Baron Shane thought his mission was to stop his father from sending out troops.

But Derek never thought he could do it.

Count Connor is different from others. He is a legendary figure who rose from a knight and has experienced countless storms in his life.

Such a person's personality will never be a single template.

Even if he cooperates with himself, Derek dare not really trust him.

If you unite for the benefit, you can naturally divide for the benefit.

On the other hand, if the Holy Cross Kingdom is defeated again, will it be more beneficial or harmful to Count Connor?

The answer is naturally clear.

The seemingly complex human nature choice is actually very easy after a thorough analysis.

Moreover, why can Baron Shane get Derek's absolute trust?

All they know is that Derek needs them to know, and the real purpose will never be told to them.

"Earl Connor is cunning and treacherous. He may find problems with our plan. So, asking Baron Shane to stop him will paralyze him.

A qualified general only needs to know how to deploy troops.

An excellent general also needs to be proficient in astronomy, geography, and changes in people's hearts."

Derrick was giving a lecture to the officers, and also summarizing.

Being in a high position, what you see and think is completely different from before.

Only by being good at summarizing and learning can you really sit firmly in the position under your buttocks.

Fortunately, there were too many channels for receiving information in the previous life, and all kinds of useful and useless information were exposed. I didn't use it in the previous life, but I can verify it in this life.

Maybe the world is different, but people's hearts are the same.

This time, the tactical design did not make much use of external objects, but only considered people's hearts.

How effective it is, let's see.


Earl Connor was very cautious. Half a day later, the army set out and sent a large number of scouts to open the way.

Even though the call for help from the front line became more and more urgent, he remained unmoved and walked steadily step by step.

Although there was no abnormality at present, everything showed that this was just another raid by Rockman.

It was just that the scale was too large this time, which made Rockman full.

But he did not believe in accidents and would rather look up to Rockman.

At the same time, Derek also led his troops forward and waited in advance on the road that must be passed.

This time must be grasped well. If it is too early, it will not only be discovered, but also cut off the call for help.

Once the information is cut off, Earl Connor will never be fooled.

It cannot be too late. If it is too late, there will be no time to arrange, and the loss may be great, and even the opponent will seize the opportunity and disperse in turn.

As for the Holy Cross reinforcements from all directions, some were surrounded and some were dragged. It looks very powerful, but in fact, no one has appeared in front of the royal private army until now.

Derek went to the battlefield again, and the familiar atmosphere made him a little restless.

The infantry phalanxes began to assemble one by one, and then rested in place.

The knights sorted out their armor and fed the horses for the last time.

Because of advance preparation, all aspects can be considered.

The scouts began to intercept the messengers of the Holy Cross asking for help, otherwise they would be exposed faster.

It was approaching dusk and the sky was gradually dimming.

The sun finally struggled and sank a little bit.

Count Connor rode his horse with a frown.

He was thinking, what exactly did Rockman want to do?

Suddenly, he saw that the team had slowed down a little and some soldiers were breathing slightly.

He woke up, looked up at the sky, and realized that something was wrong.

"How long has it been since the messenger came?"

The attendant quickly replied: "At least an hour."

"Is there any news from the nobles around? I always feel something is wrong."

"There is no accurate news." The attendant has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Count Connor finally knew where his uneasiness came from.

"It's troublesome. The messenger should have returned by now.

There is no news from the nobles around, and the royal private army hasn't sent a messenger for a long time. This is not normal.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the royal private army is all finished, and the other is that we are facing a trap."

The officers around him didn't understand, but they believed in Earl Connor's judgment.

"Do you want to stop?"

"It's too late. If it were me, I would choose to attack when the enemy is most tired."


"Get ready. I hope I'm just overthinking."

As soon as Earl Connor finished speaking, he saw a horse galloping over.

Several cavalrymen went out to intercept him. When they saw the other party's appearance, they all got stuck in their throats.

The messenger ran all the way, and was even shot with several arrows in the back. He was holding on with one breath.

All the way to Earl Connor, he sat upright on the horse and said hoarsely: "Earl, Locke ambushed us halfway, stop marching quickly."

The worst situation happened, and a knight couldn't help but ask: "What's the situation, where is Locke?"

The messenger didn't answer, sitting upright on the horse.

The warhorse was very obedient and didn't move.

The crowd finally found something wrong, and someone stepped forward, but frightened the warhorse.

Amid the crowd's exclamations, the messenger fell down.


The messenger was turned over in a hurry, and his eyes were still wide open.

Someone sniffed his breath, looked back and shook his head: "He's dead."

It's a pity that a warrior didn't hold on.

Count Connor's face remained unchanged, he was mentally prepared.

"How long has our scout not returned?"

"At least half an hour." The officer in charge of the scout looked grim.

Scouts have a certain degree of freedom and it is impossible to give real-time feedback.

The officer only needs to remember the time. Once no one comes back on time, he can judge that there is a problem.

Some nearby scouts have returned long ago, and the one running in the front has not yet reached the time.

Half an hour is very short, not enough for the scout to run back and forth.

Half an hour is very long, enough for the army to dawdle for half a day.

After listening, Count Connor knew that he could not blame the scout.

Battlefield intelligence has a certain delay, which is normal.

"Half an hour, not far away."

Indeed, it is too late to leave at this time.

Fortunately, there is still a little time.

If you wait until you are under the enemy's nose to find out, it will be miserable.

"Count, do you want to retreat?" Someone asked in a low voice.

There is a deliberate plan, and the opponent is still Rockman, which really makes them feel unsure.

Count Connor smiled bitterly. Go? It's too late.

If the enemy pursues us during the retreat, it might be a great defeat.

He forced himself to cheer up and ordered in a steady voice: "Arrange the army and prepare for battle.

Also send messengers to contact the nobles around. If you don't want to be a dog for Rockman, gather with me and don't worry about the king's private army."

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