go back, those who retreat will die.

The officers led the team, counterattack immediately."

Retreating means death, advancing also means death.

The soldiers at the bottom had no choice and did not know how to choose.

But the officers at the bottom knew that if they went back like this, they would not know whether they could survive, and they would definitely be unlucky.

Rather than dying under the blade of their own people, it is better to go back and fight, maybe there is still a chance.

A sergeant pulled two of his men, and the other people who ran away could not be found. He pointed directly at the soldiers next to him and shouted: "Follow me, you guys are temporarily under my command, and kill Rockman with me."

The guards looked at the soldiers coldly, stopped the rout, and went upstream.

As for sympathy?

The guards and ordinary soldiers were not the same kind of people, and there was no comradeship.

No one cared about the sergeant who led the team, whether he lived or died.

Atonement or something like that was not a problem they considered.

When the generals guarding the camp pulled the temporary army to attack, they finally managed to stabilize their position and were not crushed by a wave of attacks.

But it is understandable, after all, they are the royal private army, even if they are not the most elite, the lower limit is higher.

Under the feudal system, if the royal private army is not strong, the throne will not be stable.

King Bruno must have a reason for letting them sit on the front line.

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