Earl Connor has some confidence. He has been preparing for this day for a long time.

He knows that he will have to fight with Mega Man sooner or later, so he will not relax.

Mega Man is brave and the Northern Knights are fierce.

But he is confident that his soldiers are not bad either. They are well-trained and well-fed, and they can train a strong army.

And he knows his biggest advantage. This is the territory of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

Mega Man can gain the upper hand for a while, but he is surrounded by his own people.

A steady stream of support will come one after another, and Mega Man cannot stop it.

The longer it takes, the more the balance of victory will tilt towards him.

So he kept his army stationed, stationed in place, and actively built defenses.

Doesn't Mega Man want to fight? Then come on.

Derek soon learned of Earl Connor's reaction.

This is an old rival, and he knows what he thinks.

"Order Simon to attack aggressively and put some pressure on the other side.

Also, the sniper army should hold out for two more days.

Now, it's our turn to meet our old friend."


It was already dark when Simon received the Duke's order.

He was very excited and fired a few more shots regardless of the darkness.

There was a commotion on the other side. This passive feeling of being beaten was very bad.

And it was a big blow to morale.

The officers could only try their best to appease them, and the law enforcement team patrolled back and forth with big swords.

Derrick looked even more anxious. The infantry rushed several times in a row, and the circle of obstacles that had just been erected was all broken.

Both sides lit torches and fought all night.

Count Connor finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his soldiers finally held on.

Ironically, many of the armor of the Holy Cross soldiers came from Duke Leopold.

Derrick could accept this result.

The panel can train a group of elites, but the other side can also train close soldiers with more time.

Relying on the power of the group, we can make up for some of the individual gaps, and it is not impossible to hold on.

Elite knights cannot defeat the enemy in seconds. People will die and bleed if they are cut.

However, Derek's expression was not very anxious. The attacking infantry performed well, but they were not the most elite army.

The real officer corps has not yet gone into battle.

And in the middle of the temporary camp, a group of engineers and artillerymen are sweating profusely to build a semi-permanent position.

A large number of artillery were pushed into the gun positions, and the ammunition was stored separately and covered with rain cloth.

"If the previous bait was the royal private army, the current bait is Earl Connor."

Derek opened the battlefield classroom again and talked about his ideas.

"Earl Connor overestimates himself. I can confidently tell you, what is he?

It is true that my old friend is a bit better than other opponents, but he is still far behind me.

Two and a half years ago, I would have taken such an army seriously.

Now, any one of you can rely on hard power to push it over.

What I want is never to defeat him. What I want is the land of St. Peter Province and the land of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross."

Derrick exposed his ambition, and this time he wanted more.

The civil strife in the Kingdom of Locke was incapable of interfering with himself.

For the new king, the little prince Radek was far more hateful than Derek.

He would rather give the land to Derek than to his brother.

What's more, this land belongs to the Kingdom of the Holy Cross.

The Kingdom of the Holy Cross is Derek's only enemy.

Pay attention, it is the Kingdom of the Holy Cross, not Earl Connor.

A large number of troops are piled up on the front line, and Earl Connor only has a part of it.

A large number of regular troops and noble private armies of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross are the majority of the forces.

The real purpose is to surround the enemy and destroy the Holy Cross Kingdom's manpower.

Through this opportunity, the front-line troops will be actively attracted and eliminated at one time, and there will be no more threats in a short time.

Soldiers are fighting, and casualties are accumulating.

But for both sides, it is just a number accumulation.

Kindness does not command the army.

In order to make the bait attractive enough, Derek held back.

"Hold my flag, advance forward, and give the other side a little surprise."

Derek has been hiding his identity, so Earl Connor didn't know that his old friend was just opposite.

When the two-headed dragon flag and the special flag representing the presence of Duke Leopold appeared, the soldiers suddenly burst into strong cheers.

Earl Connor, who had been watching the battlefield, also found out that he really didn't expect the other party to dare to appear in such a dangerous place in person.

What followed was a surprise.

"If Duke Leopold can be captured..."

Derek is no longer the little character he was before. He is Duke Leopold, who controls the land of a province and affects a large area of ​​​​the two countries.

Once such a big shot is captured, the ransom will definitely be an astronomical figure, and even ceding an earldom is common.

Even though Earl Connor thought he was calm, his heart was beating fast and his mouth was dry.

However, the front line that was pushed forward made him sober up quickly. He had to hold on first. If he was captured by the other side, it would be a joke.

After filling the gap in time, Earl Connor's eyes still flickered.

"There is still a chance, there is still a chance." He kept muttering that as long as he could hold the other side and wait for the reinforcements to arrive, capturing the other side would not be an unrealistic dream.

At least we can survive tonight. Night battles cannot last long. This is the first advantage.

Sure enough, as the night deepened, both sides finally called off the battle.

Count Connor began to receive feedback from all over.

The royal private army encountered more fierce attacks, and the Rockman used some weapons made of gunpowder.

The armies in various places were sniped and suffered heavy losses.

There were too many bad news, but Count Connor was in a good mood.

He began to reply.

"General Michel, for the honor of the king and the glory of God, you must persist. I will come as soon as possible..."

"Viscount Barak, the Rockman is sniping us, please be sure to gather the surrounding troops to support me together..."

"...Duke Leopold appeared on the battlefield..."

Letters were quickly spread to all places.

He believed that with his breakthrough, the situation would get better and better.

The Rockman's sniping could only hold off for a while, at most three days.

When the reinforcements gathered consciously, it would not be something that a small group of sniper troops could deal with.

And he only needed to hold on for a few days, which was not a problem.

Of course, he also kept encouraging General Michel, even threatening him.

If this guy couldn't hold on and released a bunch of Megaman's military forces, he might lose all his efforts.

As for weapons made of gunpowder, it's hard to take them seriously without seeing them with your own eyes.

Since Megaman used it against the barbarians once, everyone has actually tried it, and the result is that it is only useful in specific situations.

As for artillery, they didn't realize the threat.

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